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BPO Growl & Howl Forum => Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts => : EllieAndBlu December 13, 2007, 12:01:45 AM

: Vick's Letter To The Judge
: EllieAndBlu December 13, 2007, 12:01:45 AM
Seriously, I couldn't beieve my eyes when I saw this on the Atlanta newspaper website....  hers is Vick's letter to the judge and a few letters of support... including one from Hank Aaron and George Foreman.

It is appauling to say the least. (
: Re: Vick's Letter To The Judge
: London_Pyr_Lover December 13, 2007, 02:52:36 AM
I have a hard time believing this is real.  If it is, which I hope it is not, it is a flagrent and pathetic grasp for forgiveness and makes it all the more obvious that he is a truly evil man, and also very stupid if he thinks a stunt like this will win people over.  I hope he rots in prison, becomes Bubba's girlfriend, and then gets attacked by a Poodle as soon as he steps out of the doors.
: Re: Vick's Letter To The Judge
: Scootergirl December 13, 2007, 08:22:05 PM
I honestly have mixed feelings about this letter. On one hand, I have to appreciate the fact that he truly SEEMS to feel remorse for his actions. On the other hand, I find it hard to believe anyone who "loves" animals and "has always taken care of his animals" didn't realize dog fighting was wrong, immoral or hurtful to the dogs involved.

I do have to applaud the fact that he accepts his punsishment and is not trying to push the fault of his actions off onto circumstances or other people or being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But on the other hand (or I guess I'm up to one foot now) he seems to waffle back and forth between remorse and self-pity. On the other foot, I do agree with his final statement, "I will be judged on what I do and how I live not on what I say."

I guess in the end, I'm 1) overjoyed that he actually got a just punsihment for this horrific crime and 2)I believe everyone deserves a 2nd chance. I guess we'll see when he gets out of jail how he decides to use that 2nd chance. If he's smart and truly sorry he will start making amends while he is still in prison.

Only time will tell...