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BPO Training Forum => Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience => : IZ December 07, 2005, 08:13:56 AM

: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: IZ December 07, 2005, 08:13:56 AM
I have a new newf, named IZ - 10 weeks old. He will walk on the leash - but he started putting the leash in his mouth and appears to "take himself for a walk". Yes, very cute the first few times. Now I have a problem - we can't get him to stop!!! This will eventually be a problem. Our trainer told us to grap his snout and sternly say "NO" ... but that has NO AFFECT. Any Big Paw suggestions????
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: Fumble December 07, 2005, 08:43:13 AM
pinch collar???  our trainer swears by them!  fumble still likes to take himself for walks, but we only let him do that on the beach, because that's a "fun walk".  but when we take him to the park and stuff, we use the pinch collar.  we found out that male newfs are definately babies for the first time!  but after that, it worked out greaT!  we just let him "think" he still takes us for walks, but we're really in control!  ;)
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: Winslow 151 December 07, 2005, 10:28:53 AM
Hi IZ,

Wow this is funny for me. Winslow will turn 6 months on 12/28 and you seem to be going through everything he has. We still have the leash in mouth issue. Not as bad as before.

We go to Puppy class, and they had us just snap the leash from his mouth with a correction. I hated doing that, and a few baby teeth did and will chip,  :o (Winslow didn't even notice the chipping)  Now we didn't tug and yank the leash but a consistent snap (like shaking water from a wet paint brush) with a "no" each time until he lets go of the leash, then PRAISE LIKE CRAZY  ;D and eventually he caught on.

Wait till the nipping the wrists starts. I bet that is one of your next posts  ;)

: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: The Brindle Pack December 07, 2005, 10:35:53 AM
I would not suggest using a pinch at such a young age.

Here is what I would do; make sure his collar is snug and high on the neck (two fingers between him and the collar).  I would tighten any leash slack and insure the clasp is at the back of the neck so that he cannot put the leash in his mouth.

: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: AC December 07, 2005, 10:40:12 AM
Hi IZ, happy to see another new Newf owner here on BPO. I'm owned by a 7 month old Newfie named Angus and he is the ultimate goon!!! He used to grab the leash in his mouth as well, he thought walk time was play time and even used to bark at me when we started our walks to get me to play. I use positive reinforcement so leash corrections only happen if they can't be helped, like if he goes to jump up on someone all of the sudden I have to stop him. So what I did is completely ingnore him when he grabbed the leash, even turned my back to him and folded my arms. I would not move an inch and he has since figured it out that if he stops and sits then he gets my attention again (I ignored him for however long it took). I find that method very effective and it has worked for me for a few different behaviours as well.
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: newflvr December 07, 2005, 10:49:49 AM
We tried that with Chester (9 months) and it worked when it's just one on one.  But now he likes to take Cowboy on a walk....holds his lead in his mouth and pulls.  Acutally it helps.  Cowboy is such a slow poke and has to smell everything.  Chester will run back grab the lead at almost collar level and give a big "COME ON!"  I can't help but laugh!
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: jabear December 07, 2005, 11:26:25 AM
What a cute name Iz is! It's nice to have a new Newfie person here too.

My 3 year old, Bear, loves to walk with his leash in his mouth when he can. I don't find it to be a problem because he is so proud of it and it is adorable. ;D He doesn't take off or go far in front of me and has no problem when need to hold it to walk him. He holds it for a few feet when we leave the house, sometimes when we play and always when we get close to the house after a walk. He'll hold it until we get through the door.

Here is a suggestion: Since he likes to hold his leash, teach him that he can't have it when you walk out of the house but reward him with it when he gets close to his home. Let him "walk" himself into his home. This might give him the satisfaction he needs to walk himself but let you remain in control for the remainder of the walk. Just a thought...
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: jules December 07, 2005, 11:48:27 AM
Spotakiss does the same thing.Ive even seen a saint do it on the Eukanuba Dog Show,which goes to show ya even the best trained saints cant resist.Good luck.At least our saints have a sense of humor.
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: brandon December 07, 2005, 11:55:25 AM
I think it's funny myself.  I'll actually wad up the leash and give it to bava to tote back home.  He is so proud of himself, he holds his head way up and prances back (well as much as a newf can prance).
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: Binky December 07, 2005, 12:23:20 PM
Binky did the same thing when we first got her.  I soaked her leash in Bitter Apple overnight and that really helped.  Also, holding the leash high and to the back works pretty well.  I did not soak her new leash but she seems to have lost interest in walking herself- she hates bitter apple and the memory must be enough for her!
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: IZ December 12, 2005, 03:39:46 PM
The wrist bitting has started! :D :'(
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: newflvr December 12, 2005, 03:44:55 PM
Chuckles here.  Newf pups are mouthy!!   ;D  Chester just likes to hold on to my wrist sometimes like it is a security blanket.  Not hard, but also he doesn't want to let go! ;D ;D
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: Jessdryden December 12, 2005, 03:47:06 PM
Your pup is so cute!  :) Sasha likes to hold on to our hands too.  She was pretty mouthy when she was little too.
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: IZ December 12, 2005, 03:52:15 PM
 ;D Well it is like someone said, "that's what they are bred for". Carrying lines in to shore in their mouths and rescuing people from drowning by grabbing a hold of their arm. It is very cute...and I don't want to break him of this just control it more. I think the insstinct will work to my advantage when I start training him for Water Work competition.
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: Winslow 151 December 12, 2005, 03:53:06 PM

Told you that would be next  :P.

A little tougher for us anyway. Winslow still nips and grabs. Grabs is better he doesn't bite to hurt more  just to hold on. Some say it is the water instinct,  :-\ you know someone in trouble and the newf will grab an arm or wrist to pull you to shore.

We want to water train so this is a tougher training choice. He will need to learn the controlled bite. So for now we are working that one.

: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: Fumble December 12, 2005, 08:34:51 PM
i swear, if i didn't know any better, fumble and winslow were twins lost a birth or something??  fumble is almost 5 months old and still kinda nips at the hands..  there really the only things that he goes for.. loves hands.  when he has to go out, he grabs onto my shirt or sweatshirt on the side and pulls, as if he's dragging me to to the door.. although sometimes he grabs onto my skin on the side of my ribs or my lovehandles! ouch! lol!!  he's also been doing a lot of nudging and bumping with his nose!  don't know if that's a newfie trait, but he's definately gotten it from somewhere and is a pro! hehe!
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: AC December 12, 2005, 09:01:01 PM
Angus has the nudging and bumping with his nose down to a science! :D He has gotten over the mouthing part and grabbing clothes and now when he takes your hand he doesn't close his mouth, just kind of rubs your hand with his teeth. I guess he has no time to grab because he is to busy licking everyone all the time. Also with the leash in the mouth thing here is a pic of him with his first leash before he completely destroyed it (I'm not sure if you'll see how beat up it is in this picture).
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: Fumble December 12, 2005, 09:37:54 PM
haha.. the leash looks great!!  i would have kept it for the scrapbooK! i can't wait till the nipping ends!! i'd happily trade them for the kisses! hehe!
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: AC December 12, 2005, 09:42:37 PM
I still have the leash! It is unusable but a keeper! :D
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: Winslow 151 December 12, 2005, 11:17:14 PM

Yup I agree on the lost at birth twins, Fumble. We are also not to far away. Your the cape and I'm in Lowell so hopefully we'll get a chance to introduce the boys one day.

AC, I see you are from Newfoundland, do you see many of the breed at home.  I was surprised when looking for a pup I couldn't find a breeder of Newfs in Newfoundland, just struck me as interesting, and I wonder if the breed is very common in your home land.

: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: nostaw December 13, 2005, 12:29:08 AM
It always seems to be the same, it starts with the mouthing, then the nudging with the nose and finally the I want attention paw.

A good thing about newfs is they understand and learn so easily. My wife has a disability and uses crutches, both our girls respect her. They wait for her to sit down then sit in front of her for attention, no paws, no noses, just patience. I on the other hand get the works.

We havn't gone out of our way to train them but Liz has always said No and ignored them until she is ready to give them attention, whilst they always get a cuddle from me for the asking. the result is different behaviour tailored to the individual. Its fun watching them with guests, you can see them thinking, is he/she a paw person or a sit person, if people make a fuss immeadiately, they get the works, if they ignore them, they will sit in front of them as proud as punch so that the person cant go anywhere till they've acknowledged them.

God help anyone who comes to our house, gets down on their knees and cries, "what beautiful dogs." arms outstretched. They disappear for about five minutes under a mountain of black fur and return to this world suitably slimed, but then they asked for it! ;D

Oh I do love Newfies.

: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: AC December 13, 2005, 07:54:55 AM

AC, I see you are from Newfoundland, do you see many of the breed at home.  I was surprised when looking for a pup I couldn't find a breeder of Newfs in Newfoundland, just struck me as interesting, and I wonder if the breed is very common in your home land.


Before Angus I would only see about 3 or 4 (maybe less) Newfs a year and they were usually on tour boats and that sort of thing. Since Angus I must say I have seen a lot more. There are 3 other Newfs same age as Angus in his obedience class, 2 adult Newfs walk past my house at least once a week and the breederes here are making a comeback! It looks like they are starting to make a comeback as pets here on the Island as well (most pups from here were sold on the mainland). There are 3 breeders within a 1/2 hour drive of my house and 2 more breeders within 3 hours drive. One of the breeders just relocated here from Germany. I think there are more breeders on the Island but they will never be found on the net or through CKC. Those Newfs would be breed in the small outports and fishing villages and used for thier working abilities.

: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: Fumble December 13, 2005, 08:12:17 AM

Yup I agree on the lost at birth twins, Fumble. We are also not to far away. Your the cape and I'm in Lowell so hopefully we'll get a chance to introduce the boys one day.

Winslow, Did you go to the Newfie fun day in the fall??? 
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: Winslow 151 December 19, 2005, 10:19:48 AM

For some reason I didn't get a post update e-mail on the last 2 replies, so that is why I'm late replying back. Fumble, do you mean the Newfie fun day in Elliot Maine if so, yes we were there.

AC thanks for the Newfoundland "Newfie" update it is good to hear they are returning to their native soil for some future generations of the breed.

: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: macaco67 December 19, 2005, 12:38:19 PM
My pup used to do that as well, but also just pull in general.
The best thing to do is EVERYTIME he pulls or tries to grab his leash stop, say your 'bad' word... mine is UH, UH and as soon as he is doing what you want say "good boy" and off you go.  Repeat this as many times as it takes, and trust me... it will take patience.
I am also a HUGE fan of the Gentle Leader... it's so much better then the pinch collar.
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: Newf Lover December 19, 2005, 07:46:47 PM
Drake usually does that too at the begginning of the walk, but he soon gets distracted by something else or begins his peeing and pooing and he can't do any of that while holding the leash.   Maybe you can try giving Iz a toy or a ball to hold in his mouth instead of the leash?  Does he pull on the leash or does he just hold it?

By the way, your Avatar is cute!  Iz looks like a big, fluffy ball of Newfie love.
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: brett_and_krystal December 20, 2005, 03:04:31 AM
Magoo does the same. When we start out on a walk he has to have the leash in his mouth for the first little while and then again when we are almost home. He is getting better at keeping it out of his mouth with age. We are on our 3rd leash and he isn't 7 months old yet. Good luck.
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: jabear December 20, 2005, 11:29:25 AM
It always seems to be the same, it starts with the mouthing, then the nudging with the nose and finally the I want attention paw.

You hit it right on the head! I think Newfs have to be the most spoiled dogs who have no shame in letting you know what they want when they want it.  ;D How much more perfect of a dog can you find?
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: Fumble December 20, 2005, 08:33:33 PM

For some reason I didn't get a post update e-mail on the last 2 replies, so that is why I'm late replying back. Fumble, do you mean the Newfie fun day in Elliot Maine if so, yes we were there.


actually, there was one right in Lowell in october, i think it was... or right around there..
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: Fumble December 20, 2005, 08:35:42 PM
Bava has no shame in letting you know he wants something - he runs up to you and JUMPS! BOING! Course I get knocked backwards cause he's turned into a big boy (still under 100 lbs!). or he takes a foot and bops you with it or sticks his nose on you and nudges you.

hahaha.. i have to say, I LOVE THE NUDGING! hehe!  i think fumble lives for it! he's just getting the hang of the paw! and he's even decided that i make a great chair, even when i'm not sitting! lol!
: Re: STOP - my Newf takes me for a walk!!!
: Winslow 151 December 21, 2005, 04:35:29 PM

I think you are talking about the NCNE They had something in Westford MA back in October, We were going to go But I had an unexpected business trip come up. Had to go to London so no way I'd miss that chance, and the MRS didn't feel like going alone with the new pup.