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Messages - plepkowski

Pages: [1]
Greyhound Discussions & Pictures / Re: Greyhound Rescues
« on: March 13, 2005, 05:36:56 pm »
Thanks for the plug for the Greyhound Rescue List. I co-own this mail list. To subscribe, send E-Mail to LISTSERV@APPLE.EASE.LSOFT.COM. Leave the subject line blank (if your internet service doesn't allow blank subject lines, just type a few letters). Type the following command in the body of the message:

   subscribe GHRESCUE-L firstname lastname

You will recieve a confirmation message which you must return to complete your subscription.

You can also find, on the same apple server, the much larger Greyhound List. It is very active. To subscribe, send E-Mail to LISTSERV@APPLE.EASE.LSOFT.COM. Leave the subject line blank (if your internet service doesn't allow blank subject lines, just type a few letters). Type the following command in the body of the message:

   subscribe GREYHOUND-L firstname lastname

You will recieve a confirmation message which you must return to complete your subscription.
A fairly complete list of all north american adoption groups can be found on the Greyhound Project website at   This is the organisation that sponsors the spectacular Greyhounds Reach the Beach gathering in Dewey, DE, every Columbus Day weekend. They also publish the award winning magazine, "Celebrating Greyhounds".

The Greytalk website, is the most active greyhound adoption phenomenom on the web. It has about 3,000 members and sees about 1,000 posts a day. You can't possibly keep up with it all. There are usually over 100 members viewing it at any given time.

Greyhounds are indeed fortunate that there are so many very active people involved in their adoption. The tracks are retiring about 25,000 dogs a year and about 20,000 are finding homes. Every year a few more find homes and a few fewer are retired. If the adoption figures keep growing as they have been we should be able to place all of the retiring dogs into good homes by 2007.

Let's hope that we keep finding more good homes for these wonderful dogs!!!

Paul Lepkowski
Make Peace With Animals
Pups Without Partners, Bridgeport
Greyhound Rescue List

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