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Messages - kokomo rotts

Pages: [1]
Rottweiler Discussions / Re: What is your rottie's temperment?
« on: May 24, 2005, 10:03:47 am »
I can remember having only one, and believe me, 6 is much more fun. Have had as many as 11 at once, with 7 permanent and 4 fosters. You just have to get into a routine. We have doggie maintenance day every Thursday. Everyone gets a good brushing, checked for lumps, etc, ears and teeth cleaned, toenails done, then a good vacuuming (actually the vacuuming happens daily when they're blowing coats). Lots of outdoor playtime so they won't feel the urge to go romping through the house as often. lol
I love them all. They're my family.
kokomo rotts

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: What is your rottie's temperment?
« on: May 24, 2005, 06:00:11 am »
Hi....I'm new what I've seen so far! I'm skinmom to six Rotties...all rescues but one. Absolutely love the breed! All of mine are clowns. Very friendly and outgoing. Didn't all start out that way coming out of shelters, but they're easy to work with.
It will be nice getting to know others with Rotties here!
kokomo rotts

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