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Messages - SirBronson

Pages: [1]
Great Dane Discussions / Re: Someone explain this to me
« on: May 25, 2005, 09:28:55 pm »
Oh I know all about this!!! Every time I go to the pet store with my 3 kids and my Dane people always ask me "is he vicious"  I just look at them and laugh and say "oh yes very and attacks my 5,2 and one year old baby all the time" now come on people!!! Give me a break! Like I would have this nut-so dog with lil children.  Every time we are out for walks people snatch up their small dogs and children when they see Sir Bronson coming...Frank ly it's getting old! {hahahaha} I am so sick of responding to the same lame comments like "no we do not ride him,no we do not own stock in the dog food company"  I quess people are just ignorant!  But hey let them be ..We have awesome dogs and they don't! hahahaha

Great Dane Discussions / Shedding Like Crazy!!!!!
« on: May 25, 2005, 09:21:09 pm »
Hello Everyone!!! I'm new!  I have a 11 month old fawn, Sir Bronson.  He is awesome! We love him so much but,not his fur all over everything!!!!  He had this amazingly shiney coat then all the sudden he was shedding like a mad man and his coat looks all pitted and gross. Any ideas?Is there any thing I can do? HELP!!!

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