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Messages - jewels

Pages: [1]
Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: golden retriever rotti cross
« on: August 02, 2005, 12:18:39 am »
hi there..
well she only chews when we are out..
it could be for 5 min and or 2 hours....she does not chew the furniture ..but everything paper plants books
i was just wondering if this will stop with age or if there is something that i can do to help stop her from doing that...
i will post one of her in the next couple of days...and she is a cutie...i did not relize everything that i was missing with a larger dog..the dog we had befor was a bichon cross....but sadly we had to put him to sleep and now we have mandi her and my son are like the best of buddies...

Mixed Breed Discussion / golden retriever rotti cross
« on: August 01, 2005, 10:52:55 pm »
hi there i think that this board is very good and offers alot of support to people in need of some help..
i am a newbie to this .
i have always had  smaller dogs and about 4 months ago i got a bigger dog and i just love her to death...her name is mandi and she is just wonderful..i have a 7 year old boy who uses her as a pillow and lays all over her...
but i am in need of some help in finding away to get her to stop chewing..if you have any ideas could you please share it...

thank you very much jewels

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Dog Park Blues
« on: August 01, 2005, 10:34:36 pm »
hi there i just wanted to say that i agree with you about the dog parks as i have a 10 moth old golgen retriever  rotti cross and she is a big dog ..who  loves other dogs but i find that most of the little ones are the worst as they bit at her legs and if she desides to lay down they will nip at her ears and the owners do nothing and when you try and get they away they say oh he just playing...they really are not hurting her and that is really not the point..if your dog acts like that keep them on the leash

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