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Messages - JimB

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I have to agree with you about Akitas, mine (Randy) is going to be 7 in April and is my 2nd one.  Our first, Mitch lived 14 years and was the best dog I've ever had.  He was great with our 2 children and raised them well.  He also raised the meanest cat you have ever seen, and was a great buddy our lab / golden receiver mix. They would take off to get into trouble occasionally, but usually would stay on our property (2.5 Acres) in the high sierra.

They often went down to State Route 168 in order to stop traffic with intimidation tactics.  I do not understand to this day why they were never hit, they were known to have stopped log trucks, and the local highway patrol and sheriffs brought them home more than once.  I somtimes felt like they were teens out to see how far they could push their parents.

Randy our current dog loves to get out, but somehow he has got the idea he has to be in our backyard to go to the bathroom.  This very strange concept has two benefits, he's quite welcome at our neighbors, and he comes home soon to get a little relief.  Dogs are neat, I don't think I'll ever completely understand the way they think, but they do think, they do have a sense of humor, they do like to tease and be teased, and they do have strong emotions.

Both of my Akitas have loved people, except Randy has taken a strong exception to Terminex people.  I think one sprayed him with their pesticide once and he has never forgotten (OR forgiven) that smell.  We have had several large gatherings in 'his' backyard with as many as 50 people and food without any problems at all.  He will not eat any food, unless you put it on the ground and step away.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: New malamute puppy
« on: February 11, 2006, 01:51:26 am »
If you think a Malmute has a lot of fur you should have an Akita,  twice the size, mine is 122 lbs and 30" at his shoulder.  They have 3 layers of fur, and it comes out in clumps twice a year.

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