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Messages - danelady1

Pages: [1]
Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: Two Champion Dane boys need a home!
« on: September 25, 2005, 12:32:11 am »
Excuse me!!!!!!! What is wrong with a dane going to a "reputable" dane rescue?

I will assume from you negative comment that don't you know about dane rescue!!! Rescuers work very hard to place a dane in the right home with the right family, depending on the needs of both parties. All dogs are altered so there is no back yard breeding, they are temperment tested and a good rescue will do a home check to be assured that the family truly does have a fenced in yard and no KuJo type pets in their home... Some rescuers insist that all pets in the home be altered as to not put the new dog at a disadvantage dealing with hormones or testosterone.. . and a "meet & greet" off the property to be sure the families pets will get along with the new family member!

RUN if these things are not done by a rescue you go to...  someone who has dogs to place and just takes your money & runs is a broker not a rescue....

Yes, unfortunately there are some "not so great" dane rescuers out there... But we also have "some" BAD AKC breeders out there as well... Breeding bad temperments and unhealthy danes... If is very sad...

The bottom line is... you have to do your homework b4 going to a breeder or a rescue... if you go to a breeder make sure that the sire & dam have been tested and certified b4 they were bred...Pay attention to the property these dogs are on and pay attention to how the dogs are treated by the owners... Watch the body language of the dogs, if they coware when the owners approach or when kids come near them... Have the puppies been socialized? Are they feeding them properly, have they been vetted????? The list goes on!!!!!!!! Is this a BYB (back yard breeder) or a reputable AKC breeder...  Talk with your local breed club, go to shows and talk to folks... Please...don't just see an ad in the paper or on line and send a check!

Just my 2 cents!!!!! Well, maybe 10 cents!!!!!!!!


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