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Messages - Pookie

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Hello All:

Someone asked how many have actually stepped foot on GGR property. This is important I agree. It is possible that some people might just make up the stories.
I can only speak for myself.

I have been to GGR personally.   
They do handle it all themselves. Burt & Tracy personally told me so.
They do seem to free feed as the food is there all the time. The dogs aren't but the food is in these huge bins.
I did not see anyone cleaning anything up ever in the 9 hours I was there.
Many of the dogs were dirty. OK I understood that. The grounds were not that clean. I was OK with that too. After all..what a great service they provided to dogs everywhere. ... 
Regardless of the red flags I still had rose colored glasses on at the time.

I got two dogs that day. I loved them then and I totally love them now.
They were however very sick.
They were also ALOT  older then TRacy said according to my VET.

Do I still love them? YES!
Do I feel I was swindeled and misled? YES!

I would never ever adopt an animal from them again. It is just a crap shoot as to the health and temprament of the dog.
I was told the Vet records were somehow misplaced that particular day. I believed them. When I e mailed several times to follow up tp get them for my vet, my e mails went unanswered. Never got them.

Our dogs were sick, underweight and one was on her way downhill fast from chronic diahrreah, giardella as well as other infections.

You ask if we been there to see it for ourselves?
I have been there yes. Belive me the reality of it stays with you.
Did I make this up? No.
If this is similar to the other stories then you must decide. It would seem odd that so many have the same details.

It was not easy realizing that we had been "taken." It was heartbreaking actually.

Keep in mind when you ask who has seen the GGR, you are not permitted to just go visit the grounds, unless you go back to adopt another dog. If you want to go look at the place to see if they are on the up & up, forget it. If you want to revisit the dogs before making this important decision to adopt, that is not allowed.
You must make an appointment (OK) but you MUST choose that day. You can not evaluate and think it over, as they call this "Looky Loo" on the website.
Adopting is a commitment 5 to 20 years depending on the breed. It involves money ($600 per dog in my case) and it involves turning over your heart and wallet. They want you to do it only on their terms. 
t is not always the best thing for you nor for the dog. It needs to be a smart carefullt thought out decision.
I personally do not feel the adoption should be done hastily and that sometimes a few return visits might be in order. Since this is not permitted, makes we wonder if there is aomething to hide and if they indeed want the adopter to be a good fit.

I want to ask the readers if any of you have been turned town by GGR?
I know there was no home inspection in my case. I know I live far away, but with the many well meaning volunteers defending them, perhaps someone near me could have checked me out, no?  Just a thought.

Certainly, they say they will stay there with you all night if necessary. They offer you all the time you need to choose, as lomg as it's on their terms after 3 pm till all hours of the night. They don't allow access until well after 3 pm (they ran one hour late for me )
By then most of the day is gone 4 pm and night falls soon after in the winter. I assumed they were busy around the property working up to that time.  I doubt it from the looks of it Burt is not hands on. Maybe Tracy is..But two cannot properly take care of the multitude of dogs arriving there. All that Free Inventory is how I now see it.

So my reply is this:
YES my experience was EXACTLY like the others's.
Draw your own conslusion if you wish to adopt would you go there? 

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