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Messages - brees34488

Pages: [1]
Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: my resuce dog KO's
« on: May 10, 2005, 08:32:51 pm »
hello Tina,
I see you have a dane puppy,at leasr thats what I think it is ??? any how,I also have a dane too,here name is christina.I have added a pic of her at 2 years old.yes mr.ko's is a BIG boy.and I just had him at the vets not to long ago,and when I saw how much his weight was I just about fell to the floor.can you belive he is now 194 pounds (o my god).well his is now on a diet untill he gets too 175 pounds.wish me luck.

regards....... .

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Rescue Mastiffs
« on: April 27, 2005, 10:00:39 am »
hello beth,
congrads on your  new mastiff Lacey Jane,Sounds like   your having fun with her.I like the part where you said she drags you down the street.Mr.ko's did that to me for the first coupple of days,she well stop in a few days.Well at least mr.ko's did.Thanks so much for the up date.AM shure things well work out fine for you.just give a little time for her to adjust.took ko's about 2 weeks. ;)...please just us posted on how things go.

regards ken and mr.ko's

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Rescue Mastiffs
« on: April 22, 2005, 09:21:19 pm »
hello beth,Thats Great news. I so glad that you getting a mastiff from moca rescue ;D Because that where I got my boy from, mr.ko's.BUt I live florida. the people in moca are the Great and they well tell you every thing about you dog you are getting.So sorry about your loss.I just lost my dalmashion not too long ago after having her for more than 8 years.So I really know how you fell.but she left me a it is, I got to the gate of heaven today,
after we said goodbye
I began to miss you terribly,
because I heard you cry.
Suddenly there was an angel,
and she asked me to enter heaven's gate.
I asked her if I could stay right outside
for someone who would be late.
The angel said I could stay right here
and wait for you to come,
because heaven just wouldn't be heaven
if I went in alone.
So I'll wait right here,
you take your time,
but keep me in your heart,
because heaven just wouldn't be heaven
without you to warm my heart..
Hope this little note help's you some. Please keeps us posted on how things are going with your new mastiff.

ken and mr.ko's
p.s the photo i have with this message is my new boy..........

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Rescue Mastiffs
« on: April 17, 2005, 10:43:41 am »
Wish I could help you out,but am here in florida .But I did get one from the web page you talked about moca rescue.the photo I have with this message is MR.KO"S I got though moca rescue.I all so have added a nother pic of him.he's a big boy at 33inches tall and I just found out he's now 194 pounds.have to put him on a weight loss program wich I just started,wish me luck

hello,Frist I would like to say he is a very handsome boy you have boy isn't as big as yours,he's only 194 pounds. but just like you I got him though moca rescue here in florida. so glade that your are doing Therapy work with him. I bet every one loves him ;).keep us posted on how things o with him.

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: Tam Lin's Pic's
« on: April 17, 2005, 09:58:56 am »
love that pic you have up, ;)

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: Tam Lin's Pic's
« on: April 17, 2005, 09:54:06 am »
boy wate till he gets to be 2 ::) .nice pic.hope to see more soon ;)

here is a message my dog left for me,hope this helps you out.Sorry about your loss..I got to the gate of heaven today,
after we said goodbye
I began to miss you terribly,
because I heard you cry.
Suddenly there was an angel,
and she asked me to enter heaven's gate.
I asked her if I could stay right outside
for someone who would be late.
The angel said I could stay right here
and wait for you to come,
because heaven just wouldn't be heaven
if I went in alone.
So I'll wait right here,
you take your time,
but keep me in your heart,
because heaven just wouldn't be heaven
without you to warm my heart...

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: my resuce dog KO's update....
« on: April 17, 2005, 09:01:27 am »
o.k every one,I hope this works,here is a new photo of mr.ko's at his new home.InJOY

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: my resuce dog KO's
« on: March 28, 2005, 07:00:03 pm »
thank you for the coment about ko's. this boy has gone throw a lot in his life time. has been left stray more times than any one can count. but he's going to have a for ever home after this cooming sunday.... ;)

Old English Mastiff Pictures / my resuce dog KO's
« on: March 28, 2005, 05:03:17 pm »
hello ever one,Am kinda new here and am getting a english mastiff this coming sunday.His name is KO"S .he's 3 now and 160 pounds. he's a big boy at 33inches tall. I have added a photo of him. I well put up more of him after this comming wek-end .

regards ken....

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