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Messages - greeg

Pages: [1]
Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: New and My Dog CLyde has seizures
« on: September 27, 2006, 06:18:53 am »
Thanks so much, I'm just learning about Melatonin. I think I'll start Clyde on this this evening. I'm egar to learn as much as I can for him and me!

My other dogs are
Duke, the daddy of Clyde
Greeott, Sister to Clyde
Cloudy the brother to Clyde and greeott
Goolie, the sister to Clyde, Greeott, and cloudy.

All are spoiled dogs and I sure love them!

As soon as I can I will try to post a picture of them all.


Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Seizures and big dogs
« on: September 27, 2006, 05:40:41 am »
Thank you so much, I'm learning my way around here and did post in the medical area.  :)

Medical Conditions & Diseases / New and My Dog CLyde has seizures
« on: September 27, 2006, 05:37:01 am »
Hi Everyone,
I'm happy I found this forum! My dog Clyde, A german Shorthaired Pointer is 9 years old. He began seizuring last April. So far he has about 8 seizures. He just had one grand mall 2 days ago. I'm trying very hard to give him natural rememdies to help lessen the seizures. Clyde also has liver problems, So I do not want to put him on meds that harm the liver. Let me tell you alittle about my gentle Giant. Clyde is so gentle and so sweet. He loves to be hugged and have his paws rubbed. If I'm sitting on the ground, he will always come over and sit right on my lap. I can't tell you how terrible I feel when he seizures. My heart breaks to see him go into these terrible episodes. BUT, I have to remain calm, and help him through it. 2 days ago, I saw him begin his seizures, I walked over calmy to him , sat next to him and as his big body went into the seizures, I petted him and talked to him soothly. When it was over, I would say his name, and he began to react to my voice. I continued to pet him and be Very calm and let him know all is o.k. even though he did not understand what just happened. Now, In reality, I was freaking out inside. I'm so afraid for him and hate seeing him go through this. You can't help but cry, well, at least that is my release.

I'm so happy I can come here and talk to others who know how terrible these seizures are. He has been fine the last few days and if he continues on this path, I will not see another one till maybe 2 months. :'(

I have a total of 6 German Shorthaired pointers. Clyde is my biggest baby, and the closest to me. It takes me a few days to come out of my depression for him, I'm glad he doesn't know how I feel.

I am the only one who feels this way, sad for him,  some believe what is he worth seizuring,  have him put down, I tell you how terrible I feel when people tell me that, I would never do that to my Gentle Giant Clyde.

Thank you all for letting me share my story, I hope to make new friends here. As for now, Clyde and me are doing o.k. He is on Vitamins, NAtural seizurer meds, now I will watch out for wheat in his food.

Bye for now

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Seizures and big dogs
« on: September 27, 2006, 02:53:18 am »
I'm new here and I have 6 German Shorthaired Pointer dogs. All are getting up there in age, 9 years to 12 years. One of my males, Clyde, age 9 has started having seizures. He gets a few every 2 to 3 months. It is horrible to watch him go through these. I try very hard to be calm and help him through the seizure by sitting down next to him and petting him while he is grand malling. Not a pretty sight. I have him on homeopathic meds because he has a bad liver and I do not want to put him on something that will make his liver worse. Any of you have a large dog breed that seizures. I sure would like to be in touch with you, because after a seizure I'm nervous for days. He just had one 2 days ago. Just talking with others who know what this is like really helps.
Thank you all for your time


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