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Messages - Jenxt

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This is just sad. It takes minutes to take animals to a shelter instead of leaving them to die. Not that just dumping them is the answer, but at leaset it gives them a chance.  :-\

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Naughty at the dog park
« on: January 31, 2008, 06:56:36 pm »
Welcome to BPO. You will love it here. Is your dog growling at small dogs, big dogs or both? Is she growling when they approach her or you or both? Do you tense up when dogs approach, expecting her to growl? Obviously, the easy answer is don't go to the dog park, but that is not what I would do. I would start taking her to other places where she could meet and greet other dogs on a leash. This way, she can interact and you and the other dogs owner have control of the interaction. It sounds like you need to desensitize her to other dogs all over again. Basically, you take her for a walk, where there are other dogs. When a strange dog gets close to her, very matter of factly walk her by them. See how she reacts. If she doesn't do well, then walk her by them, from a great distance, until you find her comfort level and a point where she doesn't react badly. When you find that, reward her for behaving good and not growling. Gradually, over the course of a few weeks or so, decrease the distance between her and the other dogs, still rewarding her for good behaviour. This should help her to associate other dogs with rewards and give her a chance to regain her confidence and security in the presence of other dogs. Good luck.

She mainly growls at big dogs, she likes little dogs. I always try to be relaxed and say hi to the approaching dog. She will let them come around but she likes to get between me and them. If they stay too long or start getting wound up, thats when she growls. Also if they get in her face she'll growl. You know how some younger dogs lick faces, she doesn't like it. The funny thing is we went to meet my boyfriends family and they have a boxer. He was all over her and at first she growled a little but shortly after they were running all over the place playing.
I'll keep trying to desensitize her. She's not on a leash much. When I walk her she stays close and stops at every corner until I tell her to cross. At the park it's an off leash area. But I'll try your ideas, thank you.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Naughty at the dog park
« on: January 31, 2008, 06:40:53 pm »
Thanks. Yes she is an Aussie mix. Her mother is Australian Shepard/Golden Retriever and her dad is a Black Lab. That picture is from she was 3 months old. She is now 3 years (as of yesterday) and weighs over 70 pounds. She is really a great dog.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Naughty at the dog park
« on: January 31, 2008, 08:45:34 pm »
I am new to this site, just found it today while looking for a doggy birthday cake recipe for my pup that turned 3 today. But I got distracted by the site and signed up as a member.
Ok, back to my question. My pup has been growling at other dogs at the dog park. She use to be great and loved going to the park but about a year ago while visiting my folks she saw her mom get attacked by a neighbor dog. It was pretty bad and her mom got a ripped tendon which has permanently damaged her leg. Ever since then my pup doesn’t want other dogs coming too close to me. If we go to the park she will chase her ball for days but if another dog comes around she growls. I feel bad that she isn’t enjoying the company of new dogs and doesn’t run around with them any more. She’ll only play with dogs she knows. Any advice on how to get her back into having fun at the dog park? ???

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