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Messages - roscosmom

Pages: [1]
Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Aggressive Mastiff Puppy?
« on: March 15, 2008, 08:13:00 pm »
Hi -
We just bought an English Mastiff puppy. He is exactly 8 weeks old today. We have a Bull-Mastiff (120lbs) and a Welsh Corgi (15 lbs). He weighs 17 lbs already!!!! Yikes! He is the only boy in the pack.

We have only had him two days but I notice a couple of things that I want to know how to handle:
1. he humps -quite a bit, especially on my 9 year old son
2. He nips and mouths and kind of growls --at the other dogs and also on my son, but seems to be playing
3. He "kills" toys

Is this normal? He is going to be very large and I want to try to get it under control early. Am I being too sensitive?

Thanks in advance for your help. BTW, his name is Rosco.

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