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Messages - Beth in VA

Pages: [1]
Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Rescue Mastiffs
« on: April 27, 2005, 11:15:28 am »
Thanks you guys!

Yes, she is wonderful.  And already this morning didn't pull me when I took her out for the morning stroll.  She seemed very proud of herself as well, almost prancing, and kept looking up at me, as if saying "See what I'm doing here, New Mommy?  Pretty impressive, ain't I!"

I don't know if there's anyone here from the northern VA area, but I am trying to get her in a basic obedience class and can't find a good one online.  I want her to have that socialization so she'll settle down when we see other dogs while out and about.  So if you know of a great obedience class, clue me in!  I am checking with my vet to see if they have any recommendation s.

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Rescue Mastiffs
« on: April 27, 2005, 09:43:35 am »
Hi everyone.  I am so pleased to report Lacey Jane has joined our family.  She is the sweetest thing.  I definitely feel better having her in our house ... even if she really looks like our Abby at certain angles.  She does have some issues, which I was expecting, but nothing we can't work thru [no leash manners/some housebreaking problems].  She wants to please so much, I know she will get thru this without any trouble.

She is very loving and so very sweet - she has already formed a strong bond with me.  She follows me everywhere and is happy as long as she can see me.  :)  It amazes me to watch her bolt up and down the stairs with no problem.  Abby was old, frail, and arthritic and she would go sooooooooo slowly and carefully so she wouldn't fall.  Lacey also lays on the kitchen floor and has no problem getting up.  Abby couldn't do that - she'd lay down and then was "stuck" until someone helped her up.

Thanks so much for the poem, Ken, and Mr Ko is just beautiful.  I'm sorry about your dalmation - I know that's a loss you'll probably always feel.  And for everybody with your kind words ... it really did help because I know you all can imagine how bad I was hurting by putting Abby down.  I was having so much guilt ... but now that I see how a young, healthy mastiff acts, it does make me realize just how old and frail and in pain Abby was.  I guess it happened so gradually, I just didn't see it.  Or didn't want to.  I still miss her terribly and send up the occasional prayer for her assistance with Lacey when she's being particularly naughty ... I'm sure she's up there laughing her tail off as Lacey drags me [all six feet of me!] down the street.  :)

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Rescue Mastiffs
« on: April 22, 2005, 10:43:03 am »
Thanks so much for everybody's kind words and suggestions.  It has been really sad and lonely without Abby.  I have just been missing her so much.  I am happy to report that I got in touch with the Ohio offshoot of MCOA [hi V, if you're reading this!] and talk about timing ... I will be meeting to pick up a lovely mastiff girl who needs a home ... tomorrow afternoon!  I am so excited!  I know she won't replace Abby - nobody ever could - but it will be nice to have her there and to love on her and maybe then we'll all stop feeling so offkilter and ready to cry with any excuse.  :)

There's a lady in my neighborhood whose mastiff puppy is about 9 mos old now.  I'm sure she refers to me as The Crazy Lady, because anytime I see her walking by with her dog, I start crying and ask if I can pet him.  I'm sure she thinks there's a few loose screws in there somewhere...!  Snort!

Ah well, she may be right ...

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Rescue Mastiffs
« on: April 19, 2005, 10:19:02 am »
Hi - I am in Northern VA, outside of DC.  I had to put my 12 year old English mastiff to sleep a few weeks ago and have started looking into rescue.  I heard MCOA is no longer doing rescue, but not sure if that's true.  I have submitted apps but no response.  Our Abby was 12 years old.  I have a cat and a 7 year old.  Does anybody have any ideas where else I could be looking?  I never knew a house could be so empty ... we miss her terribly.


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