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Topics - AC

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / The board is serious today...
« on: September 04, 2005, 05:04:17 pm »
Here is some pics to bighten your day!!!!!!!!!!

Newfoundland Pictures / Angus's dog days of summer
« on: September 04, 2005, 03:44:43 pm »
New photos of Angus just lazin' around.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / THE FOUR TYPES OF DOG VOMIT
« on: August 31, 2005, 11:42:28 am »
   1. YELLOW URKA-GURKAS--Dog runs around the house and hides under furniture while making a prolonged 'uuuurka-guuurka, uuurka-guuurka' noise (this noise is the only thing guaranteed to wake up a true dog lover who is hung over from a post-dog show celebration at 3:30 am). After mad scrambling to capture the dog and drag him outside, the episode ends with an indelible ten-yard line of slimy yellow froth from the living room rug to the back door.

   2. BLAP DISEASE--Dog exercises hard and a) eats large mouthfuls of snow (Winter Blap Disease) or b) drinks a bucket of water (Summer Blap Disease). Within 2 minutes of returning inside, the dog spews out large amounts of clear slimy liquid while making a distinctive 'blap' sound and sharp percussive noise as it hits the linoleum.

   3. GARKS--Dog suddenly clears his throat with loud and dramatic 'gggaark, gggark,' noises, generally followed by prolonged 'iiikssss' and then loud satisfied smacking noises. There is nothing on the rug. Don't investigate, you don't want to know.

   4. RALFS--Apropos of nothing, the dog strolls into the dining room and waits until the innocent dinner guests are all watching him. Then with a single, deep gut-wrenching 'raaaalfff' disgorges the entire week's contents of his stomach on the dining room rug.

   5. VARIATION--then he eats it.

In all the above events, the dog is entirely healthy and, indeed, deeply pleased with himself.

Newfoundland Discussions / What I learned... 1 month with Angus
« on: August 29, 2005, 05:35:01 am »
1. Somehow 1 month seems like forever... like I have always had him.
2. In the dog world my shoes taste better than everyone else's!
3. Newf puppies poop alot!
4. That he is going to be a big dog, at least that's what I have been told. Everyday.
5. You can't buy a collar that helps you move a dog that decides to sit and stay.
6. That fetch can be played in slow motion.
7. If there is food anywhere, he can smell it.
8. Newf in Newfoundland = tourist attraction (as I'm sure is does everywhere with all big dogs)
9. He looks like a little black bear. So I have been told.
10. People like him, he loves people... a little too much!
11. He has a strange relationship with his water dish.
12. All those odd socks I used to have, Angus has somehow found all the missing ones!! The washer or dryer didn't eat them after all.
13. He loves walking... towards the house.
14. Angus loves the cat.. the cat does not like Angus.
15. He looks the same to me as the first day I got him!!
16. I have 3 children. Correction, 4... Angus is a big baby.
17. Plus much much more...

Newfoundland Pictures / From the Newfoundland Archives
« on: August 27, 2005, 08:04:25 pm »
A young boy with a St. Bernard-Newfoundland dog.
This 19th-century photo was labelled "A. Leonberg St. Bernard-Newfoundland Dog"

Courtesy of the Centre for Newfoundland Studies Archives (Coll - 199, 1.136), Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland.

Newfoundland Discussions / Help... behaviour issue
« on: August 23, 2005, 05:21:29 pm »
Angus is very good with my family, gets excited of course but calms down quickly and sits or plays with his toys, doesn't jump on all the children EXCEPT my sisters 2 year old daughter. I have a 6 year old son and 4 year old daughter and Angus only shows passing interest in them, but my sisters daughter is another story... he is constantly knocking her down and sometimes just sitting on her. Also, with strangers or anyone who comes over to admire him, at my house or while we are out for a walk he gets super excited, trying to nip and jump and he is getting harder to control around strangers. Whenever he sees someone while we are out he can't wait to get to them, I can't even get his attention. How can I break him of this habit or will he grow out of it? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Newfoundland Pictures / Angus is growing fast...
« on: August 21, 2005, 08:42:45 pm »
here is a pic of him in his favorite position, taken tonight (August 21, 2005).

Newfoundland Pictures / Recent pics of Angus
« on: August 17, 2005, 09:46:33 pm »
It's 1:10 am here and I'm on poop watch so I decided post a few recent pics of Angus, who is now 3 months and 39.4 lbs.

Newfoundland Discussions / Bad smells, babies and meetings at work
« on: August 12, 2005, 10:52:03 am »
What a great sleep I thought as I gingerly rised to a new day. Contemplating my next move, I couldn't shake the dream I had, it was a strange dream, just a buzzing sound, but seemed so real I could not let it go. Oh My God! I slept in 2 hours!! That wasn't a dream, it was my alarm clock and, and, and the dog, no one took the dog out to go potty. Wait, that's my job! Fearing the worst, I decided to get ready for work first and when done leisurely walked done stairs. Half way done I noticed it, I was ready. At the bottom of the stairs I seen it, I WAS NOT READY ANYMORE! The stench, the malodor of a drunken sailer lost at sea!! There, in the porch, perfectly positioned in the form of a triangle, lay 3 mounds of reeking poo. Not just any poo, but soft poo. In the middle of this triangle was Angus, "don't move boy, sit boy, no, noooo, down, NO I mean stay, nooooo don't roll, no rolllllllll please". With a sit, down and a roll I was going to be just that much later for work. Resigned to the task at hand suddenly a voice bellows from above (upstairs) "DAAADDDY" "DADDY, the baby went potty (in her diaper of couse) can you take care of that". "Right away" I say, anything to move away from Angus for a minute! After an hour of changing, scraping, hosing, washing, nose plugging, etc.... I finally head off to work. I have a meeting I can't miss. Whew! Just made the meeting, everybody is there and we are about to start. What's that smell, oh crap it's dog poo, I must have stepped in some. I wonder if anyone else can smell it!!!!!!!

That was my morning. Cheers to all, have a great day! ;D

Newfoundland Pictures / Angus goes to the Gut
« on: August 10, 2005, 06:27:02 pm »
The Gut (Quidi Vidi) is one of the inlets/bays just a few minutes from my place. A good place to fish (sea trout, mackeral, herring, cod) and Angus seemed to like it.

Newfoundland Discussions / Chance encounter in the night
« on: August 10, 2005, 05:39:35 am »
Asleep at the front door, not knowing he was being watched, being studied by curious calculating eyes, Angus was content in his solitude, in his dreams. Suddenly, a soft noise..., the big dogs head (okay puppies head) rises from it's slumber only to be face to face with...... Abbey! The great mouse catching cat (and the smallest cat I have ever seen). With a huff and exhausted effort Angus rises to this new experience, to investigate. With such a formitable beast (okay, okay puppy) in front of her Abbey increases her size 10 fold (or just an inch), arching her back high in the air, fur standing at full attention, like a military regiment just before final inspection. Then with an awkward sideways gait, Abbey slowly retreats to the top of the basement stairs while never taking her eyes off this new enemy. Angus seizes the opportunity to charge (investigate), like a kid in a candy store, with no regard for his personal safety. Then, a low rumbling growl followed by a hiss, borrowed from the depths of h*ll, stops Angus dead in his tracks. A stare down worthy of every gunslinging western ever written followed, and after what seemed like an enternity it was over! Angus rose to his feet, Abbey growled and hissed again, and the big dog with all his power and size turned away and flooded the hallway with a steady stream of frightened pee, maybe hoping to drown his nemesis, or at least knock her out with the pungent odour. No paws were thrown, no fur went flying and the end was as peaceful as the beginning, but Abbey, the great mouse catching cat, can walk quietly and confidently away knowing she has taken round 1.

Newfoundland Pictures / Angus's day out
« on: August 09, 2005, 08:01:33 pm »
Took Angus to the lake today and got a few good pictures, no good ones of him playing in the water though.

Newfoundland Discussions / don't leave the dog behind
« on: August 08, 2005, 07:34:59 pm »
While walking Angus in Petty Harbour (I've attached a pic of Petty Harbour for all to see) I was told a story by the older fishermen there about the 180lb. newf one of the fishermen owned and thought one day he was getting a bit too old to take out with the boys fishing so they left without him. After the boat had left the harbour this big old newf didn't want to be left behind and jumped off the breakwater (I was told the height of the jump was 20 ft. to 80ft. up, every guy had a different height for the jump) and chased the boat for 2½ miles till it stopped!! Last time they ever left him behind!! Good thing it was the INSHORE fishery...

Newfoundland Discussions / just wondering about stained tongues
« on: August 05, 2005, 07:32:05 pm »
I was out walking Angus today on the habour front and was introduced to Bosun the 5½ mth old newf, as you can imagine a small crowd gathered around the 2 dogs (bosun was very big) and everyone was asking why Angus didn't have a stained (purple/black) tongue like Bosun. Does anyone else's newf have a stained tongue?

Newfoundland Pictures / more pictures of Angus
« on: August 05, 2005, 05:38:02 pm »
Hope you enjoy!

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