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Topics - schelmischekitty

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Anything Non-Dog Related / hubby's great! aquarium is full, pics
« on: February 22, 2007, 08:11:52 pm »
well, i realized when i put my stuff in this aquarium, i don't like it and want to completely redo it with rocks ha ha.  guess i'll have to figure out a trip somewhere to get some!  anywho, besides the chaos of the stuff inside looking really puny and just "wrong" here are a few pics.  also, got 4 new fish today, WHOO HOO!  right size, too.  most of my fish are between 3-4" now, and these are right at about 3 1/2".  the second pic is all four of them, and my oscar being an idiot.  anywho, here are a few pics.

Anything Non-Dog Related / my new aquarium...
« on: February 20, 2007, 07:46:14 pm »
hasn't been set up yet, but hopefully it will get done this week??  it's a 72 gallon, 48" long, 28" tall as far as the actual glass goes, and 1 ft deep on the ends, 1 1/2 ft deep in the middle (it's a bow front).  with the stand, it's nearly 6 ft tall, neither of us can reach the bottom of the tank so we're debating on the best way to get decorations in it right ha ha.  anywho, Jo mentioned she wanted to see it, so here it is.  also a few pics of just a few of our fish.  oh, the top flips down as a "hood"

Medical Conditions & Diseases / what up with axle's skin??
« on: February 20, 2007, 06:16:53 pm »
we haven't changed our dogs diet, haven't changed shampoos, nothing.  all of a sudden, the past few days though axle's fur has gotten pretty oily, to the point it feels very nasty.  also, his skin is a little irritated, but just a little pink nothing extreme.  axle does have allergies, but this isn't like his typical problem, usually within a few hours he plucks his hair out and his skin will get so irritated it starts to get raw and sometimes bleeds if he keeps biting at it (pollen causes some problems, but its mostly flea bites and carpet / air fresheners that cause the biggest problems).  i've noticed he has completely stopped cleaning himself, could this cause his fur to get too oily and irritate his skin, since he's usually cleaning himself a often??  i'm clueless as to what has caused this, any ideas? 

Group Discussions & Photos / Julie is so great!
« on: February 20, 2007, 11:52:05 am »
with some advice from Julie (gweck and beans momma) and not even a week since scout has went to her new home, diesel is doing GREAT.  we're actually having to limit his food b/c he just keeps eating and keeps eating to the point he looks like he'll explode!  i guess scout must have been stressing him out, but regardless, with some help from Julie he's looking GREAT now!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / update on scout's new family
« on: February 18, 2007, 10:29:57 am »
so yesterday scout went home with her new mom and dad.  i'm still very sad, but i know it's for the best.  last night i e-mailed them to see how she was doing and ask them how they liked her, and this was her dad's reply.

"She is a sweetie! We left Petco and stopped off at Petsmart and did a little shopping. She did a great job in the store( her tail got me in a little trouble as it cracked a older gal on the backside, she gave me a ditry look then realized it was a tail and not my hand) Gotta love big dogs! She is doing well, as she is laying on the futon behind me as I type. She had a loose B/M, but that is to be expected after the stress of the day. Her tummy has calmed down, slight grumblings only. The introductions went well, better than I expected. I must say THANK YOU! She is all I expected and more. We will start lead training and basic commands over the next couple days. If you like I will keep you posted of her progress. Neil"

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / bitter sweet
« on: February 17, 2007, 11:20:20 am »
well, today is a bitter sweet day.  scout has been riding with hubby all morning because we're getting a new aquarium (going from a 55 to a 72 gallon bow front that's about 6ft tall with the stand) and she likes car rides so much, we figured it won't hurt anything.  her new mommy and daddy are going to meet hubby on his way home on the second trip for the other half of our aquarium, at about 2.  i feel bad about rehoming her, but i know she'll be a lot happier in a kid-free home.  she also got a bath this morning, but i don't think she appreciated that gift from me.  also, on another good note, i've been able to get diesel to eat a lot more than what he usually eats in the morning.  instead of eating 4 1/2 or so cups and a can of dog food all day, he's eaten that in two meals as "breakfast" and then he asked for "lunch" by digging in the converted dog food "trash can."  he keeps going back to the bag and wanting more, but his tummy is so full i vote we'll wait until late this afternoon to feed him again.  i guess scout going home with them is best for everybody, but it sure is quiet around here now  :'(

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / baby pictures
« on: February 15, 2007, 03:52:05 pm »
i can't find the post about puppy pictures, so i figured i'd just start a new one.  here's a few of axle, the first one he's 3 months old (yes, that's right, this was december and he was born in september :O ) the second is one of him when he was about 8 months old, going through his "up and not out" phase, and then one of axle now.  sorry about the poor quality, i had to take a pic of a pic b/c i don't have a scanner :P

Meet & Greet BPOers / whatever happened to the SE meet-n-greet?
« on: February 15, 2007, 01:05:49 pm »
just curious about what ever happened to it and it we're going to have one??

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / my horrible week is complete...
« on: February 15, 2007, 11:46:44 am »
so this last week my lines outside got jerked around in a storm, and so my phone and my internet got messed up.  the day they were supposed to come out to fix it, the weather acted up again so they had to reschedule, long story short, i got my phone back but not my internet, because i didn't realize i forgot what our password for our internet is.  THEN, out pipes froze a little.  i couldn't get any water to work in our house for a "whole" day and when hubby got home he went to the bathroom (i always knew he was full of hot air) and they started working again ???  so THEN, yesterday, it has been decided that scout must go to a new home without kids.  aiden sat next to her and apparently sat on her foot (nothing is wrong with it, she just doesn't like kids touching her at all) and bit aiden.  not like a nip, i mean like aiden wasn't even looking at her and she took the back half of his head in her mouth.  luckily, she didn't bite down hard enough to do any real damage, and only left two scratches on his head.  she's ONLY like this with kids so it's really frustrating b/c the guy told us she was great with them.  everyone agrees that it's time for her to go to a "no kid house."  anyone interested??  also, last night we cooked chicken strips in the deep fryer.  well, apparently it smelled SO good b/c while i was waiting for it to cool off all the way i took a bath and diesel knocked the deep fryer off the counter and licked up every bit of oil that got ANYwhere in the kitchen.  funny, yes, but he is now barfing everytime he moves.  the vet says to just give him some time and bland food.  on a high note, i got on to hubby for spending $20 on a lottery ticket, and afterwards he called me back to tell me he won $500 off of it  :o  just goes to show bad luck can pick just one person in a couple ha ha.  i missed you guys so much this week!

because i don't remember this with axle, i wanted to ask everyone about it.  this isn't a big deal, it's more funny than anything, but i wanted to ask what some of the changes everyone noticed in their dogs when they hit puberty.  diesel has started howling when he hears sirens and OMG it sounds like i'm trying to kill something.  it goes between a HUGE pitch range, and it squeaks and cracks and all.  it's really funny, and all my fur and skin friends / kids ask me whats wrong with him ha ha.  i've also noticed that diesel is soooo out of proportion, but i know that's normal, but he looks like  a deer with HUGE legs, a little bitty body and a really long neck ha ha.  just thought i'd bring this up and see what other changes everyone noticed in their dogs, maybe bring up memories of funny stories!

i play an online text based game and in my profile i have to use bb codes but i'm at a total loss, and even after reading the "how to's" online i can't make any sense of it!

Food Discussion & Information / is it ok to bribe your dog when...
« on: February 05, 2007, 11:47:09 am »
he won't eat??  diesel is a really finicky dog when it comes to dog food.  he'll eat it SUPER good the first week we start a new food to see "if he likes it," but then he won't eat it.  it's really taking a toll on his weight, especially with him in a growth spurt.  so, i was wondering.  the past two or so nights i crumbled up 2 vanilla wafer cookies (put them in a ziplock back and make it into a fine "dust" to put in with is food) and mixed it in with his innova and he has eaten REALLY great, and consistently which is super new for him.  i guess it's the way the wafers smell, but either way it works.  my only concern is that i know vanilla wafers probably aren't really good for a dog to have all the time, but it's the only thing i've found that will get him to eat consistantly.  he even turns his nose up to it when i put meats in it, he won't eat tuna, eggs, gravies, nothing.  any thoughts??

Group Discussions & Photos / aiden is all *grown up* pictures...
« on: February 03, 2007, 10:37:18 am »
and one of axle eating a piece of pepperoni ha ha.

i thought i'd share this, because i wondered if anyone had danes who did this...  mind you, scout (girl) is humping diesel (boy) out of anger because diesel was humping sheeba (spayed female) and caine (male) ha ha.  just thought i'd share, i KNOW you wanted to see this ha ha.  just an FYI because they don't have collars on, diesel has white toes in the back.  sorry about the glare off my aquarium in the first pic and the messy floors (i came back in the room to find they shredded more paper ugh)

Anything Non-Dog Related / has anyone ever had their minds read...??
« on: February 02, 2007, 03:15:24 pm »
try this, it's super freaky!

fixed the link ;)

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