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Topics - brandon

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Well.... I knew something was up when Melissa looked in and said, "I'm not going in there first!,  You go in!"

Ahh... puppys (grin)  If she just didn't look so pleased with herself .. haha.  It was one of those fake trees in a pot in our entrance.

I shouldn't have had something like that out where she could get to it, totally my fault.  On a positive note, we have had no accidents all week long.  I think we will just make sure she can't get to anything like before deciding to go back to the crate while we are away.

Meet & Greet BPOers / Pictures from Impromptu South Alabama Gathering
« on: June 10, 2006, 05:18:57 pm »
We had a little South Alabama gathering in Mobile this afternoon at the Pet-Palooza.  It was great seeing everyone, and meeting some new people.  Sophie & Bava fell in love with Baxter who is really cute, he looks like a little Sophie. 

It was a great testament to big paws, because we had the most well behaved dogs. They all got along very very well, and accepted countless hugs & pets from complete strangers.

Here is the link if the pics don't work:

Sophie & Bava checking out Amber's Baxter

Lisa with Sugar Bear & Dixie Darling

Amber with Baxter and Belle

Belle getting some loving

Sophie & Baxter

The chaotic room

Baxter getting the full Newfie treatment

Bava loving on Baxter whether he liked it or not

Bava loving on Baxter whether he liked it or not

Baxter really really wet - Sorry Amber, he's just too cute for Bava to resist

Tom/NoHesNotAHorse & Festus

Melissa & friend giving Festus a treat

The Gang

The Gang

Cricket is making a great great dane chair

Melissa posing with Festus

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Yay! Progress!
« on: June 09, 2006, 10:11:19 pm »
Little Mowgli, our rescue border collie mix has lots of issues, he is a bit neurotic and is scared of his own shadow.  He came with a lot of baggage, lots of submissive piddling, and weird behaviours.  Add a touch of fear agression to that, and we've had quite the time with him and his agression toward other dogs.  He attacked Bava a good while back and he went to boot camp with NILF and lots of obedience. 
For a long time mowgli has not been allowed to directly interact with our other pups because we just couldn't trust him to not wig out and attack.
He is now our best behaved dog now, and has lots more confidence than he used to.

Well this is where we are as of tonight.. he did so good with Sophie, they had a blast! :)

Well this was neat, we had never been to a dog park before, and until signing onto BPO never even knew of their existance.  We were very hesitant to begin with after reading some of the horror stories.  Everything went fine.  We let them off leash and the ran around acting crazy.  It is funny and a bit intimidating how any time a new dog comes in every single dog in the park comes to check out the newcomer.  At this park in Pensacola there is actually 2 parks, a woody/sandy area and a beach area across the street.  We let them play and romp for a long time at the woody/sandy area until bava stepped in a big hole some pup had dug and started limping on the leg he had had surgery on... argggghh!,

Leashed Bava and made him sit beside me at one of the picnic tables for a bit, and decided to mosy on, for fear he would end up hurting himself.  The limp was just momentary from falling, so we went across the street where the beach area was but did not enter that park because a lady with a grey hound asked us not too because she was scared the grey hound would chase our newfs?  HUh?????? Your guess is as good as mine.
We let them swim a bit on-leash, for fear they would just head out to the middle.  Of course Bava absolutely refused to come back out. 

All in all , it was a fun and positive experience, I had a lot of misgivings, but am really glad we went and want to go again sometime in the future.  We didn't see any dog squabbles or agressiveness, etc, so guess we were lucky in that sense.

Whats funny to us is that we didn't really see our dogs as big, the seem just the right size, until we saw them around a bunch of regular sized dogs, and then wow... all those dogs are little :)

Meets & Greets

Whole lot of sniffing going on

I will come out when I am ready!

Newfoundland Pictures / Random Sophie/Bava Picture
« on: May 19, 2006, 08:36:56 pm »
I'm really sad now, just thought I would post something upbeat

This looks worse than what was going on, they weren't even really playing rough, just lots of butt bumping and chewing on each others faces.

Here's the puzzler, Bava is a 1yr old unneutered male, the new pup is a 6month old unaltered female. 
We will be picking up the girl from Jeanne soon, and she will be the stranger in the house.

I am inclined to setup a neuter appointment for Bava for tommorrow, or Monday or as sooon as I can get, but I worry bringing in a new dog, where Bava might "smell funny" from just having surgery or feel off.  Or should we have the new pup spayed right when we bring her home? and just keep them separated until she is feeling up to speed.

Ideas? I want to make sure we start both pups off on the right foot with each other, but we DEFINETLY don't want any puppies.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Good Bloat Article - Info
« on: April 24, 2006, 02:52:06 am »
Pretty good article on bloat here..

Really think this paragraph had some good info, it dispelled some ideas I had for lessening the chance of bloat.  I thought moistening the food was good.. wrong. Anyways some pretty interesting stuff there.
Several diet-related factors were associated with a higher incidence of bloat. These include feeding only dry food, or feeding a single large daily meal. Dogs fed dry foods containing fat among the first four ingredients had a 170 percent higher risk for developing bloat. Dogs fed dry foods that were moistened prior to feeding and that contained citric acid had a 320 percent higher risk for developing bloat. Conversely, feeding a dry food containing a rendered meat-and-bone meal decreased risk by 53 percent in comparison with the overall risk for the dogs in the study. Mixing table food or canned food into dry food also decreased the risk of bloat.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Do your dog(s) do this?
« on: March 23, 2006, 10:43:16 pm »
Do your dogs go into this zone sometimes when they are sucking/chewing on a stuffie.  It seems like some kind of comfort thing to me, almost like they are nursing.  Bava does it sometimes, closes his eyes, and looks so content working away on whatever it is.

Blog Feedback & Discussion Board / Product review section
« on: March 23, 2006, 10:41:12 pm »
How about a section dedicated to product reviews.  Just got the new furminator, tell everyone how it works for you.  A toy that your dogs love, etc. 

I know I'm always looking for what's good and what's not for the pups.

Just my thoughts..

Games & Jokes / IF I DIDN'T HAVE ANIMALS...
« on: March 22, 2006, 08:41:58 pm »
Oldie but goodie, was reminded of this when Terri P posted it on Newf.Net.  I think I can relate with most everything on here :)


I could walk around the yard barefoot in safety.

My house could be carpeted instead of tiled and laminated.

All flat surfaces, clothing, furniture, and cars would be free of hair.

I would be able to wear black (note: in our case, white!).

When the doorbell rings, it wouldn't sound like a kennel.

When the doorbell rings, I could get to the door without wading through fuzzy bodies who beat me there.

If I didn't have animals, I could sit on the couch the way I wanted, without taking into consideration how much space several fur bodies would need to get comfortable.

I would not have strange presents under my Christmas tree -- dog bones, stuffed animals , nor would I have to answer to people why I wrap them.

I would not be on a first-name basis with three veterinarians.

The most used words in my vocabulary would not be: out, sit, down, come, no, stay, and leave him/her/it ALONE.

My house would not be cordoned off into zones with baby gates or barriers.

My pockets would not contain things like poop bags, treats and an extra leash.

I would no longer have to spell the words B-A-L-L-, F-R-I-S-B-E-E, B-A-T-H or W-A-L-K.

I would not have as many leaves, bark and sticks INSIDE my house as outside.

I would not look strangely at people who think having ONE dog ties them down too much.

I'd look forward to spring and the melting of snow instead of dreading mud season.

I would not have to answer the question "Why do you have so many dogs/animals" from people who will never have the joy in their lives of knowing they are loved unconditionall y by something as close to an angel as they will ever get.

How empty my life would be

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / OEM in SC
« on: March 21, 2006, 09:15:31 am »

Medical Conditions & Diseases / 2 paws up to Derm Care ANTI-ITCH Spray
« on: March 20, 2006, 07:05:12 pm »
After Bava's surgery, where they shaved his hair, he was very itchy to the point of making himself bleed.  We put a t-shirt on him to help.  The vet recommended neosporin, which did nothing.  We picked up the Derm Care Anti-itch spray, and sprayed it all over where he was scratching.. Poof no more itchies.  I think the secret ingredient is the Lidocaine.. Good stuff, worked great, just thought I'd pass it on.

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