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Newfoundland Discussions / Angus' website
« on: August 31, 2006, 07:59:40 am »
With all the pictures I have of Angus I decided to give him his own online gallery. I do not know what the web address will be yet ( I think it will be ). You can view my Angus test site here - - and let me know what you think.


Don't mind the Lorem ipsum text on the first page, that is just filler till I decide what is going there :)

Newfoundland Pictures / Help! Fluffy kitten won't stop chasing Angus!!!
« on: August 29, 2006, 03:08:58 pm »
Got a new kitten, Angus was very amused, now he does not know what to do. The kitten will not leave him alone. Chasing him and crying for him all day long, and of course we cannot leave them alone unsupervised.. . she might step on Angus by mistake!

Newfoundland Pictures / Angus goes to daycare...
« on: August 21, 2006, 02:24:07 am »
Today at my childrens daycare was "Bring something from Newfoundland day" and guess what / who my kids wanted to bring..... Angus of course!! We had a great visit, Angus got lots of treats and petting and the children greeted him just how I asked them to. Good behaviour from Angus and the children, what a wonderful visit we had.

Newfoundland Pictures / Angus, up close and crazy...
« on: August 17, 2006, 11:36:36 am »
Check my daughters reaction in the background as Angus comes storming through!! And some misc, pics.


Newfoundland Pictures / Angus and the ball..
« on: August 17, 2006, 11:32:30 am »
First - look at the ball.
Second - Check with dad.
Third - Attack Ball!!

Newfoundland Discussions / a taste of his heritage...
« on: August 16, 2006, 11:23:50 pm »
This Saturday myself and Angus are heading out for some cod jigging. Angus will get to experience the ocean spray!! I hope he doesn't jump over the side of the boat, I think I'll have to tie him on  :D. Here is the boat we are going on

it's just a weeee little boat. Should be fun for us, we're heading out 4:30 am sharp, I guess the fishermen are going easy on us by going out later than usual!! I'm thinking about taking my camera, if I do I should have some good pictures.

Newfoundland Pictures / Angus in the morning
« on: August 14, 2006, 11:21:01 pm »
Just a few pics from 6:00 this morning. Head shots and the last one converted to black and white.


Newfoundland Pictures / Angus. New head shots.
« on: August 10, 2006, 12:24:08 pm »
Just a few pictures of Angus. Enjoy.


Newfoundland Discussions / Angus graduated...........
« on: July 24, 2006, 07:39:33 pm »
level 2 obedience training (for the second time). He was excellent in 90% of the classes. And to top it off he won 1st place in the obedience training obstacle course (many sits, downs, stays and stands, loose leash walking etc... with distractions). Hooray for Angus!!

Newfoundland Pictures / Swimmin' and Shakin'
« on: July 19, 2006, 04:46:14 am »
It was hot yesterday so Angus got to cool off in one of the ponds by my house. Enjoy.

Newfoundland Pictures / Angus in the wind.
« on: July 11, 2006, 05:04:32 am »
When it is hot outside, a quick trip to Signal Hill, where the winds are usually blowing, keep Angus nice and cool.

Newfoundland Pictures / Angus swimming in Quidi Vidi
« on: June 23, 2006, 05:36:31 am »
Quidi Vidi Lake - home of the Royal St. John's Regatta, the oldest sporting event in North America, and now a water playground for Angus!

Newfoundland Pictures / Angus closeups
« on: June 22, 2006, 05:12:44 am »
A few closeups of Angus, showing off his big head and his wavy coat!!

Newfoundland Pictures / Angus and Honey go swimming...
« on: June 20, 2006, 04:58:05 am »
Angus met Honey, a 7 month old Golden, so we took them swimming together.


Newfoundland Discussions / Our 1st dogpark "incident"
« on: June 14, 2006, 04:37:08 am »
Well, it had to happen, Angus was told he is too big for the dogpark! What a load of crap!! Here's the story:
All the dogs are playing, running, wrestling etc... when a golden retriever and owner show up at the far gate. The greeting pary took off to do thier thing and greet at the gate. The owner takes the leash off the golden (who is female and around 7 months old) in the holding area then lets her into the dogpark. Off she goes (the golden that is) full speed across the park, the greeting party immediatly react, Tess (a 30 lb mixed breed), Shadow (a 50 lb husky mix) and finally Angus assume pursuit positions and off they go. All three chasers easily catch the golden, who, when knowing she has been caught, rolls up into a ball and 2 of the 3 pursuers stop when the goldie rolls up, but 1 big fella flys right over her. In his defense, it is tough for a freight train to stop so quickly!! Well, the goldens owner comes running through the park yelling "WHo owns the Newf, get the Newf away from her. He's to rough, he's to big for this dogpark, yadda, yadda, yadda...". I was already on my way over, as I watch Angus like a hawk, I do not want him to hurt any dogs by accident. I tell her that he is fine (as I'm on my way to get him), as he is just standing there waiting for the golden to get up and play. Well, she then stands over her dog, picks him up and leashes him, when she is standing Angus figures it's play time again and starts jumping around them. So I grabbed him and brought him over to one one the benches to sit with me. As I was walking away with Angus this lady tells me that this is the second time Angus has injured her dog. I did not respond to her. I remember her, her dog and the last "injury". Last time the golden was injured Angus wasn't within 40 feet of her. I actually threw a ball for hte golden to fetch and she hurt her back leg running for it.
Man, this story is getting long!! ;D
So, Angus is with me at the bench sitting and being nice, all the dogs come over and visit him, 4 dogs actually stay at the bench with him. The golden even comes over 2 or 3 times to visit and play. A doberman plays rough with the golden, no problems from her owner. Then Abby, the 8 month old female Newf shows up to the park. She plays big like Angus and the inevitable happens again. Abby plays with the golden, chasing her and wrestling with her. After about 10 minutes the goldens owner tries to grab her dog again and starts pushing Abby away and yelling that the dogpark is no place for a 200 lb Newf. She leashes up her dog again and leaves, I let Angus go and he gets to play with Abby.

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