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Topics - Moni

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Anything Non-Dog Related / Funny signs...
« on: September 02, 2005, 10:41:05 am »
Ok I have an odd hobby, well more of an addiction.  ;D  I LUV taking pictures.  I especially like bringing my camera everywhere and getting shots of odd things.  One of my FAVORITE things is finding funny signs, either intentional or unintentional.  I figured I'd share these two for a laugh.  Sadly I can't find others that I've taken, but if I do I'll post them here.

Does anyone else have funny sign photos?  I'd love to see them if you do!  ;)

Great Dane Discussions / Taking down the Great White..... (dane)
« on: September 02, 2005, 09:05:15 am »
Mojo(the good) wanted to let you all know that he save ya from the horrible terrible menace... The Great White... (dane).  It was a long tedious battle, but in the end he won and the Great White respected him.   ;D

Don't mind the background voices, Mojo was getting moral support from his "uncle" and "brother & sister).   ::)

PS  No animals were actually harmed in this film and we do not condone the destruction of great whites in reality... dane or sharks.  ;)  lol

I finally got video clips of Mojo picking up the dishes and helping put them in the sink.  He does really well with the dog dishes, but he has to learn not to jump ON the table to help with cups and silverware.  lol too funny!  There's also one of him doing the "doggie torture" trick... catching a biscuit on his nose.  ;)  He's such a great puppy putting up with his momma.   ;D

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Warning!!! Please Read!!!
« on: August 25, 2005, 09:37:41 pm »
***This is not a fwd, this just happened to a friend of mine.    ~ Moni*****
A friend of mine just lost her sweet little Border Collie, Poppy.  Poppy Quest was only a youngun, she would've been 4yrs old in November.  Last Wednesday she went into acute Renal Failure and she lost her fight either last night or today(I just got a quick email saying she was gone).  That is one week to go from a healthy dog to gone.   
The reason for her death?
Poppy got into the garbage and ate a bag of old grapes.
I know that there has been warnings going out about raisins and grapes for a year or so now, so I just want to repeat the warnings.  I'm posting this in the hopes that it might save another dogs life.
Godspeed sweet Poppy Q, may your days be filled with tennis balls and people to throw them until you are reunited with your mama.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Why am I evil?
« on: August 24, 2005, 08:49:22 am »
Hey, dis is Mojo here and I's wants to know what all this Evil Mojo stuff is about?  My momma named me after a voodoo GOOD luck charm that she got from the Chicken Man in New Orleans.  You're supposed ta get a wish when you put it in water, so now she gets a wish whenever I's get a bath.  Now that I thinks about it though, it doesn't sound like a fair deal if you ask me, I shud be the one getting a wish for dem horrid baths, not her!!  Anyways,  she didn't tell me nuffin about an evil luck charm.  Is dis somefing dat I shud worries about?  Is dere a curse or somfings wif dis name? I'm getting a bit worried...

Mojo da Good(I hope)

PS  Does this face look evils to you?  ;)

We pulled Spencer's toy fire engine out for company yesterday.  So today I just had to torture the Tenchi boy.  Hehehehe....

Big Dogs with Jobs / Tenchi wins Most Lovable at Pet Show
« on: August 15, 2005, 02:00:57 pm »
Saturday I took the kids and Tenchi to the Zucchini Festival in West Stockbridge, MA.  They had a pet show first thing and then lots of games and booths and even a pony ride.  There were two other danes in the pet show,  a blue and a black.  They were really sweet and very laid back.  :)  Tenchi was happy to meet someone closer to his size.  The other danes won Best Costumes(they were ballerinas ;)).    Tenchi won the Most Lovable award(even though they spelled his name wrong  lol). 

After the pet show the kids did Zucchini races.  They got to pick out their Zucchini and then it was placed on stakes on a car bottom with a little flag on a toothpick on top.  They had a blast!  Then we went to wait for the pony rides, but instead of a pony they took this horse out of the trailer that was like 16-17 hands!  Tori was extremely happy since she has never ridden on a horse before, Spencer wasn't too sure.  So, we're waiting in line and they go to put the first kid on the horse, a 3yr old boy.  The horse rolls its eyes, throws its head back and tries to rear and take off!!! WTH?  I turned to Tori and said, Nope!  Sorry hunny, but you are NOT getting on that horse!"  Tori was pretty upset, since she's in the "little girl in love with horses" stage.  I felt so mean.  Can you believe they'd have a horse that skittish for kids' pony rides?  To top it off while we were walking away, the dad and handler were still trying to put the kid ON THAT HORSE!  :o

Anywhoo.... here are the few pictures that we took, a couple of the blue & black danes and a couple of Tenchi with his Most Lovable certificate.  :D





Anything Non-Dog Related / New Dog Movie Coming Out Soon (OT?)
« on: August 12, 2005, 12:16:32 am »
Well, it'll be coming out probably next year.  The title of it is Dog Jack.  What's so special about this one and why am I telling you about it?   Dog Jack is being played by a dog from another list I'm on and we've been getting behind the scenes pictures for a couple of months.  :o)  The filming is ending this month and then it goes into all the finishing touches and whatnot.

Again, why is this so amazing?  Because the wonderful dog playing Dog Jack is a pit bull, named Piglet.  Its even more amazing because Piglet is DEAF!!!  :o)))))   Yes that's right, Piglet is a DEAF PITBULL  and she's one of the main stars in this movie!!

Piglet is proof that DEAF dogs and PITBULLS can and are outstanding dogs too.   :o)

Here are a couple of links to tell you about the movie and where you can see some pictures of this amazing dog.

Great Dane Discussions / Cheesie Tenchi Video
« on: August 12, 2005, 12:09:05 am »
I finally saw Mr Grey's cute video last night.  So I collected a bunch of random Tenchi clips and threw them together and uploaded it onto the site. 

I tried to post it this morning, but I guess that was when the site was done for some reason?  I didn't get a chance to check back until tonight, so here it goes.  lol

Its pretty pathetic, but hey, its like 4 minutes of that big white goofball running, playing, wrestling and doing all kinds of silly stuff.   hahaha   Here's the link if you want to kill some time!  Don't say I didn't warn you ahead of time about the cheesiness factor.

Jay's mom has been hounding me for more pictures of the kids so I did a little photo shoot yesterday.  Of course when I take pics of the kids, the dogs are included also!  I figured I'd post some of the group and individual shots I got.  Somehow I always end up with more pictures of the dogs than the kids... must be because they listen better!   :P

Tenchi just recently started licking me when he wants something... I found that quite odd?  Before that he would just come over and stare at me, but that only works if mommy is paying attention I guess.  Now for example, there is an old couch in the computer room that is "his" couch.  If the spots are already taken on it, he'll come up to me and start licking my arm until I tell one of the other pups to get off.  Or he likes to drink out of the sink, so if he's thirsty and is being too lazy about going downstairs to the water bowl, he'll stand there and lick my arm until I get up and turn the water on for him.  Oh no, Tenchi is NOT spoiled... not one little bit.   ::)

Tonight was hilarious though, I was washing dishes(no we don't have a dishwasher) and Tenchi came up behind me and started licking me.  So I look around trying to figure out what he wanted.  I looked around quick and couldn't figure it out, so go back to washing dishes.  Tenchi keeps coming over and licking my arm.. and I still can't figure out what he wants.  Finally he figures, "Hey, my mom's not all that bright.  Maybe I should give her a clue..."  So he licks my arm then walks to the stove and puts his head on it, looking from me to the greasey meatloaf pan and then back to me....  Ah HA!   THAT's what he wanted!!!   :D  Poor Tenchi though didn't understand why he couldn't get the pan.  (can you say sick doggie???)  However, his mommy was nice and got him a couple biscuits instead.  lol  Not that biscuits can compare to a nice pan of meatloaf!  Poor dissapointed boy.   :-\

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