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Topics - schelmischekitty

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Games & Jokes / narcalepsy in dog *funny video*
« on: January 20, 2007, 08:03:39 pm »
ok, so it's funny in a sick twisted way, but BOY this dog is out in the blink of an eye!

I WORSHIP YOU!  anyone who can manage to get their danes or other big paw in the bath tub, for that matter.  usually, we start a conveyor belt outside on the back porch to do baths.  it's just big enough, the hose reaches, and they're on wood, not grass or dirt so they actually get clean.  well, since it's REALLY cold outside we have to do at least the danes and caine inside, axle and sheeba will have to wait for a warm day or go to the groomers.  yeah.  well, it took me AND hubby 20 minutes to get diesel into the tub.  mind you, that's with him escaping our grasp and pulling us backwards several times, and acting a complete fool.  well, after about 35 minutes diesel is finally done.  now onto the others.  just thought i'd mention i WORSHIP those who can do this with no problem.

modified b/c i wanted to put in that scout LOVES baths (just not the tub, naturally) and gets the post bath high the second she smells shampoo on another dog!

ok, so this past december, right after christmas, my mom's bf comes over, and (even though i explained to mom and hubby i didn't think it was a good idea) he proceeded to put a new sink in my kitchen.  don't get me wrong, i'm very grateful for the sink, BUT, he took all day, and then at about 6 or so decided he couldn't fix it (which he is infamous for mind you).  nice.  my dishwasher was overflowing into my kitchen floor, and the sink and the dishwasher are not usable.  and he leaves.  just like that, just gets up and leaves, saying, "well, i'm done for the day, i gotta get on the road."  the nerve.  the up side was that he decided to call a plumber to come out first thing in the morning, and offered to pay for it.  BOY, was i happy.  the guys who came were fast, great, and so polite.  well, i got a call from ron (the bf) asking how long were they there, why didn't they use the parts we had, etc etc etc.  i explained they were there ABOUT 45 minutes but not to quote me, and that they had to use all new parts, b/c he had bought wrong ones,  some were too short now, bad shape, threading was messed up (all thanks to ron) and that they had to replace everything.  a whopping $10-$15.  the company doesn't do a charge for coming to you based on distance, they put them in order of who is closest, then closest to that person so on and so forth.  completely justifiable and if you ask me it makes sense, and saves EVERYBODY money.  ok, now from what i understand they had a 12 minute drive from the previous job to me, so that 12 minutes is deducted from the first hour of work, and they charge by the hour, although i'm not sure what the rate is.  so the TOTAL bill is like $100, round about.  well, ron isn't happy, and writes them a really nasty letter and encloses it into the bill.  well, today I get a call, saying how the company doesn't appreciate the letter, and the threat to report them to the BBB, and the army (you can call if you have a bad experience and inform them that they should put that company on the "shouldn't use list") so forth and so on.  well, obviously, i have NO clue what the h*ll he's talking about, but listen as he's telling me that this is the first bad letter in 38 years of work, and if ron wants to drag this on, he has a whole town willing to go to court and testify that ron is wrong, blah blah, and also about how he needs to know how long his workers were there b/c they had been there for YEARS, and he didn't want them lying to him about a job they did.  well, i'm confused by now.  i apologize, and tell him i had no idea ron was doing this, and i was completely happy with the service, etc, and that i DID not say they were there exactly 45 minutes, as i was apparently 18 minutes short, i said that they were in the house ABOUT 45 minutes, but that just like i told ron i didn't time them, and to take their time, as (once again) i DIDN'T CLOCK THEM.  so for 10 minutes i get my @ss blistered for this nasty letter, and get "offered" to be sent the letter several times, etc, and each time i politely refuse and apologize again.  boy, this really upsets me, as i really liked their services and b/c i'd have LIKED to use them again, but honestly i don't want to now out of embarrassment b/c of ron's nasty letter.  i don't want to be the "woman who can't be pleased."  the guy even said that if i was hard pressed on money he would have come and fixed it for free just because we were military.  talk about ron making me look like a meany.  this really hurts my feelings b/c i've been talking so great about this company, and had nothing to do with the letter or anything, and didn't even know he had written it.  not to mention, i can't believe that ron would do this since all of this was HIS fault to start with.  sorry for the length, but this really upsets me and i refuse to call ron now b/c of this.  what a day.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / i need advice really bad about scout
« on: January 16, 2007, 10:45:00 am »
ok, so hubby is about ready to "rehome scout."  twice in two days has she ALMOST bitten tristan in the face.  she also snapped at his face the end of last week, but i counted it as a fluke b/c she wasn't paying attention and i thought it might have been the shock value of him touching her side.  the only thing that's caught her in time is us yelling her name.  it's really frustrating b/c the guy said she was "great with kids!"  each time it's the same trigger.  tristan touching her.  even if she's looking at him, and knows he's there, she'll growl and snap, always at his face.   it doesn't matter if he grabs her or not, yesterday he simply sat up against her, and she snapped at his face.  i checked her from head to toe to make sure she didn't have anything wrong with her to make her act snappy, nothing.  she gets her exercise, and naturally she's not hungry so i know that's not to culprit of why she's grouchy.  i think it might be a dominance issue b/c he's so much smaller than her, she's always walking over him (but not standing over him, or kicking him, etc), which i make her stop, but he's too small to get to do commands.  i'm not sure how to assert dominance from a 1 y/o.    any suggestions on how to correct this behavior??

Great Dane Pictures / a few pics
« on: January 15, 2007, 01:11:38 pm »
just thought i'd share a few pics.  we "installed" a screen door last week, and we LOVE it, especially the kids (fur and skin).  i'm honestly very surprised that the dogs haven't jumped on it yet.  knock on wood! the boys are trying so hard to be like their daddy, and read.  aiden just has to learn which way the books go ha ha.  scout is looking out the door with tristan, and it's diesel laying his head on the pillow.  we officially took collars off so we HAVE to learn to tell them apart without them.  it's easier now though b/c diesel hit a growth spurt and is now about 2" taller than scout. 

Collars, crates, & other cool things / indoor doggy bathroom, "modern"
« on: January 15, 2007, 12:05:47 pm »
this is too modern for me...  BUT i got a kick out of it!

Metro Throne Indoor Dog Bathrrom
Reply to:
Date: 2007-01-15, 12:08PM EST


With The DoggieBidet Metro Throne there is now an alternative when walking your pet outside just isn't possible. The unique, design of the Metro Throne is made to be used as an indoor dog toilet or outdoors on your balcony. The Metro Throne has an easy to clean drainage system and no mess dog litter to deal with. The elegant look of the Metro Throne potty will spruce up any room or balcony.

DoggieBidet is making life easier.

Dog owners are dedicatedd to their dog's happiness - special treats, favorite toys and knowing just where to scratch them. One thing they cannot escape is taking their dog outside to go to the bathroom, even when it is not convenient for them. Doggie Bidet changes everything.

We offer several Designs:

Metro Throne
Nautical Square
Garden of Containment
Quad Divot

Designed with you and your dog in mind

A simple, functional design makes going to the bathroom inside just as easy as going outside. The systems can be used with real grass, or sod and eventually being replaced with faux grass once your dog is accusted to going in the Metro Throne, Nautical Square, Garden of Containment, Quad Divot, or the economical Port-a-Pad. If your dog prefers real using real grass, the sod should be replaced once a week, depending on usage. We offer a full service of your system based on your needs. You also have the option of maintaining the system yourself. The grass and sod can be purchased at your local nursery. The drainage system will work equally as well with real sod since it provides a method for liquid to drain through.


Although The DoggieBidet offers your dog great convience when nature calls, it is imperative your pet still has daily exercise.

Great Dane Discussions / diesel got caught snorting drugs *pics*
« on: January 11, 2007, 07:40:18 pm »
well, not really.  but it sure does look like it!  we got some innova, to try to help diesel gain weight, but naturally...  he won't touch it.  so i called our vet, because although he's doing good, he's so finicky about eating, i feel he could be doing better.  so the vet suggests i try nutro natural high energy dog formula, and if i wanted i could put some k9 puppy gold supplement on it.  i got both, although the nutro natural doesn't have great ingredients, but he said that he had a lot of success getting other dogs to gain weight on it.  WOW.  that's all i can say.  diesel ate TWO bowls of it without hesitation, and only stopping to ask for another bowl.  he was so excited about the food that he was walking in place as he ate.  after two bowls (about 7 WHOLE cups) i decided he had had enough because his tummy was getting full, and i didn't want him to over do it on the first time eating.  normally, i'm lucky to get him to eat half that much, and it's eat a bite and walk off.  ten minutes later, eat a bite and walk off.  i'm so excited, i sure hope we've finally found what he's going to eat AND do great on!

Great Dane Discussions / just a funny event
« on: January 09, 2007, 08:11:29 pm »
ok, so scout decided she was going to get a crumb out of tristan's high chair...  well, she got her head stuck, flipped out and then it got stuck on her collar.  she managed to knock over 3 chairs, flip the dining room table, knock a few plates around, and sh*t herself... 


Recently we recieved a call from a man claiming to be a dog trainer.
His name was Will Duncan. He said that he rehabilitated dogs, and
trained them for various companies including for the handicapped. He
also said he was from USA Dog Training, and he personally trained
Cesar Millan.

He will tell various stories, but basically wants to get free dogs.
He claims to have federal and state licenses. He recently stole dogs
from a Jefferson County shelter. He is from Topeka, and claims that
he just moved there from California. If fact, he is a big scammer.
Nothing he says is true. He told us he wants aggressive dogs to
rehab and medium to large sized high drive dogs.

We got a call from the Kansas Animal Health Department to warn us
about him.

They were trying to warn everyone before he called, but he had
already called us.

We believe he is using these dogs for pit-bait. We believe he is
selling these "high-drive" or "aggressive" dogs that he gets from
shelters to pit fighters who use them to "train" there dogs to fight
and kill. He lives in a trailer in Topeka with his brother. Last time
it was checked, he had 14 dogs that he keeps in tiny pens in and
around his trailer.

Please do not release any of your dogs to him. If he does call,
please call Judy Bishop at: 785-633-7002 with any information you
obtain about him. They are trying to make a criminal case up but he
just keeps staying one step in front of the law.

The personal information I have obtained about him is:
Name: Will Duncan
Address: 1123 NE Jefferson, Trailer #4, Topeka , KS (actual address)
Cell Phone: 785-231-7245
Toll Free Number: 877-949-9DOG
Fake Company Name: USA Dog Training

Thanks and Good Luck,

Please forward to other shelters and animal people!

Danielle Reno
Shelter Officer
Humane Society of Atchison
125 North 21st St . Atchison , KS 66002

(913) 367-DOGS

Another example of rescue people not lying when they tell you stuff like this happens all too often and it's not wise to give away your pet for free, especially Pit Bulls and "strong" breeds, which this specific guy is mostly into (and many other dog fighters). Please be careful when rehoming your pets!

Medical Conditions & Diseases / parvo "outbreak" at local pet store
« on: January 09, 2007, 10:30:26 am »
Pet shop quarantined for parvo
By Winston Jones
The Georgia Department of Agriculture (DOA) has quarantined a Douglasville pet store due to an outbreak of canine parvovirus.

That Puppy Store, 2911 Chapel Hill Road, was inspected Dec. 29 by a DOA agent and placed on a 14-day quarantine, which is due to be lifted Friday if no additional cases are found.

`The quarantine means that no animals can come in or out of the store during that period,` said Yao Seidu, a DOA spokesman.

`People can go in, look at puppies or even buy them, but they cannot be taken from the store until the quarantine has been lifted.`

He said the store could sell other animals or animal supplies during the quarantine.

A phone message was left by the Sentinel with a store employee Monday afternoon for store owner Leslie Thompson. The Sentinel had not received a reply from Thompson by its production deadline.

Dr. Maggie Mercer, a Douglasville veterinarian, said canine parvovirus is `incredibly contagious.`

Mercer said the virus attacks the stomach and intestinal lining, causing it to shed completely, breaking down the barrier between the intestines and the body.

`The bacteria get out of the stomach and into the body,` she said. `It makes the animal very sick, usually with diarrhea.`

Mercer said because it is a virus, there is no known cure. The disease symptoms are treated with IV fluids and antibiotics to prevent dehydration and to support the body systems while rebuilding the intestinal lining.

    * Location: Douglasville

Great Dane Pictures / ethiopian has disappeared, dane replacement!
« on: January 08, 2007, 10:37:31 pm »
here's a few pics of our danes.  does any one else's bp jump on doors to let you know they want out?  diesel and scout now take turns, one up one down, one up one down when they want out.  diesel is starting to look like a dane now and not like an ethiopian!  also, does anyone know how to get the spots off of your digi cam lense??

modified b/c i realized that we have some newbies and wanted to put in blue collar is diesel (boy) and black is scout (girl)

Games & Jokes / omggggg
« on: January 08, 2007, 10:44:33 am »
i had to share this ad that was on craigslist.  because it is probably going to be flagged the ad says:

"This is a nice sweet dog but wife wants me to get rid of him he looks at her funny when she get out of shower if interested let me know"

Great Dane Discussions / diesel can be such a sweetheart!
« on: January 08, 2007, 10:29:26 am »
diesel has devided he doesn't like to be crawled on, and shows his displeasure by growling at the kids.  he's never bit, nipped, or showed any aggression other than the growling.  i think he's changed like this because tristan likes to back his butt up and sit between their front legs and lean back on them.  last night, diesel decided he was gonna be a sweety to tristan, though!  the first pic tristan is giving diesel a "sugar" on his nose ha ha.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / spayed female questoin
« on: January 07, 2007, 01:31:32 pm »
"scout" was spayed sometime before she got here, you can still see the staple / stitch marks on her belly really well, so it couldn't have been more than 4 months ago, i'm getting her vet work tomorrow.  my question is, diesel is starting his humping phase, where he's humping sheeba all the time (sheeba is spayed too).  whenever he does this, scout gets upset, and barks and growls at him, shoves sheeba out the way and puts her butt in diesel's face...  she gets really jealous, but only when diesel humps sheeba.  diesel will NOT hump her, no matter how persistent she is.  do spayed females usually do this??  she's acting like she's in heat, but she was recently spayed, could she just be acting this way because maybe she had one heat, or something??  thanks for any ideas!

The American Airlines Pit BullIs this a safety feature now, or just more breed discrimination?

On July 22nd, 2002, pilots of an American Airlines Boeing 757, Flight 282 , en route to New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport, heard strange, thumping noises coming from the cargo hold of the plane.

Upon their descent, the pilot's also discovered that various navigational equipment, and their back-up radio had ceased to function. Thankfully nothing vital to the plane's performance, but perplexing, all the same.

The mystery was solved, however, when the cargo hold was opened after landing, and shocked airline personnel were treated to the sight of a 65-pound American Pit Bull Terrier running loose in the hold. The dog had broken free of it's kennel, and in the course of the flight from San Diego to New York City, had chewed through a fiberglass bulkhead, and into part of the plane's wiring system.

While the plane's performance was not compromised in flight, the damage was severe enough to keep the jet grounded for nine days of repair. Though it did live to fly again, airline representative s state that on a different flight, a different type of plane, the damage may very well have been fatal.

American Airline's reaction to this seems rather extreme though. Issuing a nearly complete ban on the so-called "aggressive breeds", the airline company state that they will prohibit all pit bull types, Rottweilers and Doberman Pinschers over the age of 12 weeks, and any other dog that exhibits aggressive behavior from flying.

The American Kennel Club is up in arms, as well as literally thousands, if not millions of dog owners in North America. Calling American Airline's reaction extreme and an over-reaction, AKC is now urging dog owners everywhere to email their opposing comments to the president of American Airlines in the hopes of stemming this wave of "breed paranoia".

Once again, we see a case of "one dog = the banning of thousands". This single incident, a most-likely once-in-a-lifetime occurrence, and suddenly shipping a dog across country becomes nearly impossible.

I urge you to participate in the two polls along the right side of this article. Who knows? Maybe if we create a strong, united voice, we can overturn this decision. After all, it has happened before. I'm sure you all can guess what my own vote is.

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