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Topics - charlotte5050

Pages: [1]
General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Stop the digging!
« on: July 04, 2006, 11:19:32 am »
My border collie has the area around my house looking like it was under a mortar attack!
In the summer, since cattle are all out to grass, he is pretty much confined to the yard.  He has many holes (we call them "wallers") dug all around the house and retaining wall-anyplace up next to concrete, like the foundation of the house and a cement retaining wall on the west side of the house. 
He does this so that he will have a cool place to lay.  Of course, as the sun moves, so do his "wallers"!  I keep filling them up and he keeps digging them out.  I've tried to mix sticks, twigs, even bricks in with the dirt and it doesn't even slow him down.  He just digs them right back out!  It makes it real difficult to walk around outside, or keep things mowed-and let's not even talk about growing grass!
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  He hates water, so a pool would be of no use.  He does tolerate being hosed down when it is hot, but that is it.

Rottweiler Discussions / Rottweiler Turkey..............Gobble! Gobble!
« on: November 16, 2005, 02:13:39 pm »
Watch your Turkey!

I am a member of BPO and Tiny Tracks and neither board includes Border Collies!  Personally, I think the Border Collie would fit better at BPO!

Borders are wonderful dogs and so full of personality!

Any other Border Collie families out there that would like their own board?

Rottweiler Discussions / Happy Halloween!
« on: October 30, 2005, 07:38:43 am »

Rottweiler Discussions / Loki is now in Colorful Colarado
« on: October 26, 2005, 12:28:59 am »
After much soul searching and anquish, I placed Loki in a new home.

I interviewed many prospective families and finally found the family that will be perfect for her.   She now lives in Colorado with really super Mom and Dad and 3 children.  The family had a Rottweiler that died this last spring from old age.  They are familiar with the breed and know what is involved in keeping a rottweiler.  So many people that I interviewed had no idea - just wanted a kick-a** dog. 

She gets to be in the house 24/7 and has fit right in like she has always been there.  I am a little jealous that she is doing so well.  Robert would never let me have her in the house for more than little bits at a time. 

I miss her.

Rottweiler Discussions / Fence jumper
« on: October 06, 2005, 11:40:56 pm »
Any suggestions on how to keep dogs from jumping the fence?  Loki and Red have gotten in the habit of jumping (or climbing!) our fence and are out most of the time anymore.  This has just started the last couple of weeks. 

My fence is 48" high, so it not easy for them to get over.  I even put an electric wire (like and electric fence for cattle)  at the top and it did not even slow them down.  We live in the country, so they are not bothering anyone when they do get out, but they cruise in search of skunks, coons, feral cats, etc.  Of course, I don't need to tell you the outcome if they find anything. 

A couple of nights ago, I went out to let them in on the porch and heard the most awful commotion in the corral.  I whistled and called, but there was so much going on that they either didn't hear me or chose not too.  Robert had to go outside with the shotgun and shot up in the air to get them distracted.  They did finally come back to the house.

I put the dogs in at night to sleep on the porch, but they are out pretty much all day.  This fence jumping is really getting on my nerves.  I don't want to have to keep them chained up all the time,  but the last couple of days, I have put them on the chain except when I am outside with them.

Robert has always said: "If you have 1 dog, you have a dog.  If you have 2 dogs, you have a half a dog.  If you have 3 dogs, you have no dog."  Lately, I am beginning to agree with him.

I have to figure this out or I have to have one less dog.  I'm catching a lot of flack from Robert - like it is MY fault that HIS dog and MY dog have started this.  His logic is that HIS dog didn't do this until I got my dog.

Any suggestions?

Rottweiler Discussions / Where is everyone?
« on: September 29, 2005, 08:26:25 pm »
Just wondering where everyone is.  It's kind of lonesome to check the board and not find anyone here!


Rottweiler Discussions / Loki is staying with me!
« on: August 14, 2005, 10:57:05 am »
I couldn't do it.  I just could not let her go to live with my daughter.  I just love her too much.  I would not be able to see her smile when I went outside, I wouldn't get anymore slobbering kisses, and heaven knows how much I would miss having her in my lap whenever I sat in the porch swing.

I suggested to them that they check out the nearest rescue facility for their next dog.  It would do them all (expecially the dog! :D) so much good.

Thanks for putting up with me through all of this.  You all made me think hard about what would be missing from my life if I let her go.


Rottweiler Discussions / I may need a new home for Loki
« on: August 03, 2005, 07:27:06 am »
I may have to find a new home for Loki.  It's not that she has done anything wrong - it's just that she is TOO playful. 

Loki grew up with my pomeranian, Foxy, and loves to play with her, guard her and protect her.  Last week, when I was going out of the yard, Foxy tried to get out the gate.  Loki put her BIG foot on her to keep her in.  Somehow, Foxy's back got hurt.  I know that she did not do it on purpose, and after a visit to the vet, Foxy is OK now.

Loki does have a tendency to pick Foxy up by her tail when she is going where Loki does not want her to go.  It is funny to see her do that, but now that I know she can cause Foxy some injuries, I need to rethink this.

If anyone has any suggestions, I am open to all.  If anyone would be interested in providing a new home for Loki, I live in SW Nebr.

Loki is 1 year old (July 3rd) and is just a BIG, lovable baby.  If you want an 80# dog in your lap, she would be perfect.

 :( Charlotte

Rottweiler Discussions / Swollen jowls on my Rottweiler
« on: July 02, 2005, 07:15:08 am »
I went outside the other morning to say good morning to Loki.  I was shocked to find that her whole jowl area under her chin was horribly swollen up.  She looked like she had swallowed a softball.

 By the time the vets office opened it was as large as a melon.  We live quite a ways out of town, so I called my vet.  He asked the obvious questions: snakebite? dogfight?  These were pretty much ruled out.  We are assuming that it was from a hornet sting (they hang around the water bucket and dog house).  He had me put her on mega doses of benadryl for 3 days.  The swelling is mostly down now, but a hard knot the size of a golf ball remains under her chin.

Has anyone else had anything like this happen to their furkids?  

Leerburg Kennels has a good informative board that has a lot of health information.  The people there put me into a panic.  One posted that her GSD had this happen and was dead by evening.  Another posted that his was fine one day and swollen the next day.  He had a melanoma and had to be put down.

I want to err on the side of caution.  If the rest of the swelling and the knot are not better by Tuesday, I will be taking her to the Vet.  It's time for her shots, anyway.  

BTW - tomorrow - JULY 3 will be her first birthday!

Thanks for being here.


Rottweiler Discussions / Loki & my 6 year old grandson
« on: May 31, 2005, 12:00:39 pm »
I am at a loss how to handle the situatioin with my 10 month old Loki and my 6 year old grandson. My daughter and her children had to temporarily move in with us last week.

I am a tax professional, so needless to say, when I really needed to be working with Loki on training, behavior, etc., I was not home only long enough to feed, get in a few quick pettings and gone again.  Since I have had more time the last month, Loki and I have made a lot of progress.  We have worked hard on the sit-stay, not jumping up on people, laying quietly when in the house, not using the Pomeranian as a chew toy, etc.

My grandson is ill-behaved, on the wild side, and does exactly the opposite of what he is told or asked to do. Loki at her worst is better than he is at his best!  I have tried to work with both of them, getting my grandson to play with rather than run from Loki.  Being a puppy, she thinks it is great fun to run and chase and ultimately "catch" her prey!.  To make a long story short, my grandson winds up with bites and scratches from Loki's rough playing.  

I have had to resort to keeping Loki on her chain.  She doesn't understand why she can't run and play when my grandson is outside.  I have tried to compensate by taking Loki and the border collie on long walks out in the pasture.  I don't want this behavior to get out of hand, but don't know any way around Loki feeling like she is being punished by getting chained up.  She sets outside my window and cries.  It just breaks my heart.

How about letting Loki run loose and putting the grandson on the chain?!?!?!

Suggestions, please?

Thanks, Charlotte

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