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Topics - onederpupe

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Duty needs help!
« on: December 19, 2005, 05:52:05 pm »
Hi to all,
I have been asked by Duty's dad Jesus, if someone can email him his screen name and password. He wants to post a picture of Duty but cannot remember what his screen name and password are. He emailed me to ask for him, so if there is anyone out there who can help him, just send him the info at his email address you have on file. I haven't been around because my pc crashed in august and I am just now getting back online. I have 5000 messages so I will still be gone for a while, have to answer all of them. Jesus was the first in line so please help him if you can.
Thank you,
Kelly and the Jazzdog

Rottweiler Discussions / Jazzy comes home!!!
« on: July 09, 2005, 06:57:40 pm »
Hi Everyone,
Well we got back late friday night, it was to late to pick up my Jazzgirl. Boo Hoo!!!! First thing this morning I went to get her. She was happy but not like I expected. So we got in the car and she was just normal Jazz. I get her out and she lunges for the gate to get in the yard, odd I thought? I open the gate take off the leash and she makes a beeline for her favorite pee spot! Where she pees for at least a good minute then to the next pee spot, and again for a minute. I think she held it for the entire time we were gone. I opened the front door and we go in then she goes bonkers just jumping and whimpering, crying like I have never seen her do. I guess she wanted to greet me at home where she feels safe. She is of course VERY CLINGY now but I expected that. We went to bed when I got home and she got right up with me so I could put my arm around her while we took a nap. She was so tired and so was I, but she was sound asleep in 2 seconds and snoring away. She only awoke if I took my arm away from her. So now all we are waiting for is Daddy to come home from work and I guess it will start all over again. Mario had to be at work early so he hasn't seen her yet. He called to see if she was home yet, and this from the guy that didn't really care for dogs in the house, when we married 25 years ago. It was a rough trip and so tramatic for us, but Jazzy makes up the lose, with all the love she can give. :-* Thanks to all of you for the nice comments and concern, I am very lucky to have found you guys, at least ya"ll understand.
Kelly and the Jazzdog

Rottweiler Discussions / Jazzy's Blood test
« on: July 03, 2005, 01:13:15 pm »
Jazzy's blood test were all good, nothing wrong. She seems to be doing just fine now. I have been watching her like a hawk, just in case something happens, but she is just fine. My mother in law passed away last night, so we will be flying to CA, for the funeral. I am not sure when yet, but in a few days I guess. I told Mario I do not want to stay there after the services for the will stuff and all, I want to come home for Jazz. She is going to be so scared she has never been away from us, since we got her 3 years ago TODAY. But this is something I have to do. So if I am not here for a while, save a place for us in your prayers. Thanks you guys, you all are so nice, it is great to have ya'll in my life.

Rottweiler Discussions / Jazzy passed out!
« on: June 24, 2005, 01:14:47 pm »
Yesterday Jazzy started to puke so we went outside, she always lets me know, when she is going to be sick. She tried and tried to throw up, finally she did, but then she reared up and literally fell over on her side. She laid there not moving for a second, I am screaming her name and trying to get to her as fast as possible. I got to her, touched her and she sprang to life. I started crying, what just happened? She seemed fine and got up and continued to be herself. I called my vet and he said that she could have choked and cut of her air supply, causing her to pass out. She is fine today and last night she was fine, but I am so scared that something is wrong! I am afraid to leave her side. She is my baby and yes my world revolves around my Jazzy. My husband always says if I had to chose between them I would chose Jazz. This time he is 100% right LOL
So everyone has this ever happened to any of you? Please let me know my Rotti died of a brain tumor at 10 years old and it was so tramatic, I am a little over protective with Jazz I'm sure, but it is better to be safe then sorry. Thanks for any input.

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