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Topics - CeCeNTobysMaMa

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So the new vet I made an appt with called with a cancellation for today, so we went in at 4.  They were soo awesome and friendly.  The vet was VERY informative.  He examined her and said she sounded great!  On a csale  1-5 (5 being best) physical condition- she was a 4... not bad.  Her fecal was neg... and they did an entire panel of blood work- well know those results Wed. They took XRays, he said it looked fine, if she hadn't tested positive for heartworms- he would say the XRays were normal- but since she did.. he did notice a little inflammation on one side of her heart- but all the arteries looked great, her lungs as well.  He suggested we start her on an antibiotic- which will get rid of all the bacteria from the Mama worms and make them sterile- whether that means clean or unable to reproduce I dont know- I was caught up in the moment trying to absord everything.  He also started her on heartguard- low dosage- and said whether we decide to do the injections or not she needs to have the antibiotics first for atleast a week- if not a month... since the bacteria released when the worms die can kill her.. and he said the heartguard will start the slow process of killing the worms- he said if we decide not to the injections the heartguard treatment will make her- in about 2 years- test negative for heartworms.  So..... I am happy atleast something is getting accomplished.  She is a very hyperactive dog- I also have 2 others and two small kids to boot... so keeping her "quiet" for almost 2 months is going to be hard- ESPECIALLY DURING RAINY SEASON she is terrified of thunder n lightning.  Just wanted to let you guys know what happened. 

I have never done a message board before so I hope this helps.

I have 3 dogs- CeCe (6-greyhound mix), Toby (31/2 lab mix), and Harley (1 1/2 Shih Tsu).  Last Novemeber we were forced to move from N. Florida to SW Florida.  We had to rent and therefore couldnt take the 2 big dogs with us.  We found them a home together with a neighbor of ours- who happened to be our daughters school bus driver.  Anyhow, 2 weeks ago we got the phone call that she needed to get rid of them and was going to take them to the pound, my husband drove up there and got them.  We took them to the vets this past Saturday to find out that CeCe has tested "medium" for heartworms and will need to have "the treatment", the one where they are needed to be kenneled for 6 weeks. no questions asked we scheduled it for tomorrow, we don't want to loose her.  I am scared because I really dont know much about the procedures and if there are any other treatments that arn't so dangerous.  ANY HELP, INSIGHT, SUGGESTIONS... WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED.


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