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Topics - cbotto2007

Pages: [1]

I have a small dog that was attached by another dog when he was a puppy. Ever since then he starts to growl and snap when a dog larger than him even looks at him. I have to keep him very close to make sure he is not getting himself into trouble.

We have a very nice park close to my house. Unfortunately, it seems to be a general rule that dogs are not on a leash there.

My dog is only 11 lbs; usually I pick him up and wait until the dog owner finally comes around to removing his dog from me. I cannot tell you how uncomfortable I am with these big dogs right there around me.

Last weekend one of these leash less dog owners calmly stated that I am risking to be bitten by holding my dog in my arms. Lovely, just what I wanted to hear! Don't I feel better now.

Any suggestions on what I could do or use to keep these dogs at bay?

Thank you,
Christina Botto

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