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Topics - Andyyoblig01

Pages: [1]
Specific Website Information / Sasha yobliG
« on: October 14, 2007, 04:37:28 am »
Sasha back again,
Can some one please tell my master how to get my gogeous photos up on this site, he's a real dummy

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Sasha's Back
« on: August 26, 2007, 07:42:16 am »
Hi everybody, it's Sasha again
Yesterday we went to the beach, what a fun place this is.
There is this stuff called sand, it goes up between my toes and I can roll in it and run on it and boy is it easy to dig real big holes in it and not get in trouble.
There is stuff called water there too, and it's real weird.
When I went close to it, it jumped at me so I barked at it.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Sasha is back
« on: August 25, 2007, 07:26:34 am »
Hi all
Yes I'm back.
This is Sasha from Oz back to let you know how I'm getting on.
Firstly the photos are a bit slow coz my Dad is having trouble uploading them off his files.
I am now 12 weeks old and I weigh in at a trim 12.5 kg.
I went to meet my new doctors last week and he looked at me and said I would probably reach around the 60-65kg mark when I fill out my paws.
He gave me some pills and a couple of injections. one was reeely big and hurt a bit but apparently it is called a micro chip and will help if I get lost sometime.

My friends bella (Foxy/Staffy X) and Jess Foxy are good fun to be with. We run around lots and find good stuff to play tug with.
Jess is a bit old and sometimes she gets grumpy.
Bella is great fun and we wrestle all the time. I'm bigger than her but she knows more stuff than me.
My humans are real good they get me lots of good stuff to eat and take me for walks on a lead.
Dad keeps telling me to heel and sit. I think I am starting to understand what he wants me to do , but have you ever had to sit your bum down on a cold wet footpath. not very cumfy is it.
Well I must finish now coz we are going for a drive to the beach (whatever that is) bella said its good fun so I'm looking foward to it.
I'll write again as soon as I can cet some computer time for myself.
I'll get my humans to figure out how to show you all my photos as soon as I can organize it

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Sasha
« on: August 20, 2007, 07:20:51 am »
Hi all,
My name is Sasha, I am a bit mixed up at the moment.
My mom is a Neopolitan Mastiff X Rhodesian Ridgeback.
My dad is a Bull Mastiff x Irish Wolfhound.
So you can see why the mixed feelings.
I have just adopted this great family.
There is Bella and she is only a bit mixed up. She is a Fox Terrier X Staffy Bull. She has also taken on the mantle of teacher of house rules, and even though we are great friends she is a bit strict if I don't do the right thing.
Then there is Jess, she's pretty straight for an oldy and is a pure foxy.
Now this is where it gets crazy. Garfield, is a big fluffy "Cat" and he does not care if I bark at him. No one told me he is deaf and all the barking under the sun won't disturb him, (BUGGER)
Oh and then there is Alley Cat, I can make him run sometimes.
Max is the oldest cat in our household and he looks down his short nose with disdain when I try to play with him, spoil sport.
Now we get to the humans.
Mum is the boss and she is real nice coz she cuddles me lots.
Dad is a bit tougher on me and ties me up with a collar and lead and tries to make me walk next to him and sit and stuff.
I have to go for my afternoon nap now so I'll get back to you soon and tell you more.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / our new pup
« on: August 08, 2007, 12:21:51 pm »
Hi from down under.
Yes from good old ozz.
I'm Andy and my wife is Nancy. We have just invested in a largish puppy.
She is 9weeks old and weighs 9kg.
We have only seen a picture of her at this time and she looks cute.
Her breed, is 1/4 irish wolfhound, 1/4 bull mastiff, 1/4 Rhodesian Ridgeback and 1/4 neopolitan mastiff.

At present we have two other dogs. One is a mini foxy and the other is a foxy x staffy. These are also female de-sexed.

Can anyone give us any idea as to what we will be letting ourselves in for please.

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