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Topics - steve

Pages: [1]
Great Pyrenees Discussions / Pyr food agression
« on: August 23, 2008, 09:45:51 pm »
My GP Cody has always been very food aggressive and it's getting old. As an 8 week old puppy he would growl if you put your hand in his food and he is now 4 years old and nothing has changed. He has come after me, my wife and my other dogs for getting to close. He's never hurt anyone but it's pretty scary. He will steal food and we can take that away no problem, it's his food bowl and his puke he protects. He's picky so sometime he will not eat and just guard his bowl which is dangerous for the other dogs who wander by. He's very skinny and by no means a pig. He's an excellent guard dog he just takes it to far. Does anyone have this problem? A cure?

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