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Messages - my3dogs

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Oh what a sweet pea!  She is so skinny.  How wonderful that she found her forever home and will fatten up AND get to see animal planet !   She's livin' the good life now!!
Hope we get to see lots of pics of her progress.  No doubt they will be dramatic. She sure is a beauty.  Congrats to you and her!!


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Stupid In America?????
« on: January 13, 2006, 08:02:53 pm »
My children are now in high school.  They have always attended public school.  What we've found lacking in public school (and there are deficiencies in ours) we've supplemented in other ways).  It's what works for our family.   
But the testing/assessment system never fails to dumbfound me. 

Here's only one example.

When my oldest had her first MEA (Maine Educational Assessment) tests in 4th grade the school send home an informational sheet for the parents.  The tests are only taken at certain grade levels and 4th is the first time, the tests last for a week.....good information so far.  The last part cracked me up.   

 Please be sure that your child eats a good supper, gets a good night sleep, and has a good breakfast during this week. It's so important for their success on the test. 

What about the rest of the year?  Maybe the school board wouldn't have to be so concerned about the results of these tests and therefore their funding if they did their JOBS the REST OF THE YEAR!!!

The next year when my son took his first MEAs........SN ACKS were provided.
Can you believe that?


Great Dane Pictures / Re: Howdy! I'm new here
« on: January 13, 2006, 04:53:13 pm »
Awww.....look at her!!!! She was an adorable pup.
At 2yrs she must be huge now.

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Howdy! I'm new here
« on: January 13, 2006, 04:47:25 pm »
Underneath the box that you reply in  click on
Additional Options...

You will see an area to Attach:
and you can Browse... to your picture. 

I hope that helps.  Sometimes I don't explain clearly.

Can't wait to see a pic of your pupper.
Hopefully lots of pics.  We love pics here!


Mixed Breed Pictures / Re: our pups breed
« on: January 13, 2006, 01:34:44 am »
Congrats on your new pupper!!!
Hope we get to see lots of new pics.
He really is adorable. 

Mixed Breed Pictures / Re: our pups breed
« on: January 13, 2006, 01:26:19 am »
Is he wearing jammies?
He's sooo cute!
Look at those feet!
And he looks so happy.
What a cutie.
I haven't been online much today......doe s this mean you get to keep him?

Bulldog Discussion & Pictures / Re: our new puppy
« on: January 11, 2006, 11:28:17 pm »
Oh....what a sweetie....
I love the big spot and little spot on his back.
Reminds me of  an exclamation mark !

He sure is a keeper.

What does angel think of him?

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: we got a new puppy!!!
« on: January 11, 2006, 11:02:14 pm »
Congrats on your new pupper! 

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Kali is a year old today
« on: January 11, 2006, 06:23:02 pm »

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Why use a crate?
« on: January 11, 2006, 03:22:51 pm »
This is what I woke up to the one night my son did not put Strider in his crate to sleep. The white bits on the floor are the remnents of a box of kleenex...what he did not ingest, anyway, that was on top of a 5' entertainment center.

This pic....awwww.. .....I shouldn't  grin....but... .look at his little cute face.....maybe he needed a tissue 'cause he missed you soooooo much.......

OK...I'll look at the pic again in MOM-mode...."BAD Pupper!  BAD!".
AAwwww.....I can't even fake it!
Look at that face!!! How can ya not just kiss him?

He's adorable!!!

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Combatting passive resistance
« on: January 11, 2006, 03:13:42 pm »
Bava zoomed out of the house the other day ahead of Brandon and right past me as I was coming in and ran like a nut away from us as we chased him. I said to myself, okay, watch this you little turd.....

I went to the car which he was standing near and said *I* am going for a ride (which he LOVES) and opened the door. Bingo! He ran to the car and I was able to take his collar. I'll try the treats when we're trying to get him OUT of the car.

woohooo....... Score 1 for mom!!!!

Great Dane Discussions / Re: What is going on with my ears???
« on: January 11, 2006, 02:11:22 pm »
I'd check inside to make sure there is no smell, discharge, discoloration.  Just to make sure that there is nothing out of the ordinary on the inside.

Not to scare you because it's probable NOT anything bad but....
Daisy is currently dealing with a nasty ear infection.
I thought it was just a bit of extra discharge in her ear so I let is go for a week. 
She wasn't acting all that different.  Not itching it.  Let me clean it. 
Had the vet check it on a whim and it turned out to be a really bad infection deep down.


Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Combatting passive resistance
« on: January 11, 2006, 02:00:48 pm »
Oh yea....Passive resistance rules for Daisy....aka Gandhi.   
She doesn't go for the play thing.  She used to.....but not any more.
She just flops....she's like a puddle of brown fur that used to be a dog.   She's butter.   
Food doesn't work.   Not even one of her favorites..... .cheese....tha t's right....the power of cheese fails. 
We resort to preying on her weakness.  She doesn't like to be left alone.   When she doesn't want to go inside.  We go in and turn out the lights.   She high tails it pretty quickly.   Of course, this wouldn't work at a public park.   
She doesn't like to get in the car but she will if Jack or Jilly is already in Jack/Jill have gone on numerous rides to the vet.   
Also if I can get her running while holding her collar and run her toward the car....a running start then 50% of the time she leaps in.
Luckily coming home is not a problem.  She always is anxious to get into the car to come back home.

Maybe Triple A should offer coverage for something like this.

"Hello? Triple A? Yes...I'm stuck at the park and Gandhi won't get in the car. Yes..he weighs over 100lbs. Can you send a fork lift over? 20 minutes? Yep that will be fine. Thanks!"

Yea!  Glad to hear you are trying things and finding what works for you.
I love the pic of the two of them. 
They look like..."here we are ma....and we love ya!!! Wanna play?"

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Why use a crate?
« on: January 11, 2006, 11:43:56 am »
Our puppers are on an earned privilege program (95% comes with age).   If the pupper can handle 100% run of the house unsupervised then they get that priviledge.   Chew one thing that is not a toy or soil indoors and they find themselves quite limited until that trust is earned again.   

There is also crating when there is illness for obvious reasons.


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