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Messages - aggghgmom

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I've always wanted one.  and my cherokee was going downhill fast.  just happened this guy had one.  It's not that much of a Barbie car.  a lot of guys want the wrangler.

No, no I didn't mean the Wrangler was a Barbie car - but the one he was looking at yellow with lots of chrome looked like a barbie car -

I'm sure you will love it!!

I also have one for Harley - it works very well - I bought the medium (he is the size of an irish setter) but I could have used the large which my neighbor has and loves for her 90 pound short haired mix breed

I hope her company from out of town gets delayed and you get your opportunity - it has certainly been a roller coaster for you!!

Best of luck!!

Randy and Harley

Very cool - that is the exact car my husband wanted - he had seen one on a car lot when he was looking but I told him that it was a Barbie Car.

Best of luck - I'm sure it looks better on you than it did on him.


Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: A TRIBUTE TO MAGIC
« on: July 07, 2008, 09:07:14 am »

I have been away for a few days - so please accept my belated but heartfelt sympathy for the loss of your beautiful Magic.

He touched so many lives and left that permanent paw print on your heart.

Your tribute and poem that you left has me sitting at my computer crying thinking of the pups that have gone on and the goofey one downstairs waiting for me with that wagging tail - thank you for reminding me how special he is and how I must appreciate him for the time we have together -

Again,  I am sorry for your loss


Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Prayer request for Magic
« on: July 01, 2008, 04:52:54 am »
We will be keeping fingers and paws crossed for Magic.

Please feel better soon Magic!!

Randy and Harley

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Canidae: Change in Formula
« on: June 30, 2008, 06:24:33 pm »
Crap - that is what I feed Harley and he has a sensative stomach - I know they had already changed the lamb formula because there are signs hanging all over the shelves - apparently a womans great dane got the runs and made quite a mess in her house and she was livid that the store didn't tell her so now they have signs and tell people - but at the time they hadn't changed the chicken or all stages which is what we alternate between.

What other foods are you consider feeding?

Randy and Harley

A few more pictures!!

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Look - I did something fun today!!
« on: June 28, 2008, 02:40:38 pm »
I did my very first transport.  Two white German Shepards I drove them from Buffalo to Rochester I had them for a total of 1 1/2 hours and I could have kept them both - I could sooo easily be a transport or foster failure!!

I give all of you who do rescue and foster care soooo much credit!!

Fae is about 6 months old and will be going to a family who will train her to be a service dog.  She is soooo sweet she lets you hug her and rub her belly; just a doll.

Oliver can be quite a handful - he bounded out of the car I was meeting - thankfully I caught him - he pulls on the leash and has pulled on my daughter and my hearts!!  I feel badly - I told him he was going to his forever home - but found out that he is actually going to a foster home - maybe they will be foster failures and keep him!!

Here are a few pictures of my new friends who I wish the best of luck and a long and healthy life!!  As you can see from the beautiful picture of my it was quite windy here today!!

That is my daughter hand holding Olivers paw!


Oh no poor Lucca - he is so cute and cuddly - he deserves to be hugged not bitten - bad other doggie!!

Thankfully, the people were nice and supportive also.  I could have been so much worse if they had just left and then you would have to hunt them down.

Well give Lucca and Frieda a hug and have a nice drink, or go shopping or whatever you like to do to relax!

Randy and Harley

I gotta say though that even though it's a cute story it makes me sad for the boy. I work with elementary special needs kids and I am sure there is more to the story but it kills me to hear that he was suspended cause they can't handle him

Oh I totally agree - The young man has issues.  The district that we live in (and I work in) is a very good district that generally handles issues well - His teacher this year was the worst!!  The mother didn't or couldn't fight hard enough for him - as I mentioned the father died a few years ago from brain cancer.  The mother hasn't figured how to handle everything and I don't think she has family in the area.  My neighbor is a parent advocate for children with special needs and that is how she wound up watching him.  Once he gets to the middle school (this year I think) I think the programs are better - I know it is a long way away but the high school has many options for him.

As far as making Harley a therapy dog I would LOVE it, I had hoped for it when getting Harley - but who knew he would be such a dork!!  He doesn't sit or lay down EVER - well not until night time when he stands next to me and I pet him until he literally falls over and goes to sleep.  I LOVE him he cracks me up but I would need 32 hours a day to train him!!


Now you may understand what life is like with Harley  ;D

So my neighbor is watching a 12 year old boy who was suspended for school - they just can't handle him; his father passed away two years ago mom has to work and he has ADHD.

A couple of days ago my neighbor asked him why is he always at my house playing with Harley instead of playing with her dog Rusty - his reponse was "Harley and I understand each other Harley has ADHD just like me".


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Rysa aka *spitfire* update
« on: June 24, 2008, 08:32:34 pm »
OMGoodness - she looks awesome!!  Rysa is a beautiful name!!

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Rosco needs the power of BPO
« on: June 24, 2008, 08:26:14 pm »
Oh Rosco I hope you are on the mend!!  We will be thinking about you!!  Let us know how you are doing OK?

Randy & Harley

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