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Messages - arkydo

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / The mastiff
« on: February 23, 2008, 04:14:28 am »
so we went to see the 2yr old mastiff yesterday,
he was really cool didnt get no pics.
the problem is that he doesn't like other dogs too much and i'm not really in the mood to stress the heck out of ma dogs to try changing him so we gave it a miss
but there was about ten other people coming to see him so i'm guessing he'll be fine

if you dont know what im talking about dont worry
im used to it lol

i got bored so i did this (i dont normally hold dogs ears like this the pic was originally a spoof of an uncles trophy buck pick)

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: gonna see a man about a dog
« on: February 21, 2008, 05:30:37 pm »
jus gonna speak to em for now got to access the situation correctly. Financially and as you said gotta make sure he's right for my dogs they're more important than getting another one

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / gonna see a man about a dog
« on: February 21, 2008, 05:05:35 pm »
i was reading our local news paper today and seen this free ad
gona give em a call see whats up tommorro

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Please vote for BLIZZARD
« on: February 21, 2008, 04:53:22 pm »
done it.ya dog looks pissed at something lol

One of the in-law uncles gave me his laptop to fix today.
his wallpaper was picture of him with a cheesey smile posing with his trophy buck he shot this winter.being me i had to change it

i dont crate 2 of mine
porter was fine till h got to 6 months then he had to go in a crate cuz he's driven by his nose and feasts while we're asleep(he worked out how to get into the cupboard with my noodles in it and all he knows how to beat the locks on his food)

Arkyd's got no nuts cuz he's a mix
Chav didn't have any when we adopted him
Porter he's purebred but by the end of month he'll be nutless aswell

Arkyds on eagle holistic and his poops are solid

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Played
« on: February 17, 2008, 09:18:41 am »
So i guess Arkyd is learning how to manipulate the wife and I
Some new traits he's developed:
If he feels he wants to go outside alone he'll walk in front of us and Pretend he's gonna puke (due to the fact that when he really does need to puke he gets let out)So then when we let him out he runs around like a maniac and won't come back in
When were in the car to get his window opened (the wife gets cold fast so in the winter windows are up)he'll put his head on your shoulder and make a real loud dry sounding huffing-coughing type noise till we open the windows
And finally he know that sugar cookies need to cool down and whilst they cool down Ashley isn't gonna watch them the whole time so he'll pretend to be asleep in the kitchen and as soon as she leaves the room, The theiving scoundral goes to work
I guess as stupid as he acts really he's a smart one

Good stuff
Maddox looks cool, Lets just hope you don't run into his previous owners lol
I got a Newfie/lab x (aparently the mum was a lab Bt.Bernard mix) but he turned out to be real good)
so good luck and congratulation s

well mid January a good friend of ours gets t boned by a 3/4 ton truck with a plow with pretty much screwed her up
then end of January another good friend of ours is found dad from hypothermia.
Then a week ago the hick next door and i got in a fist fight which ended up with the sherrifs taking chav away because he attacked the hick

so the good news the sherrifs department have returned chav dropped charges and decided to charge the hick next door considering the fact that it was on my property and chav was protecting me
Then i had a meeting with my boss and he said at the start of June my wage shall go from $15 to $35 which is cool cuz June is when my the baby is due

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / bored and stumblin
« on: February 16, 2008, 03:46:19 pm »
i'm bored so im using the stumble button on firefox
if found this, it aint dog related but its cool

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Aggression
« on: February 16, 2008, 03:25:08 pm »
ok well this is gonna sound cesar millanish but you shouldnt let any of the dogs think theyre top dog just you
we just went through this with our blood hound cuz he's the only male with nuts and he is just starting to feel the testosterone: so this is what i did
firstly exercise as a group, the whole lot sounds like a pain in the rear and it is but they all learn that your calling the shots
secondly whenever she is getting ready to "attack" (not the best word to describe it but blah)step right in front of her and walk at her so she lays down , she doesnt have to roll on her side to submit just lays down and whilst you're doing this dont say a word.
this took nearly a month all in all for Porter to get the message
another tip is whilst you are correcting her dont look at the other dogs cuz you dont want them to think that they are any part of it,sometimes they can feel like your hlping them or protecting them and they'll try helping you (Arkyd)

i dont know if others will agree with this but it worked for me and it doesn't include hitting your dog which is a problem today with dog owners especially out here in levertucky usa lol

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Dane tattoos?
« on: February 11, 2008, 12:56:41 pm »
i got a tattoo of a banana

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