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Messages - London_Pyr_Lover

Pages: 1 ... 79 80 [81] 82 83 ... 85
Treatment & Preventative Meds / Re: fleas arrrggghhh ......also food??
« on: August 30, 2007, 01:55:27 pm »
Hi!  I don't know if you're using something for the fleas already, but with Naja, and Moo, because they are still too young for Program, we are using the stuff you squeeze onto their necks.  It's an oil, I think it's called Advantage.  That seems to be working well on our flea problem, and I haven't seen any ticks on either puppy yet too.  For the food, I would definately suggest switching foods.  Purina has lots of fillers, it's like feeding Molly McDonalds every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Although not as bad as others that are out there.  You want too look for a food that is grain free, and 24% Crude Protein or less.  The lower protein helps protect her bones and joints from growing too quickly preventing hopefully problems down the road.  I also give Naja Glucosamine supplements to help keep her joints healthy.  I'm at work right now, or I'd tell you what they are.  I can tell you that they come in yummy treats that are made from peanut butter, or liver, there's a few different ones.  The pups love them! ;)  Hope this helps.   ;)  Slobbery kisses for Molly from Naja, Moo and me!

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: The growth of a Pyrenees puppy
« on: August 29, 2007, 07:20:33 pm »
They are so cute I just want to eat them up!!!
Sorry, I'm at work, and whenever I see a picture I have to get everyone around to come look (of course I'm the only one in a fuss about it but whatever, they're too cute).
When did your guys get their tails, cause Naja's is still kinda wirey and not fluffy... ???

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: The growth of a Pyrenees puppy
« on: August 29, 2007, 05:54:02 pm »
I love it!!!  I love hearing about all the Pyr Pups (and other pups of course!) that have grown up on BPO!  Hearing about what I have to look forward to!  I'm sad that Naja won't get the polar bear coat, but I guess that just means when I go back to BC and buy a house, I'll just have to get a male Pyrenees!  ;D
After all Naja needs a buddy!   ;) And as if I wasn't before I got Naja, but now I'm completely head over heels for this breed.
So I'm less anxious now that I know her teeth are normal and that any day now, I'm gonna start seeing more teeth in her head (It's so cute when she gives me that big toothy grin, her teeth are so far apart she almost looks like a doggie Jack-O-Lantern).  I am beginning to see some growth as of last night.  But now I'm wondering about the food. cause it's as though she's ALWAYS hungry.  You'd think I was starving her the way she wolfs down her food at breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I just don't think I trust her enough to not eat everything in sight if I were to try free feeding her.  Hmmmmm... ???

Games & Jokes / Re: 3 word story
« on: August 29, 2007, 05:26:02 pm »
Once upon a time, I saw three really big eyes that were glowing in the dark at night. I didn't know what the heck to think about it.  Slowly I took out my bright pink flashlight and hesitantly peered out into the eerie dark forest. Should I go and cautiously investigate and perhaps face my demise, or sit here, scared? I decide to call my mom. She isn't home and I start to panic, when out of the
darkness I saw a sudden movement."What should I do?" I wondered.  Then I remembered I have super-man undies on that make me invisible to others. So I immediately crept upbehind a very large raspberry bush and spotted the intruder!! "Breathe" I said to myself. Suddenly, I felt a
big, gnarled, claw grab my shoulder. I froze, my feet felt like bricks and all I could do was laugh at what had grabbed me. The coat tree! I let out a sigh of relief and was feeling a bit silly until I poured myself a good stiff drink. But, those eyes...  I know I saw them glowing, it had to have been realbog hag eyes! The only way my super-man undies remained dry, was that the hag had put a little bit of bog juice stuff over her boobs. With her hair
in her eyes, she was moving in beat to the rythm of the devil's drums. Thinking fast, I called a guy with huge brains and a metal ring in his underpants.  He was not the usual superhero on duty.  But he would not hesitate to do his job. He arrived carrying the Dyson Hag-O-Matic. Expertly, he suckedher eyes out - all three! But, she got away.

She didn't get past the giant

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Why Do Pyrs Bark?
« on: August 29, 2007, 05:14:49 pm »
  and has even gone so far as to call the police.  BTW, PIMA never barks at night, only during the day when she can see the squirrels.   :D
Kindof makes ya want to leave a smelly present on her front porch. But you don't, cause then she'd have grounds to get you in trouble.  ;) ;D

She has called the police on me twice. They told her not to call them anymore and she would have to get a petition going and bring it to the city. I hate her. My giants are sweet and she has no idea what she is talking about. Miserable lady.

Oh Oh Oh!!!  You should start a petition to get rid of HER!!!!  ;D ;D ;D 
I think people would much rather see a miserable mean matriarchal COW leave the neighborhood then a couple of gentle giants that warn us when there is a leaf trying to break into the yard.  ;)
I'd sign that petition!  ;) ;D

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Why Do Pyrs Bark?
« on: August 29, 2007, 04:58:05 pm »
I had a neighbor tell me there was something wrong with my dogs because they barked too mush. I asked if she knew anything of the breed and she relpied she knew about all breeds because she use to be a breeder. She wanted to put out a petition on my dogs. I almost printed it up the breed standard and stuck it in her mail box, but didn't because I didn't want to make her any madder and be petitioned to get rid of my dogs. Stupid lady, needless to say we are not good neighbors. LOL So ya barking is very normal.
Ohhhh.  >:(
My dad's got a neighbor like that, she complains about his Jack Russell PIMA, she just likes to bark at the squirrels, but the lady is so miserable and can't find anything else to do with her time then complain about poor little PIMA.  Same deal too, says that there is something wrong with her cause she barks, and has even gone so far as to call the police.  BTW, PIMA never barks at night, only during the day when she can see the squirrels.   :D
Kindof makes ya want to leave a smelly present on her front porch. But you don't, cause then she'd have grounds to get you in trouble.  ;) ;D

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: The growth of a Pyrenees puppy
« on: August 29, 2007, 03:10:15 pm »
Well that sounds right they go by weight and Phoebe is about 20ish lbs and she get 1 1/2cups/day split up 3times/day I will increase her to 1 3/4 probably today I need to check her weight again that should be fun. ??? How much does Naja weigh? Phoebe is in her crate next to our bed and she is certainly busy at night she wakes every 3hrs or so and plays my husband threatens to put her downstairs >:( (that will never happen)

When I had her to the vet I guess that was wow like a month ago :o, it doesn't feel like that long ago. lol  Anyways ;D, she was 28.4 lbs, so I'm guessing she's got to be between 30-35 ish now.  I'm told that when she's about a year old to cut her down to adult portions (Half of what she gets now) so she doesn't get fat.

Ha ha!
Tell Grace she can attack me like that anytime!  ;) Good for you Grace, making friends with the neighbors is fun! ;D

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: The growth of a Pyrenees puppy
« on: August 29, 2007, 02:57:00 pm »
So would you say I should continue feeding her what I do for the LB Puppy about 3-4 cups a day? (it's what the bag suggests.
Oh yeah, she's 17 weeks and 2 days old!  ;D  And she's cute as a button!  and a PIA.  I left her out of her crate last night cause she looked so sad and lonely in there (I know I'm a sucker for a pretty face ::)), and she pooped in my closet!!  Little stinker,  I even had her out last night before bed, she pooped then too.  Oh well.  Guess that'll learn me.

I love her to pieces though, she get's smarter and more independant every day, she's only 4 months old and already has a mind of her own.  I could go on for days, but I'll stop now.  he he he  ;D

Thanks for the advice on her coat, I can't wait till she's all grown up and has all that long beautiful hair.  I still love every day of puppy hood too though.  Ha ha one big walking contradiction I am eh?   ;D

Great Pyrenees Discussions / The growth of a Pyrenees puppy
« on: August 29, 2007, 08:11:43 am »
Just had a few questions about growth.  First when should I expect Naja to start loosing her baby teeth, and having her grown up teeth grow in?  She's got an awfully long snout and her little baby teeth are getting pretty few and far between if ya know what I mean.  lol.  Also, when do you think I can expect her fur to fill in a bit, like her mane and tail?  Every picture I've seen of grown up Pyr's they have these beautifull long manes, and tails that could sweep the floor.  I'm getting jealous of Yukon and Yiska!  lol
Also, I've gone a bought a GIANT bag of Canadaie All Stages, but I forgot to make sure it was Large Breed before I left the store, and lo and behold when I emptied it into her food holder thingy it didn't say large breed anywhere on the bag.  Hmph!  Should I go back and get another bag? or is this one okay?  It's like 40 lbs of food, so I'd hate to waste it, but I definately can't take it back.  lol
Okay!!!  Thanks
oh PS, more pictures of Naja to come soon.  Must figure out how to get them from my cell phone to the computer!

Mixed Breed Pictures / Re: Butter @ Wasaga Beach
« on: August 29, 2007, 08:02:01 am »
 ;D  AHHH HA HA!!!   ;D ;D
What a cutie pie!!!  It looks like Butter had a blast!  I love his face in the last one.  Almost as though he's saying "Can I go in the water one last time before we leave PLLLeeeeeeeeee eaaaaaaaaaaaaa ssssssssseeeee ee!!!!"
hehe  He's adorable!

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Unsure of my options
« on: August 29, 2007, 07:56:49 am »
Just giving this one a little bump to see if anyone knows anything new about Mr. Big.
I hope it didn't end badly.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Why Do Pyrs Bark?
« on: August 29, 2007, 07:55:07 am »
Ha Ha!  We're on a dairy farm so there is ALWAYS something going on.  People walking around, cows being led out to pasture, trucks and cats, and all sorts of other stuff.  Needless to say when Naja is outside all she does is bark, it's kindof cute, cause she'll bark even while doing her "business".  hehe
But you're right it is mostly at night that she is the most vocal, and almost never when she's inside unless she wants something (outside, pets, treat, to hear her own beautifull voice!).  Okay maybe alittle more often then never.  lol

I'm sorry I missed this thread.  And I'm so, so, so sorry about your loss.  My thoughts and prayers go out to you, your friend, and her family right now.

I like the paintball gun idea!  Get some "target" practice in on the weekends.  ha ha
Okay when moving time comes, nice house, 20 mins out of town.  That's where I am, haven't lived in an actual city in close to 7 years.  I love it!  Not only are there no loud children around to bug my puppers, but it's SO nice and quiet at night, and being able to see the stars makes the extra half hour commute worth it.
Any ways, I feel your pain! ;)  Good luck with the neighborhood brats. and just remember to count down the days to when school starts!

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