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Messages - Boyle

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Food Discussion & Information / Re: RMB Q
« on: March 02, 2006, 04:59:19 pm »
Here are some of the sites which relate to raw feeding and some books.  I highly recommend researching as much as possible before switching to raw and join the yahoo raw group - that is a font of information.  I started researching raw feeding months before making the leap.  We started Nola on prey model raw in January and he is thriving on it.  We started with whole chickens to teach him to tear/chew then slowly introduced other meats and organs. In the next week or so we start on green tripe.  Good luck

PS - From what I have read, you shouldn't feed smoked ham only fresh "green" ham.


Switching to Raw:

Jane Anderson's Raw Learning Site:

Dog Owner's Guide - BARF: Bones And Raw Food:

Canine Nutrition - Raw Feeding or BARFing:

Should I feed my pet raw food or the BARF diet?

Raw Meaty Bones:

Raw Fed Dogs:


BARF for Beginners - Top 50 FAQ's:

BARF Australia: What is BARF?


This is a yahoo group about raw feeding, yet you need to apply to join this group:

If any of the links are broken, please let us know. Thanks.

Some Books You Might Want to Read:

Work Wonders by Tom Lonsdale
Raw Meaty Bones by Tom Lonsdale
Grow Your Pups with Bones by Ian Billinghurst DVM
The BARF Diet by Ian Billinghurst DVM
Switching to Raw by Susan Johnson
The Ultimate Diet by Kymythy Schultze

If he was from a puppy mill or BYB it is very possible that he is a full english mastiff.  I have heard about many of the mill and byb mastiffs being on the smaller side (90-125 lbs) and not as typey - a bit more houndish in the face.  I don't see any bull mastiff in his face at all. 

He is an adorable dog regardless of whether or not he is full.

When we got Nola, I too was amazed by the number of strangers who asked his cost.  My response was "He was a gift from my Uncle."  I had used part of my tax return to purchase Nola so he was, in a sense, a gift from Uncle Sam.  If the people used the phrase "if you don't mind me asking," I would say that I did mind.  People are ballsy/nutty/nosey/rude/etc. 

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Westminster
« on: February 12, 2006, 04:03:05 pm »
If you have some time to kill, you can check out the videos of your favorite big paws (working), terrier, toy and non-sporting group results from Westminster.

I just watched 10 minutes of the mastiff judging and it was a sight to behold.

Great Dane Discussions / Re: When do they stop biting?
« on: February 02, 2006, 11:59:23 am »
We tried everything - lip grab, water, binaca (sorry, sorry, sorry Nola), etc.  We couldn't get our maniac to stop biting so we taught him bite inhibition.  I think this method saved us from some serious damage. 

Check out this link to MastiffWeb.  We followed the instructions and it worked wonders.

Good luck with your alligator  :)

I think most AM breeders point out the whole drool aspect not as drool free but with less drool. This is from one breeders site:

Fredericka Wagner of Flying W. Farm created the foundation stock of the American Mastiff, infusing Anatolian Mastiffs into the English lines.There is no need to carry a drool rag everywhere you go with an American Mastiff. They do drool, when excited and around food, but really no more than most any other breed of dog. That is a major plus in the live with quotient with these beautiful giants.

I have to tell you, Nola is an 11 month full-blooded OEM and the only time I have to wipe him down with a drool rag is after drinking or when he smells something delicious such as late night gyros.  Even with your AM, you will always have to carry a drool rag.  Sometimes the dog smells McDonald's, BK, etc. while riding in the car which will cause puddles of slobber to form.   It's really attractive to drive around with slingers on all the windows.

I don't post often but I just had to jump in here.  I believe one of the main reasons that the discussion gets heated is because a AM is a mix between a OEM and an Anatolian Shepard.  The pups are being touted as a dry-mouthed mastiff with the gentle giant disposition.  What potential owners aren't being told about is the temperment of the Anatolian.  People may wind up with a 200+ lb dog that is possessive, protective and who dislike strangers.  I am not bashing the Anatolian at all.  I have met a couple and they are great dogs.  The problem is when people get a dog without doing the research.  When getting a dog, people really need to do their homework so that the dog they get has the temperment that suits them.  Otherwise, dogs end up being put down or dumped in rescue. 

The only thing my guy hasn't destroyed is the Boingo Ball from PetSmart.  His all time favorites are plastic bottles and meat bones.  The only problem with the bottle is, while drinking a pop, he sits and waits for you to finish.   I hate getting the bug eye from him.

The tire toy did last pretty long - all of 22 minutes.  We always time him when he gets a new toy to see how long it will take for total destruction. 

Don't let the avatar fool you, Nola is almost 10 months and about 140 lbs.  He's our big bruiser.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: How FAst is Fast growth?
« on: December 08, 2005, 05:25:29 pm »
What an adorable puppy!  I have a 9 month OEM, Nola, and the growth rate for him close to 5 lbs a week.  At the suggestions of many giant breed owners, we switched him to adult food with 20-25% protein level right away.  Enjoy the puppy breath!  They grow up so quickly.  Take lots and lots of pictures.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Does Your Dog Talk?
« on: November 28, 2005, 03:43:44 pm »
Nola doesn't talk at all.  He sings humpback whale songs.  I don't know how he learned these because the closest body of saltwater is about 1,000 miles away.   Hmmm....maybe he was a humpback in his past life.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: My OEM likes eating her beds....
« on: November 22, 2005, 12:18:09 pm »
I feel you pain.  Nola, almost 9 month old, has a dog bed graveyard on the back porch.  The most recent one was destroyed within two days.   We now use throwrugs that I find cheap at TJ Maxx and the like. 

Orvis supposedly has an indestructable bed called Toughchew (around $200).  I haven't tried it yet but I am toying with the idea.  I am just worried that I will be continuously shipping it back and forth because the beast has torn it apart.

Good luck with the search.

Nola gets knuckle bones and femur bones in the house, outside, at the bar, etc.  This means at least 2-3 hours of quiet time for the b/f and I.  Our rule of thumb is the knuckle bone or femur bones must be 1/2 the size or length of his head.  He has some femur bones lying around from a couple weeks ago.  He cleaned them out in one sitting but still gnaws on them from time to time.  I cannot answer about aggression since we only have one dog and the b/f doesn't eat red meat so they don't fight over it. 

If you dog has chewed through a Kong, he will definitely be able to chew through a Jolly Ball.  Nola was able to get the handle partly off within 1/2 hour.  I used a knife to completely remove the handle and the toy was good for one more day but under supervision.  I am trying to locate a jolly ball without the handle because the pup really liked it.  I plan to stop at the pet store tonight to try the Tire Ball.  I think if a tire can last 40,000 miles it should be able to last at least a week with the beast.

Good luck

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Giant Size Vari Kennel
« on: November 15, 2005, 05:34:22 pm »
I am in Chicago as well.  How are you liking the flurries today?

My local dog boutique, Off the Leash, just ordered a 54" colossal crate for me (Midwest style 1154 - black powder coated).  The crate will run just over $200 plus they are ordering the crate pad for me.  I tried the larger pet stores but they only carried the 42" or 48" crates.  I did try but such no luck.  I don't know where you are located in the city but you may want to try a local dog boutique or call the people at OTL (  The people that run OTL are just great and special order XXL stuff for Nola all the time.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: I'm New
« on: November 13, 2005, 06:25:16 pm »
Thanks for the wonderful welcome! 

ZooCrew, I am not too familiar with the western suburbs so I cannot offer any information about that area.  But, if you ever want to make the hour trip to the city, there is a OTL dog beach at Montrose Beach.  Most of the dogs are well behave but there are a few clunkers.  You should probably check your municipalities website about dog parks. 

The reason we refer to Nola as a little guy/pup is because his dam is 185 and his sire is 220.  We have about 80-120 more pounds to go!

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