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Messages - Imani's Mom

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: You love dogs too much!
« on: September 07, 2006, 11:55:55 am »
People who say that obviously have never had a connection with their dog, never truly loved or been loved by a dog.  Once you have made that connection, you KNOW what true love is, and could never have a "life" without it.

Neapolitan Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: My Neo is having seizures
« on: September 07, 2006, 01:51:36 am »
 :( I am sorry you and your baby are going through this.  I don't know enough about neos to say if it is common, but I do know it is seriously considered by most to be hereditary.  Did you get your baby from a breeder?  If so, you should contact them and tell them what is happening, not only to find out if they have any knowledge of others in your guy's pedigree having had seizures, but to let him/her know that other dogs in your pup's litter and siblings from other litters are at risk.   The next thing you need to do is start taking notes... write down when the seizures occur, how long they last, and what activity you observe during each specific seizure.  From there, a vet appointment for bloodwork to rule out typical causes of seizures, and your vet will probably want to work with you on ruling out environmental causes as well.  Usually, when you go to the vet for the first appointment, they will ask you to start keeping a record, with all the factors I mentioned previously, and the two of you will follow up from there.  If you go to the first appointment already armed with a record in detail, it will speed up the process by several weeks/months, and get your baby on some meds that will help keep him seizure free hopefully for a long time.  Good luck!

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: Updated Jesse Pictures (August 26)
« on: September 06, 2006, 06:54:47 am »
Need good thoughts for Mr. Jesse- he is having his surgery for cherry eye on Thursday September 14, and Frankie will be spayed at the same time.  Both will be home the same night, so I can keep my eye on them during recovery.

Edited because my computer keeps posting stuff before I am done typing.  ARRRRRRGGG!!!

Don't wait- he needs to go NOW.  This is way too serious to be teething, and way too serious to let it continue for even another 24 hours.  Poor guy!

I am a bit over an hour from Rochester, but if you seriously want her checked out, and can't find anyone closer, let me know.

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: Pictures of Lucah
« on: September 04, 2006, 02:10:51 pm »
What an handsome little man he is!  I bet you have your hands full, but at the same time, your heart swells with pride every time he looks at you with those adoring puppy eyes.

Thank you! I needed that bit of reassurance.  I forgot to mention that I am home ALL DAY with these guys, have a fenced yard, live out in the country,  do my own training, and everybody who meets them tells me how wonderfully behaved and well trained all of my babies are.  Oh, and my youngest child is 18, and the only one still living at home, tho she is going to college right now.

Not that I feel I should have to defend myself on this issue- my point is this... I am near enough to him where I could drive over and pick her up, BUT... I am not *qualified*, as I already have two females purchased from a breeder, one rescue boy, and my foster girl just left for her forever home two weekends ago.  I also have four cats, and chinchillas, which, by his own words, makes me a collector.  What right does HE have to accuse me of that???  How many of you guys here would tell me I would not give this girl the best home she could ever have for the rest of her life???

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: BOO!
« on: September 04, 2006, 01:17:48 am »
You are lucky he didn't pee/poop all over himself!  Poor guy!

And she isn't even spayed- what responsibility to her has HE ever followed through on?

Discussions & Information on Grooming / Re: grooming
« on: September 02, 2006, 12:56:59 pm »
You could sprinkle corn starch heavily onto the area, and work it in good and try combing it out, and if that doesn't get it, make cuts carefully at 90* to the skin, and it will all comb out from there without looking choppy.

Sweet girl, but apparently *I* fit the owner's definition of a collector. HA!

Awesome- thank you all so much!  I am gonna run out and get some QUICK!

Sorry- OT a bit, but what is MSM?  I have all my guys on glucosamine/chondroitin, and I keep seeing references to MSM but have not found anything telling what it is.  Thanks!

Just wanted to mention something I haven't seen noted here yet- I don't know how it relates to your baby, whether she is spayed already or not, but I know with my girls, they wait at least 2 months after their heat cycles to x-ray hips, as somehow going through a heat makes the hips appear looser than they are at other times.  Might be something worth looking into.

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