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Messages - Kelly89084

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Well, I was exagerating a bit although I did see on one breeders site that they had about a 2 yr waiting list and were not accepting anyone else at that time.  I'm on the AM yahoo group too I just haven't been there lately (assuming they didn't get mad and kick me out for not posting lol).  I am picky though and unfortunately I want the same thing as so many others, a fawn male.  :-\  Wish they weren't so popular.  I may get on a waiting list when I'm ready for dog #3 but Holly needs #2 to come a little earlier and so do I. ;)

BTW, Flying W has a horse I really want too.  I believe his name is Baron.  He's soooooooo handsome!

Let me know what she says.  I wanted an AM but didn't think I'd have the patience for a poissibly 2 yr waiting list and I prefer adults anyway which are kind of hard to come by. ;)

I wonder if it is a Panja American Mastiff (the pitbull/mastiff mix) and not a Flying W Mastiff...

I hadn't even thought about that but you may be right. 

 :o  An AM???  :o

Poor Day-z!!!  We'll be sending plenty of PT for her and L&L for all of you. 

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / This dog
« on: March 21, 2006, 01:12:55 pm »
looks just like my Goliath I had as a kid.  I just want to reach through the comp and squeeze him! :D

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: Ugh! The SPCA.....
« on: March 21, 2006, 12:05:02 pm »
I won't have anything to do with the spca here.  I won't donate, I won't adopt, I won''t even look at them as i walk by.  Almost every single person I've dealt with over there is rude.  Once I even got a lecture about how to raise my child by someone grooming a dog!  I've seen behind the scenes too and it's not pretty.  This was a few years back but it was enough to convince me never to go again.  I can't believe I wanted a job there, but that was before I knew so much about them.  nasty, rude people.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Newfie vs Pyr
« on: March 21, 2006, 11:54:46 am »
My coat is pretty big, I just might be able to do it. :D

Of course by the time I'm finished collecting all the BPO dogs I will need a dog bus.  lol

Anyone want a non-guarding guard dog?  :-\

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Newfie vs Pyr
« on: March 21, 2006, 11:31:56 am »
I vote go for a Pyr and a newfie! That way the newfie can guard the bed and the Pyr can guard the house.

Lisa, (who would love to have a newfie to go with my pyrs)

Can you come for a visit and convince my hubby of that?  I would love to have one of each. :D

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Newfie vs Pyr
« on: March 21, 2006, 11:30:42 am »
Pippin is a doll!  That picture is absolutely a gem!  I think he's on my kidnap list, along with Sam & Max, Bear, Fumble, Cowboy, Kiah, Ruckus... oh my, don't think I can think of them all of the top of my head!

Ok, you get Pippin, I'll get Samson.  Then I'm going for Bear and Cowboy. :D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Cell Phone Suggestions?
« on: March 18, 2006, 08:04:35 am »
I've read many many reviews on the razr and they all say the phone doesn't last.  If you're looking to keep it for years like you did your last, I'd search for something else.  Also, the outside of it is supposed to not hold up so well to scratches etc either.  There wasn't much info on the pebl last time I checked (that was a while ago) but I can look it up for you. :)

This is a good place to look for reviews on just about anything.  They give their own expert opnion as well as WHY they think they was they do about that products, but you'll also get plenty of user reviews so you can see how it does with real life usage.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Email from my mom
« on: March 18, 2006, 12:55:10 pm »
That's so sweet!  It also explains why the big dogs don'/t live as long as the little yappers.  ;)  :P

I want a white standard and just to mess with hubby, I'm painting her toenails  bright red!   

Haha.......... ...why don't you go one better and do this?

Keep in mind this is a male dog.   :o  :o

That's funny but I'm just nopt that mean.  To the dog that is!  ;D Can you imagine how embarrassed that poor thing is running around town?!  I've seen too many dogs after they've been "dressed up" to believe they don't have feelings and opinions about the whole thing. :D

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Depressed Doggy
« on: March 18, 2006, 12:55:39 am »
Thanks for the replies.  She was feeling a bit better tonight after some cuddling.  Chicken little even got brave enough to "bite" her mommy.  lol  Holly is a very sensitive girl and take EVERYTHING personally.  She also gets shaken up easily over the smallest things.  We're working on her issues but since we've only had her just over 3 weeks, we've got a long road still ahead.  I'm currently trying to find a confident adult doggy partner that will show her how she should be acting and what she should and shouldn't be nervous about.  I'm hoping her new companion will help ease her stress and help her gain some confidence.  I'm going to work with her a while more one on one first but in another month or two we should have a pal for her to spend time with. ;) 

As much as her clighyness got on my nerves when we first got her, it's actully growing on me to have an oversized dog in my lap and pushing me off the couch again.  We're both learning each other's quirks at this point and she's learning to back off and relax a bit and I'm learning to accept that I own a running, ball-chasing, soccerball carrying, ball of saran wrap.  ;D

Tomorrow we're going to petsmart to get her some new stuffed sqeaky toys since she's managed to decapitate her "mailman" and rip the wing off her goose.  lol  We're taking her to the one that has animal adoptions, not to socialize so much as to get used to more new things so she won't have to be a 'fraidy cat about everything.  She's already learned to accept that the McDs drive through guy isn't trying to attack me. :D

On a good note, we were asked today if she was a show dog. ;D  While personally I don't think she's THAT good, it was a great compliment and nice to hear.  ;)

Wow!  I think I need sleep before I continue to ramble.  lol

I want a white standard and just to mess with hubby, I'm painting her toenails  bright red!   :P

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