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Messages - specialkdanemom

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Doberman Discussions / Re: Show of dominance or affection?
« on: January 30, 2007, 11:45:01 am »
In my house it is a safe guard. Toys propped on Mom or Dad are les likely to get stolen by the other dogs. I think it is also a sign of trust.

I agree!  Mika does this w/ her bones whenever she's getting stalked by Shasta.  She brings her bones to us, gets a petting and then keeps an eye on where Shasta is and then attempts to relocate.

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Dane on 2 and half men
« on: January 30, 2007, 11:20:41 am »
The big boy definately did a good job!  I also liked his entrance... when came in and stared at Charlie Sheen, then startled him.  I remember this from my big boy!! :D

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Dane on 2 and half men
« on: January 30, 2007, 11:08:46 am »
I saw that last night... he was gorgeous!!

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Puppy pics
« on: January 30, 2007, 11:07:29 am »
They are sooooo adorable!!  ;D :D ;D
I still love TJ and those pink toes!!!  :-* :-* :-* :-*
You are incredible to take on so much!   :o 8)
Would love to be closer and take the bunch off your hands for a while! ;) ;)

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Who all has a rescued Great Dane?
« on: January 28, 2007, 02:22:43 pm »
I've been trying to find the time to add to this thread.  I have so much too share and too little time.
Appollos (RIP 12/05) :'( was our first rescue dane.  He had seperation issues, deaf, wobblers and he constantly paced and paced and paced... but always w/ a wagging tail and smile.  All his potential adopters loved him, but didn't want to deal w/ the possiblity that he potentially had an even shorter life span w/ wobblers.  Their loss and our gain... he was one of the best!!! ;D ;D  He loved everyone and everything... as long as it involved being with his family.  My favorite thing about him... I could throw my arms wide open and he would come running across the room in his funny, loppy/hoppy gate ::) w/ the biggest smile on his face... knowing he was going to get a great big hug.  He was one of the goofiest dogs I've ever known and I loved him for it.  It might sound funny, but he could always warm my heart with his "smile" and his love of life.  We had an awesome year and a half with our happy big boy and would do it all over again, even knowing the outcome.  His loss was heart renching... I have a "head shot" of him at the Grand Canyon that I use as my computer background, so I see him everyday.

Here's a link to his "story" before we got him.  The pics at the top are of his time after we adopted him.

Sera (aka Seraphina)was our second.  We went back and adopted her from the same rescue a couple months later.  When we adopted Appollos, we chose him over Sera because she had a better chance of adoption.  Then we decided we had to have her too and went back.  She had almost died a couple times before we got her and from the start has been a very special little girl... our "Princess", "Baby Girl" and she's a daddy's girl.  I think it's because Marc, her rescuer, was so dedicated in making sure she lived (she slept on his chest every night as a puppy, just in case she stopped breathing... he'd be there), that she has a special place in her heart for men.  My husband, Sera's daddy, spoils her rotten everyday.  What's funny was that when we adopted these two... Appollos was going to be my husband's dog (you know... big, male dog) and Sera was going to be mine (smaller, female dog)... well, we all know it's not us who chooses, it's the dogs.  And, Sera loves her daddy!!  Sera rules the roost amongst the dogs... and she definatly is a Princess 8) and acts like it.  She crosses her front legs, holds her head up high and is very, very dainty when taking food from your hand... if it's pizza crust, she will take 2-3 minutes to nibble it down.  Just love her!! :-* :-*
Here's a link to more of her "earlier" info.  Pictures at the top are pics w/ our family.

Mika (aka Guin) was added to our family about a year after Sera and about 6 months before we lost Appollos.  We had gone down to help the rescue with a "Rescue Booth" they had at a small fair.  We, along w/ other past adopters and some of the available dogs, brought our dogs to help bring in potential adopters (I have some really good pics... at times 16-18 GD... that someone took and emailed me, so I'll attempt the scan/post).  This is where we met Guin (now Mika) I had seen her on the website (I admit, it's on my favorites and look quite often) and was amazed at how sweet she was and how our two got along with her almost instantly.  Well, we put a bug in Marc's ear that day.  Two weeks later I was driving back down (a 3-hour drive) to bring her home for a trial period.  Ten days later Marc called to see if we were bringing her back... and I said, "h*ll NO!" and sent him a check for her adoption fee.  We have found out, by her reactions to certain things, etc. that her previous owner's new husband (who did not like her) had to have been quite mean >:( >:( >:(... She does have lots of scars on her head, back and rear that they claimed was from dog fights.  We've had her for 1.5 years now and she trusts my husband and loves him to death.  She used to cower(sp?) and hide when my husband moved around after lights were out.  She was afraid to get on the bed... now she thinks she owns it. :D  When Marc got her, she was very thin and they claimed they couldn't keep weight on her.  Marc had no problem, and we sure have had absolutly no problem... she's getting a little chunky. :o   We love her very, very much.  And whats really odd, since Appollos has past, my husband and I see a lot of his traits in her now... very happy girl and loves life.  Appollos loved to grab a toy, toss it around and play by himself... Mika has been doing that same thing the past few months.  And now I catch myself throwing my arms open and she comes running with a sparkle in her eyes and a silly grin. 
Here's her link:

Hope the links work... if not, go to Deaf Dane Rescue (in Oakland, OR) and you can click on "Happy Tails" in the upper left corner of the home page and then click on each individual dog... ours will be listed first, in the "Bet you can't own just one" list of multiple adopters. 
I appologize if this is too long, but you asked!!
We love our dogs very much and unfortunatly alot of people around us don't understand and don't know what they're missing!!  I have to thank my wonderful husband for loving me and understanding my passion/love of Big Dogs (I have him hooked now, too!! ;D)  My life would not be as wonderful as it is without these wonderful creatures!!  These dogs have made sure that there will always be a place for big dogs in our lives, because how loving they are.  Thanks for "listening"... you guys are the greatest listeners!! ;) ;D

I had a similar experience.
I had bought our girls a bag of food a few months back and after I opened it I could smell a difference.  I still fed it to the dogs... they ate it, but not w/o sniffing a bit first.  They usually gobble it up.  I took a look at the bag and dates were fine, but near the bottom of the bag was a small hole :(... small enough to only see when looking for it, but not big enough for any food to fall out.  I think this was the problem... the bags are vaccum sealed for freshness and the hole took away the freshness.  I exchanged the bag for another and could tell the new bag had no problems.
I just wanted to let you know that this could have been what happened to your bag also, and that its by chance you grabbed that one bag, like I did.  Fortunatly, there is nothing wrong with the food... just not fresh anymore. :D

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: *Hopefully* !!!!
« on: January 28, 2007, 12:35:24 pm »
He's gorgeously handsome!! 
We're all pulling for you and hope to hear good news soon.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Happy Birthday, Jodi!!! (Gevaudan_Jo)
« on: January 27, 2007, 06:26:30 pm »
Happy, Happy Birthday (sunday, 1/28)... from one Birtday girl (1/27) to another ;D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Happy Birthday, Karen
« on: January 26, 2007, 08:46:02 pm »
Thank you, so much... everyone!! :) ;) :D ;D

I always forget how close it is until I get a card or my mom calls to schedule the "Birthday Dinner".

Going to Rogue Brewery to get my "FREE" ;D ;D ;D "Yard of Beer" on Saturday night.  My favorite... Menaja(sp?) Frog

I just had to say something... I will be the first to admit that there are some bad carriers out there... and some really good ones too.   
I am a letter carrier in Oregon and I always try to do a great job for my customers, but I'm not perfect and I admit that I can make mistakes, even though I am trying to do my best.  I'm human, and as with any other person in "any" job, I can have a bad day, not feel well or have some very important things on my mind, such as... family, bills, pets, appointments, cancer w/ a parent, remodeling, car accidents, schedules, etc...     
This is the same in every job you come across (good workers and bad workers, etc.).  Unfortunetly, it's the "Bad" apples that everyone remembers! 
I am not making excuses for the lazy or bad carriers... there is no excuse for a problem to be ongoing or to have to continuously try to fix a problem... I just wanted to say that even the letter carriers with good work ethics that strive for perfection, are human and do make mistakes.  If my customers talk to me I can usually help or fix things, but if I don't know about a problem or  the customer waits 3- 4 months to mention a problem (yes, it does happen) I can't help or fix it.
I go out of my way to help my customers in any way I can... to make things easier for them.  Some of my customers don't have vehicles, are elderly or are in wheelchairs, etc. and I've worked with them to buy their stamps, send packages and other special arrangements. 
If a problem arises, the best thing is to talk to your "regular" carrier first.  If you can't talk to him/her, then leave a note.  If you don't have a "regular" carrier (and even if you do... "Regulars" have days off and vacations, so other people will work the route), you can tape a permanent note in your mailbox that states the last names that receive mail at your address... make it "BOLD" and add "ONLY"(underlined).  I do this for my customers who shared the same house number, but lived on different streets (I have even seen two families of "Petersons" who lived on different streets, but had the same house number).  Auxillery(Accessory) routes usually have the problem of no regular carrier, so there is a lack of consistancy and lots of delivery problems.
If the carrier can't help you, then speak to the supervisor and then the Postmaster... follow up with a letter if this has been an ongoing problem. 
"Communication" is the key and when someone isn't listening... make them listen, cuz we all know that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. 

In regards to your broken screen door, definately(sp?) take action... take pictures, get your dated receipt from when you bought it(new? Right?) and write it down (include the date it happened and keep copies) and go in person to the station (as w/ anything, doing something like this face to face makes things work better and faster) and speak with the supervisor and /or postmaster.
Sorry about my ranting.

Check this out... we're talking morbidly obese!!

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Ok....ewww
« on: January 17, 2007, 10:56:38 pm »
Reminds me of our family's dog, Tasha (Samoyd), from when I was in grade school. She always carried around a knotted sock for tug-a-war.  One "night" (in the backyard) our friend grabbed it from her to play and thought it felt quite odd... she held it up in the light and saw that it was a dead, skinned baby opposum.  Yuk x3!!!!!

Games & Jokes / Re: This was fun
« on: January 15, 2007, 07:22:56 pm »
I kicked my brother because I was drunk. :D
Your birthdays the day before mine :D
Happy early bday hahaha
Back at ya!  Happy B-day... it'll be here and gone before we know it. :o

Games & Jokes / Re: This was fun
« on: January 15, 2007, 06:44:36 pm »
I kicked my brother because I was drunk. :D

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: Does NO ONE get it??? ARGH!
« on: January 15, 2007, 12:51:34 pm »
Just wanted to put my two cents in...
I've been divorced twice and am now happly married at 43 years.  I have a great marriage and have made a wonderful choice for a number of reasons.  A few:
1) maturity  2)Deciding to not make a 3rd mistake  3)Honesty...very direct honesty.

My husband brought it up first (in the first week we met)....  he told me what he wanted out of life, a life partner (and what he didn't), views on parenting and the lack of, etc., just about everything that's so very important when deciding who you want to grow old with.  Talk about speed dating!!  It was a ... "here I am and who I am" conversation.

Bottom line: we were both too old and tired of putting up with games, etc.  We layed it on the line, knowing that if one of us didn't like something about the other, then no loss and we'd go our seperate ways. 
This worked great, because after one week of "getting" to know him, that 8 hr conversation was a turning point and things only got better..... honesty, what is there to lose (just a guy who doesn't respect your choices and your happiness)... especially when you and your families' happiness is at stake???!!
My dogs and kids did't go everywhere with me before I remarried, but vacations were schecduled to include them and he knew that about me and he understood, because of his son and his "motorcycles". 
I truly believe that you love the people you meet because of who they are and the pets, children, motorcyles, photography, etc. have created who they are... take those away and you take away/change the one you love!!
Didn't mean to steal your thread... just my thoughts cuz I've been there.
Good Luck!! 

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