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Messages - Tspanos

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Basic strategy for fencing a large area is to adapt livestock fencing to suit dogs as Binky and her husband did. I would recomend you visit www.redbrand.c om , they're the primary supplier of livestock fencing. Feed and hardware stores like Tractor Supply carry their line, means you can price and even order your fencing online.

My suggestions would be as follows.
Get the heaviest fence you can afford, the heavier= thicker galvanizing, stronger wire = longer life.
Woven not welded, it will flex instead of break should something hit it(falling tree or wild animal).
Limit the distance between posts(nothing wrong with trees) to around 10-12', makes next suggestion not as critical.
Stretch the fence with a come-along or tractor, as tight as you can get it, it will help limit sag overtime.
Finally consider an appropiate anti digging method. Tim

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: New pics
« on: January 25, 2007, 09:31:08 am »
Eiren, Stacy you missed that Zues lives in **** Ma, its just outside Boston. Zues is going to have to come to the next get together we have. Although it may be a problem with the whole soccer ball thing!!

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Please vote for Fumble!!????
« on: January 24, 2007, 09:28:01 pm »
Mr Fumbs is still #1 but its now at 7.19 come on everyone we have to take care of our own.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: new fumble pictureS!
« on: January 22, 2007, 03:50:50 pm »
Fumble looks great as usual. But the brush Anita is speaking of is Fumble breaking the law walking on the dunes. Oh well Aunty will bail ham and Mommy out of jail when he gets caught. Keep um coming girls.

Just wanted to let all of Kali's BPO peeps know about the special day. Kali is 2 years old today. Not exactly sure what the day will hold but I'm sure we'll do something special. Tim

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: New Fumble Pictures!
« on: January 08, 2007, 04:03:55 pm »
Rich I can't believe it your alive!!!! Tell Winslow Kali's B-day is next Fri. I hope all is good, don't be a stranger.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: New Fumble Pictures!
« on: January 08, 2007, 02:42:08 pm »
Stacy hope you feel better but Fumble has got to be enjoying his extra Aunty time. its nice to see one of our Newfs is starting to become a NEWF. The pic of Fumbs charging Eiren looks very intimidating ;).

Big Dogs with Jobs / Re: Some agility Pics
« on: January 05, 2007, 05:01:38 pm »
Kali's been doing agility since she was a puppy in her puppy class.  She loves it.  Lacey just started.  She's a little nervous about the dogwalk and Aframe still.  It's not hard to train them especially if you know someone with an experienced dog.  Kali showed Lacey how to do long tunnels and the Aframe.  It's good exercise for them and really helps with their focus in obedience. 

Next meetngreet at our place we'll set it up.

**Edit** cause it's Erin(chaos270) not Tim

Anita she is adorable! I guess you really want to get the New England Newf Pack to come visit, especially since you now have as many newfs as all of us do combined. Just one question for now, how many weeks is she? Tim & Kali

BUMP!!! We want pics too!!!

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: new fumble pictures (sorry we've been MIA)
« on: January 02, 2007, 01:38:33 pm »
Erin actual had you guys for SS, I had Fumbs twin on the other coast. My gift for Fumbs is taking forever to complete. I love the photo of Stacy on Fumble's futon with him. We really need to start planning another get together.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Happy Birthday Eiren and Stacy!!
« on: January 01, 2007, 01:45:53 am »
Hey girls Happy birthday, I left a voicemail on Eiren's phone for both of you. I hope your days went well!
Tim & Kali

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Fumbles winter photo shoot!
« on: December 04, 2006, 06:42:06 am »
Stacy I was wondering where the other shots were, I had missed these. I like the one you put up on your profile, and the Eiren reindeer came out great too.

Monthly Photo Contests / Re: 2007 BPO Calendar Information
« on: November 30, 2006, 08:29:47 am »
Need a little help - the instructions said that the picture has to be at least 800k? Most of my pics are either 4 megapixel or 8 megapixels. Is that going to be ok?

A 4 megapixel picture should be around 1.6mb or 1,600K so as long as you send Jamie the full resolution pic it will be more than adequate. The 8 megapixel pic would allow Jamie to crop the photo and still have a large enough file so it would be even better, but either will work.

Like above it is a personality thing. Kali will sleep in my bed now that it is cooler but you couldn't drag her to my bed in the summer even with the AC going all the time. I will say this I don't think your wife is ready for a 110-180# dog to sit in her lap, its cute and i love it but I can only take it for so long before breathing wins out!

As for a Newf stereotype, they love to be with their people, they drool, they like the water(even if it is only on their terms), are protective (not agressive), shed, are intelligent but tend to be SLOW you get the idea.
Kali loves to go everywhere I go. Kali also loves to sit with my father on the sofa (the little love seat) while he watches the news. Check out this page from a few weeks ago,14086.0.html it has a lot of good feedback on newfs. Tim

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