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Messages - RottiMommyAL

Pages: 1 [2]
Rottweiler Discussions / Re: tartar!
« on: June 01, 2005, 02:06:09 pm »
It's not the Barf diet.  It's called prey model or raw feeding.  I give each dog 2-3% of their adult weight of food.  Raw meat, bones and organs.  What a wild dog would eat in the...wild.  I do a gorge and fast method where one day they eat 4-5# of food and then the next day they fast.  We are on a wonderful cycle now.  Both dogs love their new food.  Some foods need to be introduced seeing they are so inexperienced with raw.  There is a raw feeding group on Yahoo if your interested.
I thought about raw feeding before but thought it would be too expensive but we ahve saved money.  The chemically processed kibble was costing $100 every 3 weeks.  Now?  About $80 a month.  I have a storage freezer in the garage, we weigh everythiing out when we return from the butcher, mark each dogs bag.  I take a bag out for each dog the night before, it's thawed by morning.  I feed them seperately for safety issue and they love it.
One thing before I go.  You know those bare patches on a dogs elbows?  Well, both my Rotties, after 5 days of raw feeding, their bare elbow patches were gone!  Completely gone!  That was when I was totally convinced.  They their teeth and breath became so clean, hardly anymore gas (you know ;)), their coats are shiny without that oily feel.  They only thing I supplement is Fish/Salmon oil for the Omega 3.  Fish is kind of expensive and I need to make sure they get their Omega 3.  They get all they need nutrition wise from the bones, organs and meats.
Thanks Marit for the great questions!  Feel free, anytime!

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: tartar!
« on: June 01, 2005, 01:10:08 pm »
We feed our Rotties a completely raw diet.  The raw meat and bones they eat cleans their teeth so well.  My 3 year old males teeth are so super clean, it's incredible.  Another thing I've noticed is their breath.  I can honestly say it is pleasant.  That they can breathe in my face and my eyes don't tear up.
I am amazed at the benefits from this new diet.  If you'd like anymore info, feel free to e-mail me!

I have been feeding my 2 Rotts a completely raw diet for almost 3 monthes now.  (Don't get me started on their incrdible health, teeth, breath, coats and energy!)
They say that raw chicken feet are loaded with natural Glucosamine and Chondroitin.  Seeing my 2 are HUGE I make sure they get a daily dose of those chicken feet.  I find them at my regular grocery store or at the butcher.
Good luck and so sorry to hear about your baby!

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Going to the vet with a Rottweiller...
« on: June 01, 2005, 01:00:23 pm »
I couldn't imagine a Vet not accepting a dog because of their breed.  Now it did take me some time to find a groomer who would take Rotties.  I called 38 different places before I found a sweet little family owned place around the corner from me. 
My Vet is a Rottie specialist; he knows the breed very well.  I would drive 300 miles if I had to, to see this Vet.  I love him.  So I am fortunate.
But to know that DR's are discriminating against Rotties, really bites my butt! >:(
Out of the 3 major times I have been bitten by a dog, all of them were small.  All 3 of them were under 25 pounds.  The worst time I was bitten by a 12 pound Silky, I had 5 Rotties in the house all over 120#.  So I have built a distrust for the little ones.

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: How much is that doggie in the window?
« on: May 26, 2005, 01:07:09 pm »
Adorable babies! :D

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: What is your rottie's temperment?
« on: May 25, 2005, 05:25:20 pm »
Well, both of mine are push overs.  Magnus is coming to an age where he wants to run the 'pack'.  Since I got Storm aka Baby Girl spayed she has calmed down alot and will soon give the power of the pack to Magnus.  They both are protective and very goofy.  Magnus listens very well but Baby Girl is heedless.  She is stubborn and tries very hard to be independent.  They are both lovers and their favorite spot is in bed with me!

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Viscious rottweiler pictures
« on: May 25, 2005, 05:17:25 pm »
 ;) Maybe my picture will help them with their vicious Rotti search??!

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