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Messages - onederpupe

Pages: 1 [2]
Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Jazzy passed out!
« on: June 25, 2005, 07:47:50 pm »
WOW I lived in Rosemead Ca for 27 years and before that Hollywood. I was born on Hollywood Blvd. I have lived up here for just 2 years and miss LA sooo much. But I don't miss the traffic or the really hot weather. It is so much slower here like Mayberry RFD, really it is! All the neighbors know one another everyone talks to you, it is culture shock for a native Californian.

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Jazzy passed out!
« on: June 25, 2005, 01:21:59 pm »
Geez you guys are great! I am really new to this pc thing, I have only had a computer for 6 months so if I do a boo boo forgive me. I finally feel as if I am connected to people thru this site. Okay connected to nutso's but it is so nice to be able to talk to other nuts. I will keep everyone posted on how the Jazzdog is doing. She is back to her normal, nutty self and I am so thankful to have her and YA'LL. I really look forward to clicking on to this site and reading all the stories. I will keep you updated on what is happening up here in Vancouver Washington.

PS I would love to know where all of you guys live. It amazes me that you can talk to people from worlds away from yours.

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Jazzy passed out!
« on: June 25, 2005, 03:51:53 am »
When I was married the first time, in the late 60's, we had 3 Saints and I never could keep my rug clean. In fact I don't even remember the color of it because I never saw it. I can relate to drool wallpaper and wet laps.
My big boy Cosmo use to drink water, then run over to me and put his head in my lap dumping at least a pint of water on me. I know he did it on purpose, he thought it was just grand to wet the mommy. LOL

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Jazzy passed out!
« on: June 24, 2005, 07:17:57 pm »
I just want to thank all of you for being there for me when I was totally freaked out. It is so nice to have people who understand the connection one has with their furchild. My family thinks I am borderline nutso because I care so much for my baby. I really appreciate you guys beibg there, I am so glad I found this place.
onederpupe aka Kelly

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Jazzy passed out!
« on: June 24, 2005, 02:06:11 pm »
I took her this morning to the vet, the are doing a work up. She listen to her heart and could fine nothing wrong. The blood work might fined a cause, who knows? Jazzy is just fine this morning, as she was last night. Me on the other hand, well needless to say I did not sleep well. I kept checking her, as she slept upside down, in between us, snoring up a storm. She always sleeps upside down with her butt in our faces, yea what a view. LOL But after Mario leaves for work at 5am, she moves to my side and has to be spooning with me. I have to put my arm around her and she puts her head on my pillow. She sleeps that way till we get up. She is so odd! She is having a great day today, we are chasing squirrels, her favorite pastime. The squirrels love to tease her, they know just how far away they have to be to get away. So I guess we just have to wait and see. Thanks for your support, right now I really need it.

Rottweiler Discussions / Jazzy passed out!
« on: June 24, 2005, 01:14:47 pm »
Yesterday Jazzy started to puke so we went outside, she always lets me know, when she is going to be sick. She tried and tried to throw up, finally she did, but then she reared up and literally fell over on her side. She laid there not moving for a second, I am screaming her name and trying to get to her as fast as possible. I got to her, touched her and she sprang to life. I started crying, what just happened? She seemed fine and got up and continued to be herself. I called my vet and he said that she could have choked and cut of her air supply, causing her to pass out. She is fine today and last night she was fine, but I am so scared that something is wrong! I am afraid to leave her side. She is my baby and yes my world revolves around my Jazzy. My husband always says if I had to chose between them I would chose Jazz. This time he is 100% right LOL
So everyone has this ever happened to any of you? Please let me know my Rotti died of a brain tumor at 10 years old and it was so tramatic, I am a little over protective with Jazz I'm sure, but it is better to be safe then sorry. Thanks for any input.

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: How much is that doggie in the window?
« on: June 23, 2005, 01:23:28 pm »
The puppies are to die for, such cuties. Jazzy always goes to the window when Daddy leaves for work. She also goes to the window at least a minute before he gets home in the evening. She must hear the car because he never arrives at the same time. I wish I had a house full of puppies they are so much fun. Just love the pics!

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: I love my tire.
« on: June 12, 2005, 12:20:01 pm »

I am just 6 months in to this computer thing so I don't know how to do the photo thing YET! I am sure I will learn though. I am so glad that I found a place where people understand the love you can have for a Rotty, or for any dog.
My Shadow was a remarkable dog, he literally saved my life by uncovering with his nose a ruptured hernia. He just kept pushing his nose into my stomach and would not quit so I went to the Dr. Because of his insistance, lo and behold I was rushed to emergency surgery and was in ICU for 3 days. If I had not gone I would have died. I had no pain and was totally unaware of any problem but, Shadow knew. He also found a cancerous mole on my body, he was amazing. I have always loved dogs but this brought a new appreciation for their talents and just how intune they can be with their caregivers. I am not an owner I am a caregiver and I give the best care I can for these beautiful creatures.
Since I am new to this site and computers in general it is a little hard for me to find stuff but I will keep looking for "Duty". Thanks for letting in to a great site, I would have never known that there others out there like me.

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: I love my tire.
« on: June 11, 2005, 11:11:09 am »

Hi this is the greatest site. I am in love with big dogs and have been for at least 50 years. I have had 3 Saints, 1 German Shepard, 1 Pit bull,
1 Sammy, 1 Boxer, 1 Akita/St.Bernard Mix and my favorite a Rotty. My Rotty was named Shadow and I had him for 9 wonderful years. I lost him to a brain tumor 3 years ago and I can truely say I miss him everyday. He was the best dog that owned me! I named my company after him "WONDERPUPPY DESIGNS' and my on line name is
one-der-pup-e, kinda clever huh? lol  
Well I just wanted to say hi and intro myself, you all seem so nice and understand the big dog mentality. It is great to be able to talk to others who love the big ones.
We have just moved from CA. to the Pacific Northwest, Vancouver Washington and it is dog central up here. We have run into a bit of bad luck in the last few years so I was unable to get another Rotty. I did find a Akita/St.Bernard mix her name is Jazz. She is 105 lbs of pure love, would love to get a Rotty to keep her company. Anyone have one that needs a home. I can't afford to buy one but I have lots of love to give and am a great mommy. I need a little older Rotty because Jazzy is a big, clutzy, moose. I am afraid she would hurt a puppy.
She just doesn't get that she is as big as she is and she is sooooo spoiled. So I open to suggestions anybody!

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: So, you want to "buy" a rottweiler?
« on: June 11, 2005, 10:31:24 am »

This article is great for anyone interested in a rotty. I had the great pleasure of having a Rotty and they truely are a wonderful breed. They get bad press because of inconsiderate humans. I believe there are no bad dogs only stupid, inconsiderate owners.
This is a great site for Big Dog Lovers, I am so glad I found you guys!

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