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Messages - Perdi's Mom

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i Have it right now and just started it.  I can't wait to finish it already!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Drake vs. Galluping Horse
« on: January 23, 2006, 01:53:55 pm »
As a horse owner that loves to go on trails if we had any, I say SHAME on that woman.  She gives responsible horse riders a really bad name and leaves a negative impact on the other trail users as well as the trails themselves.  We are not supposed to be tearing around the trails, it leaves holes in the ground and there is potential to harm as in your case!  I would have chewed her ear off and also called the rangers to report her.  I always carry the number to the park rangers with me just in case...if it's a public city type park then call the cops.  It was way uncalled for, for her to do that to your poor dog.

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: What is it with people??!!
« on: January 22, 2006, 12:22:57 pm »
I always walk towards a big dog to love on it  ;D!  I rarely walk over to little dogs...too yappy for me and never fails that the darling things won't have any manners...I've even been peed on by an adult toy dog in all it's excitement  :o

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Stupid In America?????
« on: January 15, 2006, 09:47:11 am »
Deena I'm with you....I'm tired of parents not Parenting!  They expect the schools to do it, the clergy man at church to do it, the counselor to do it, the coaches to do it, instead of the parents actually doing it.  I homeschooled for about a Zillion reasons....I want to make sure my kids are parented by me!  I know it sometimes can take a village to raise a child, but parents need to stop thinking that they aren't a part of that village!  ::)

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Stupid In America?????
« on: January 14, 2006, 11:15:29 am »
Teamshredit: Homeschooling provides many opportunities for socialization.  They are in many activities with kids of all ages, we attend many church activities and functions, they also learn to speak to people of all ages as we go about our daily lives running errands, visiting nursing homes, going to play groups and other special interest groups for them, etc.   I for one don't want my kids socializing with half the kids going to mainstream schools.  Kids are rutheless now a days.  They are bullies, they are violent, they are crude.  Besides, teachers say all the time to students: "sit down and be quietm, we're not here to socialize"...I know this as I used to work in a school.  Kids arent' even allowed to talk at lunch anymore.  Recesses are being taken out of schools more and more so of course we end up with out of shape children who then the school decides to start 'grading' their weight and fat measurements to send home to parents so that the parents can make adjustments... .that was just announced last year in some southern state I believe.   It's rediculous. 

I for one will continue to make the sacrifices neccessary for my kids so that I can continue to homeschool them.  I go without a lot of things, we live in a tiny house, we don't have new cars or such, we don't have cable, we don't go out all the time, but we don't lack a good homelife and my kids know they are well loved and cared for every day.  I don't have to worry about something happening to them at school everyday...
I don't have any children so I have no first-hand opinion on the topic. San Diego schools aren't that great, and if we did start a family I have no clue what we would do about schooling them. I attended Catholic schools all my life(in Ohio) and don't know anything about public school environments. Paying a mortgage AND a tuition where we live isn't reality for us right now. Home schooling seems to be a common alternative around here, especially with the long waiting lists at private schools.
Just curious, how does home schooling affect children's ability to socialize and work in larger groups? Going back to my memory of childhood, both my home and classroom environments had a major impact on the way I developed mentally and socially, but each in its own way. I know I'm getting a little off topic, but if Chip and I have kids it's going to be an issue we'll have to discuss.
When did a good education become a luxury? And so complicated?

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Stupid In America?????
« on: January 13, 2006, 01:20:51 pm »
I didn't watch it because I know they are dumbing down kids in schools and it just irritates me to hear all the garbage.  What also irritates me is that different states are offering their teachers bonuses if their students pass the tests with good stats.  So what's going to happen in the classes: those teachers are going to teach to the test and how to take it, instead of teaching what they should be teaching-the curriculums and things that are important to life in general. 

I recently went through a catalog of school supplies and found that in every subject area, there were atleast 5 workbooks or helpbooks on how to pass standardized tests or getting more work that is similar to the standardized tests so that kids can practice.  I can't believe it...

I'm just glad I homeschool.  I was scared for parents yesterday when I heard that another kid had brought a gun to school and that some kids were wounded.  All I heard was the reporter saying: "only 2 students were injured (like he knows, he's not in there and I don't trust reporters much either)."  He goes on saying, "Since the Columbine incident schools have been really cracking down on guns and violence".  Well obviously not since a kid got one in anyways and hurt "only 2 kids".  2 kids are 2 kids too many in my book!  Recently a girl was raped at her school.  I know that my kids can't always be safe everywhere they are, but I'm sorry, I trust NO ONE in the school system to keep my kids safe from other bullies and 'predators' of children, even from the teachers themselves-they can be horrible as well.  That has been shown time and time again.

I could go on all day... schools in general (public and private) are in sad shape that's for sure.  I'll keep my distance.....

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Ugh.....anal sacs
« on: January 11, 2006, 12:29:29 pm »
It's funny, but I've never had any of the 'pleasure' ;) that ya'll have had with anal sac smells!  I am soooo thankful watch, next week I'll get my just for bragging about not ever having to smell what sounds like a wretched stench!  :o

Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: I have very upsetting news.
« on: January 10, 2006, 05:00:34 pm »
Those people sound like they were awful!  I am so sad that one of your dogs died as a result of some human cruelty, but am glad that your other dogs will be ok. 

Even though I don't like my neighbors attitude towards the handling of her dogs, and they (her dogs and the owners!) are a pain to have around, I'd still never poison them.  Although I did tell her that if I caught them out chasing my horses for a third time then I'm going to catch them and call the pound.  She'll be forced to pay fines for allowing them to run rampant and have to bail them out.  Maybe then she'll take the steps on keeping him properly contained.  I'm not mean, but just tired of having to catch and contain a dog that's not mine, one that chases my horses and cats, fights with my other dog, will be attacked my my Dane if she sees it in the yard, and steals/destroys supplements and treats from our shed and barn that cost quite a bit of money to purchase for the horses.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: A morning walk with Bell & Hovis
« on: January 10, 2006, 10:06:59 am »
That one of him jumping off the rock is too cool! Great shots!

Perdi is 3 1/2, stands from shoulder to floor at about 29" and weighs in at almost 140.  I've been slimming her down.  When I got her she weighed in at almost 155! 

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Poor Hobo......
« on: January 09, 2006, 11:04:23 am »
That was too funny!  He got cheese though!  He's got your number I think....hmmmm, if I play like I hate it, I can totally get something way more yummy!

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Yet another newbie....
« on: January 08, 2006, 10:10:27 am »
Storm is just too cute on that couch! I'm owned by a Dane named Perdi and a Lab mix named Duke. Welcome!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: NEW BPO SKIN KID!
« on: January 02, 2006, 11:03:12 am »
What a Cutie!  Congrats!

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: I need some help
« on: January 01, 2006, 10:12:17 am »
With aussies it's a little difficult.  They are high energy and also extremely smart.  They are supposed to be independent thinkers and unfortunately a lot of them display the trait that you are talking about-biting when they dont' want to do something.  My old aussie/BC mix (that was a fun dog to deal with-way high energy and talk about attitude) was the same way.  I never could get her to not be upset with being restrained-she also bit me a number of times.  We just used a muzzle when things needed to be done and accepted that we couldn't change her.  Although she liked to ride in the car, but we stopped restraining her.  She would just lay down in the back and or look out the window.   We did treat her with the "Nothing in life is Free" routine, always asking for a command or a series of them before petting, food, treats, you name it.  She was always VERY obedient though, just hated to be restrained.... one thing she also hated was to be on a leash...would not walk and would fight like I was killing her and then just hunker down on the ground.  I had her as a puppy and know that nothing was ever done to her so it was just her telling me she didn't like it.  I didn't worry about it though after a while because it terrified her so much and she was obedient and would listen no matter where we went...everyon e thought it was neat the way she stuck right by me and laid down when I stopped....I miss her...I hope you can teach your pup that it's ok to be restrained....

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: LETTER TO THE EDITOR
« on: December 31, 2005, 07:44:47 pm »
Here was my reply to that Gail woman...what a heartless person...

Gail, I hope that you never have a pet accidentally get loose one day and get hurt.  I'd hate for some callous person say to you: "Well you should have been more careful."  Accidents happen and she asked the trapper to check for her just in case as she didn't know where all his traps were.  It is the law to check your traps daily.  If the trapper can't do it, then that person doesn't need to be trapping.

I'm glad that your letter got published!

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