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Messages - arkydo

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When we were at the vet today he was telling us about a big pit bull he had to put down because it was struck by a car
yup it was the one we narrowly avoided the other day so that sucks
he was pi**ed at the owners because they were saying that he never normally leaves the yard.Even tho they live on a main road with no fence

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / *NDR* fruity travel mugs
« on: April 15, 2008, 12:00:00 pm »
Okay so i replaced both my travel mugs that i use for work the other cuz the old one where leaking, i have them for one day before my wife decides she's gonna use one to take to her work
So she does i don't know what the hec fruity A##ed tea she put in their but cuz she used boiling water the flavor has merged with the plastic on the inside of the mug so when i get to work go to drink from my nice new mug my coffee tastes like a** aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaarrrrrrggggg ghhh i was so p***ed .
anything but my coffee.
and to make thing worse i can't even say jack cuz she's 7 months pregnant and i aint stirring that fire lol

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: OH poor pitty
« on: April 15, 2008, 11:49:18 am »
lesson learnt lol

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / yeast infection in the ear
« on: April 15, 2008, 11:47:30 am »
We took Arkyd to the vet cuz on saturady i noticed he had a funky ear. It turned out to be a yeast infection
has anyone else had this before (has your dogs lol)

Either way when i set the appointment up i asked for a guesstimate on the cost the vet told us bout 80 bucks, i said to the wife i'd take 150 knowing what vets are like..yeah 140 woo.Don't mind that much cuz we keep a grand in a seperate account for the dogs at all times but, still its not the greatest thing when taxes only just passed and of course we had to pay in.
even tho its against our constitutional rights to pay federal tax. (no law says we have to) but i aint messin with the IRS lol

Group Discussions & Photos / Re: Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
« on: April 11, 2008, 10:23:45 am »
its alright up here but there loads of cops with nothing to do
cop mentality:
if you're young you're a drug addict
old an alcoholic
black then your screwed.
it sucks big time.
but it looks cool in the fall and the lake is clean up this end so we can swim
i was just down in grand rapids a 2 months ago on a business trip going back for another in a month or so

Group Discussions & Photos / Re: Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
« on: April 11, 2008, 10:14:35 am »
in a town called Levering 40 mins north of Petoskey bout 10 mins south of the bridge
yup more tonight and maybe through tomorrow
it sucked the other day watching tv said we were at 35 and Detroit was at 70
35 right now

Group Discussions & Photos / Re: Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
« on: April 11, 2008, 12:57:28 pm »
yeah we just had a  2 week thaw temps around 45 then back to the snow,
i think the snow caught some people here off guard cuz there was a nasty accident just up the road ambulances, cops and two mangles cars taken away on flatbeds
Just hope the ambulances were just precaution

Welcome to bpo
That a cool dog seem breed as Arkyd newfie/lab
cant wait to see more pics

Group Discussions & Photos / Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
« on: April 11, 2008, 10:10:21 am »
Well here in northern MI we're celebrating spring with more snow.
Just got half a foot started real early this morning after yesterdays lovely mixture of wind,ice rain, rain and hail

the boys don't mind tho

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Your daily egg update
« on: April 11, 2008, 02:42:02 am »

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: What is the best dog food for Newfies?
« on: April 11, 2008, 02:40:06 am »
Arkyboy (newfie mix but still a big boy) is on Eagle pack Holistic giant breed and seems to be healthy so I'll recommend that

little bugger

I had the same sort of situation. it sucks cuz you wannabe angry but they're acting like there isn't a problem. So you end up being tricked into seeing a funny side of it,even though in reality there ain't one!!


FAQs about puppies / Re: New BIG puppy!
« on: April 11, 2008, 02:08:47 am »
congrats, and i can't wait to see some more pics

by the look of things if he ain't 100% newf he is predominantly newf
either way you've bagged yourself a winner

happy birthday from me and the boys

to start this I'm sorry to hear about your pug Owen
no-one here likes to see or hear this kinda thing happen

but I'm disappointed that you said the women ran off. when that doesn't seem to be the case , and knowing quite a few female dog owners i believe she didn't. All the women i know would also break crumble at this kind of experience especially if it was on their head.

Yes it is your right as a house owner to be there, and people should have control of their dogs at all time.but it is also your responsibility as a DOG OWNER to protect your dog which means if you own a little 6 pounder and theres three big 150 pounders coming your way, realize how fragile your dog is in comparison and pick him up for safes sake.
As a past owner of many dogs you should know that dogs communication can sometimes be almost invisible to us, and considering the fact that no matter how cute cuddly etc. your dog is he is still a domesticated wild animal whether he has been domesticated for centuries or not somewhere in their mind there will always be a button that can turn that killer instinct on. So do yourself a favor and remove your vulnerable creature from the ground for a few seconds. I know it is within your rights for him to be on the ground but dogs don't have rights, don't care about rights and have the capability of creating their own rules very fast.

This is just my opinion it may wrong it may be right , but my dogs don't get into fights because if i think for a second that someone else's dog isn't as dog friendly as I'd like i remove my dogs from that situation because that is my responsibility as their owner

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