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Messages - SadieA

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Mixed Breed Discussion / Oh my- fastest eater EVER!
« on: July 11, 2008, 06:29:17 pm »
So I'm dogsitting this weekend, staying at the house (and Sammy came with me). The two dogs I'm sitting for are a pit bull mix, and a really small little border collie/something mix. I wanted to give them a treat, so I pulled out a couple bully sticks, which the pit bull refused, but both Sammy and Suki (the little border collie) were excited about. So they lay down to chew on their treats, and oh my goodness! She finished WAY faster than Sammy. I guess size is no indication of how quick a dog can demolish one of these things- Sam weighs 85 pounds, and she's maybe 25!!! I couldn't believe hers was gone- I thought Sammy must have stolen hers and eaten them both, but there's no way she would have let him get away with that- she's DEFINITELY the alpha dog around here.

Too funny.

Hmm, Sammy paces a good bit. He's never shown any indication of orthopedic problems, other than periodic bouts of panosteitis, but I wonder if this is something I should keep an eye on. I'd say he's always done it, and he's just a year old now. Some of the tie, it could definitely be related to me pulling back against his leash, as that Web site mentioned. But I do wonder. In the picture of a dog "pacing" they mention how this gait makes the rear raise up higher than the shoulders, and this is definitely noticeable in Sammy. He only paces at slow speeds, and definitely moves into a trot when he's jogging along.

Bernese Mountain Dog Pictures / Re: Happy Birthday, Sammy!!
« on: July 11, 2008, 05:37:52 am »
Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes!!!

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: New Dog Bed
« on: July 10, 2008, 01:18:14 pm »
Sammy's bed is from LL Bean, and it's denim. And he loves it. I know that they'll personalize them, too- embroidered names, and I think they also have patches for most dog breeds that you can have put on. I got Sammy's bed at the outlet store, which saved a little bit of money, so I didn't get it monogrammed or anything. But it is very durable, and dirt and fur vacuums off the bed really nicely. Also, I got him a size large, though I think their sizing chart recommends an XL for a dog of his size- and the large is PLENTY big for him, at 85 pounds. He can lie fully extended on his side no problem.

Bernese Mountain Dog Pictures / Happy Birthday, Sammy!!
« on: July 10, 2008, 11:52:32 am »
Last friday (the 4th) was Sammy's first birthday, but we've been away until now!! I got him a new toy- a lamb that makes a sound that I kind of think sounds like a duck call-  but he loves it. Here's a couple more recent pics!!

Bernese Mountain Dog Discussions / We're moving!!
« on: June 23, 2008, 06:52:32 am »
I've decided to transfer schools, and Sammy and I will be moving to North Carolina in August! We'll be living in the Raleigh/Durham area, and I am pretty excited! I just wanted to put feelers out for anyone in the area, or any dog-related (or not) things about the area I just have to know!! Great parks? Great dog walkers or sitters? Great play groups?

Thanks so much!

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Miles is One Year Old Today!!!
« on: June 21, 2008, 07:22:00 am »
Hooray for Miles!! Happy happy birthday! Those collars look pretty cool, too, especially for such a big guy! He'll look so handsome!

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Burned pads/peeling pads
« on: June 20, 2008, 01:29:41 pm »
Thanks, that's good to hear. I hope these will heal quick- the skin is peeling off pretty deep, so it might take a little while, but it sounds like I'm on the right track with taking care of it.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Burned pads/peeling pads
« on: June 20, 2008, 11:38:31 am »
I just spoke with my vet about this, and am wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem: Last week, I took Sammy for a short walk on a day that was very hot, and I guess we spent too much time on the hot pavement, because the next day, he wouldn't walk and his pads felt warm to the touch. He recovered within a couple days, but just now I noticed that on both front paws, a couple of his pads have dime-sized grey patches that seem to be dead skin. The patches are peeling off (a pretty thick chunk of skin peeling off), and you can see the very pink skin underneath, I can't imagine it is comfortable for him. The vet said it sounds like those patches were burned, and are now dead and peeling off. Her opinion was that there isn't much to do- keep him on the softer surfaces and wait for the callouses to peel off, and then treat the new skin underneath with neosporin. Have any of you had something like this happen, or any additional advice for me?

Thanks so much!!

Bernese Mountain Dog Discussions / Re: Boy or Girl Bernese?
« on: June 15, 2008, 02:16:44 pm »
Well, I have a male, so I can tell you a bit about him- Sammy will be one year old on the fourth of July, and I wouldn't describe him as friendly but aloof or shy. He is SUPER friendly, and always looking for love. He will follow you everywhere in the house- he literally lies in the bathroom while I shower, and he will sit at your feet and lean against your legs. When he meets new people, he leans right up against them to be petted. He is not at all a dominant dog- he doesn't seem to really understand aggression in other dogs, even, and will continue to try to play with them even when they clearly do not want to play. He is slightly protective of his house- he will bark at people who come to the door, particularly men, and he does have a pretty mean-sounding bark, but once he's met them I've never seen him be anything other than very friendly. He also really loves kids, and seems to be extra gentle with them- that said, he did once lean against a smaller girl and kind of push her over, because he's such a leaner! I think basically you can get this type of temperament with either a male of female, but I just wanted to throw out there that even though Sammy has that big head and big solid build, he is a total pushover, aside from the fact that he sometimes doesn't realize his size. I've leaned to beware having full cups of anything on my table, as he'll bump the legs and spill them!

Bernese Mountain Dog Pictures / Re: a few newer pics of Sammy
« on: May 28, 2008, 10:27:39 am »
Those are all good camping ideas- I think Sammy would be fine with sleeping outside, tied to a tree or something, especially if I brought his bed, so he'd understand that is where he is supposed to sleep. I couldn't let him run around with his leash on though... literally the only thing I've ever seen him be afraid of is his leash. If you drop the leash when he's on it, he gets really freaked out. I think he thinks it is chasing him, and he tries to run away, but it just goes with him wherever he tries to go! He'll usually end up sitting in the corner, as far from the leash as he can possibly get while attached to it, leaning away from the leash and watching it closely.

What good-looking dogs you have! I'd love to see more pics.

Bernese Mountain Dog Pictures / Re: a few newer pics of Sammy
« on: May 27, 2008, 07:56:36 pm »
Awwww, thank you all so much! And, because I pulled a few pics I'd forgotten about off the camera today.... Here's another of Sammy, last week. This one really shows off his curliness! It's funny, people comment all the time on his curly fur- I've really not seen other Berners with a coat like his.

Oh!! that poor, poor boy! I am so glad you have him. What a sweetheart, and I hope he's able to find a good home, and an answer to his medical problems.

Bernese Mountain Dog Pictures / Re: a few newer pics of Sammy
« on: May 26, 2008, 01:49:41 pm »
Thank you all so much! I do agree, he's a very handsome boy!

Bernese Mountain Dog Pictures / Re: a few newer pics of Sammy
« on: May 24, 2008, 06:36:55 am »
I just noticed how much he looks like his dad! The white blazes are a little different, but otherwise...

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