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Messages - Phillips

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Invisible Fence
« on: July 14, 2005, 08:17:39 pm »
That Cracks me up Rockettgirl, I guess everyone cant have a dog like the angel Chance. lol

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: My baby's growing up....*sob*
« on: July 14, 2005, 08:14:22 pm »
My husbands mom got her for a birthday gift. he says that its his dog but i am home with her more becausee he works nights. I  have taken some many pictures of this girl that you would think she was a human baby. She is our baby. Now if we can convinse the chihauhuas she is okay. They still arent happy with her yet and she has been here about a month and a half.  When will the madness end. lol

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Invisible Fence
« on: July 14, 2005, 08:03:48 pm »
Poor Chance, I think if a dog wants out it doesn matter what is in its way. If a dog wants in bad enough.  We had a grown boxer who ate chain link or a least pulled it from the poles. So I dont know which one. I guess what works for the individuals. 

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: My baby's growing up....*sob*
« on: July 14, 2005, 07:41:39 pm »
I kNOW we got Dixie when she was a month old(yes I know way to young) anywho The has grown so much. look at this time line.
4 months to 8 wks she will be nine wks saturday

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Pet Insurance
« on: July 12, 2005, 05:08:43 pm »
I have thought about it, can anyone send me a link of their insurance. if it covers all of this 
We don't have pet insurance for either of our dogs at this time.  I am very interested in potentially getting it though (well, as soon as finances allow), so I will be interested in what others have to say...

For awhile, Cabo had a "wellness plan" at the vets at the local PetSmart (he had a vet that he loved that eventually began to work there, so when she moved, we moved with her!).  It deducted a certain amount out of your checking account per month...  I actually kind of liked that because it covered all of his office visits, all of his various tests, and one full physical exam per year, including teeth cleaning.  As he got older and kept having to go in for minor things, (and follow up visits from major things  :() having the visits and testing covered really helped out.  I think we got discounts on other things like shots, heartworm meds, etc. with it as well.

I also REALLY liked it cause it kept automatically coming out of my ex-husbands checking account after we seperated and he never noticed!  ;D

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: New here!
« on: July 12, 2005, 05:01:32 pm »
Saxton is a adorable and what a face. Your zoo sounds fun, I have been told that too. I have at my house Two Chihauhaus Dan 5 yrs and Dewy 2yrs, A Boxer pup 9 wks, AND Three birds, a tiel spike, conure chieffer, and Quaker Max. My mother in laws house I have two goats, Two ducks, and They have a chihuahua female, Golden retriever, and baby a mix. So its like wild america when we bring our dogs over with us. So i feel ya on the zoo. Saxton looks great and sweet. Welcome to BPO you will love it here. 

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: First Time Parents are Strange!
« on: July 11, 2005, 04:26:07 pm »
ty very much

Doberman Discussions / Re: Nala's Picture is finally here!!
« on: July 11, 2005, 01:39:26 pm »
Wow beautiful little girl. I want to put dixie in obiedance classes soon too she goes in september to get her second shots and then we can go how much did you pay. Its 100 here at pedsmart. Everyone told me I was crazy because i have to drive 45 min to classes for six weeks.

Labrador Retriever Discussions / Re: Harleys Barking saved a dog!!!
« on: July 11, 2005, 01:14:28 pm »
WOW, Great Story a real Tear Jerker, That is so cool what you guys did. high paw
Most people would not have done that. Your harley is a great dog who was alerting his people of intruder. We do fuss at dogs when they bark but in all thats how they comunitcate. Its kinda cool when you think about it. I hope they do find the owners  and dont uthnize the little guy. You might want to keep a check on them. They can call the vet number on tag and find out who the owner is. At least thats whay my vet told me when he gave me my dogs tags because each one has a number assigned to it. So its hopeful they will call that number.  I am surprised they took him and treated him with out haveing money. I dont know if anyone around here (vets) would have done that. Well, YOUR A HERO IN A DOGS LIFE, I bet the owner woudl be so happy with what you did.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: First Time Parents are Strange!
« on: July 11, 2005, 12:53:38 pm »
First Time parents are a bit different. I am sure you were the same way too its a fun time i bet. Well, I enjoy dressing my dogs up since I have no kids. I work for a daycare though and we do some pretty funny stuff for pictures for the parents on holidays. So its not that strange to me. We have put bunny ears and painted face like bunny for easter. We had the same stars headband from your picture for one 4 th too. Pictures turned out so cute.

Yea Kinda Like this

I like the boxers with the tails cropped. It just looks good and I love to see that little nub wagging. Like some of you I am not sure on the ears. The ears cropping I dont think is a necessity. Dixies ears do get dirty alot and maybe a good Idea to crop them. I really dont know. I think if I had a male i would do ears but leave the females ears floppy.  I wonder can you do a boxers ears early like the tail. I always heard it was done before 18 months.  Dixies ears have changed alittle since we got her one hangs over toward her head more its adorable. I would not want her to go thru pain for nothing. Still havent made up my mind yet. Thanks for all the good information on the subject.

Boxer Discussions & Pictures / Crazy Summer Pics
« on: July 08, 2005, 07:43:08 pm »
                       Bahama Mamma

                          "This is me when Momma Gets Board"

omg can you believe that is a real dog. I am so saddened by the site. He i still gods creature. So I love him. lol

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