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Messages - aggghgmom

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I just read the article on the roadrunner homepage and was wondering if it effected anyone on the board, the article caught my eye because lifetouch does our yearbook also.

I so sorry Bear is going thru this - how awful it must be for all of you.  I hope they figure out and straighten out whatever the cause is.

Thoughts and prayers to Bear and your family.

Please keep us informed


I'm glad everyone is feeling OK - what a nice bunch of pups you have to bring you a present.

When we had our Springer..Stol i she was playing with what looked like a stick in our backyard - I called her over to play fetch and as soon as I grabbed it I realized it was a rabbit leg - don't know where the poor rabbit wound gross!!

Thanks for the chuckle!!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Transporting a car??
« on: May 10, 2008, 08:20:33 am »
OK I know I ask the strangest not dog related questions but here is another one:

I need to transport a car from Boca Raton Florida to Rochester NY - does anyone have any idea what something like that should cost?  I am doing some comparison shopping and I'm surprised by the costs.

Thanks for any information you can provide - you guys are awesome!


I am so sorry to hear about your puppy - I'm sure I would be beside myself with worry.  I don't know much about Parvo but I know so many people on this board have given you great advise already.

Is the puppy in your avatar the baby you are waiting on - what an absolute doll!!  I really want a mastiff but hubby is fighting me.

We will keep your pup in our thought for a bright, long, and healthy life.


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Kentucky Derby : (
« on: May 04, 2008, 10:53:54 am »
I'm done with horseracing I won't be watching again. 

Jenn what your friend says makes perfect sense - if our dogs don't finish growing until they are 2 or 3 how would we expect horses to be full grown?

Again, such a shame


Anything Non-Dog Related / Kentucky Derby : (
« on: May 04, 2008, 07:03:07 am »
I don't go out of my way to watch horse racing but The Kentucky Derby is special and I was visiting my husband in the hospital - not much else to do.

During the almost 12 hours of pre-race coverage I came to know Eight Belles a beautiful, very large, filly who had a chance to actually win.  I rooted (sp?) for her she was so beautiful : (.  She came in second....and now she is gone I couldn't believe it; I didn't know her or anyone affiliated with her but she was sooo beautiful - I was literally devistated.

So RIP Beautiful 8 Belles I hope you enjoyed your short life and last race you certainly gave it your all.


Anything Non-Dog Related / If you are in Western NY Stay OFF the roads
« on: April 25, 2008, 07:43:27 pm »
Life has been an absolute nightmare around here - taking mothers to emergency room at 2:30 AM - hubby goes in for major surgery tomorrow and Passover (jewish holiday where you can't eat food with any flavor and VERY fattening)

Then my son turns 16 and wants to drive - so yesterday was his first day - hubby took him to the mall (when it was closed) hubby calls and says go out to the driveway - he let him drive home from the mall!!  Not far about 10 minutes but on roads with people!!

So if you are in western ny look out for a silver X-terra with a smiling YOUNG man behind the wheel.

For all you newer Moms enjoy the babies - I was crying yesterday I remember him getting off the kindergarten bus!!

Ugh - well now we are off to rent a tux for the Junior Prom! (he's a sophmore - why oh why can't he wait!)

OK enough from the stressed, emotional mother


I don't know about your family but I noticed that when I wasn't working and hubby was when weekends rolled around he had so many things to do like mow the lawn, some of the heavy cleaning I don't do, home repair etc. that on the weekend I was still in charge of the baby and he was doing what he had I went and got a job on Saturdays - it was time he was forced to spend with baby then toddler and so on - they mowed the lawn together (fisher price bubble mower), helped dad garden etc.

I went to retail (I am a certified teacher) it didn't pay well but it got me out of the house; also if you work in a store you like you get a discound..that may be a bad thing I worked in a fancy boutique and spend more than I earned.

I applaud your decision to stay home (at least part of the time).  It is great if you can do it financially.  My friend does the books for several McDonalds restaurants from home - but it took a while to get the clients.

I think you are remembering the good, old times you had in  high school and right after - that is natural - our mind want us to be happy.  What you have to remember is the awful feeling you had when he was on the other side of that door how scared you felt, that isn't how you want to live your life.  Also, the awful things he said.

I truly hope he has gotten help and he will be better with his new family but I doubt it.

It is a death..of a relationship.

Also, how many of us can honestly say that we haven't fantasized about our lives with an old boyfriend -

I also don't think you should be scolded but remember - YOU ARE BETTER OFF NOW!!!  I doubt you would be doing the rescue that you are if you were still with this person, you would be afraid of what he would do to the rescues.

As hard as it will be it is time (past time) to move on - you are so much more and better than he could have given you!  Remember you are #1


Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Corbyn- This is not such good news
« on: April 20, 2008, 09:00:53 pm »
OMG that is awful news for Corbyn, Dawn's family (who has been thru enough), and of course you.

I will keep Corbyn in my thoughts and prayers for the best outcome.

As far as the vet goes - what a bunch of A#$es; yes accidents do happen but to make the dog walk, and chase after them for a bill.  WTH??

That poor puppy  :'(


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Rose is 1 !!!
« on: April 20, 2008, 07:19:26 am »

I also can't believe it has been a year - How come all the babies are getting older and I'm not??

Hope you have the greatest day!!

Randy and Harley

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: whiskeyandsake......
« on: April 20, 2008, 07:11:47 am »
I'm crying at the love and care you give all the animals that seems to luckily cross your path.

I am not a person to say this easily or often but

G_d bless you (which ever G_d it is)


Absolutely Julie

I have been thinking today about what a bad week and day I am having and then I remembered today was the day... it puts your life into prospective.

Thinking of those poor dogs today - praying that they had a better life than I think they did and that they are at peace now

Words cannot express what horrible people did this to those dogs and yet words cannot express what I want to say to WhiskeyandSake (sorry I'm really bad with real names)
for all that she is doing and will continue to do.

Thank you

Anything Non-Dog Related / we are visiting west virginia next week
« on: April 07, 2008, 06:30:54 pm »
Hi everyone,

My family and I will be traveling to Charleston West Virginia next week.  We live in Rochester NY and our boys varisty baseball team goes down on spring break for a bonding experience for the team and to play some teams from outside of our area.  (time to boast - my son is the only sophmore on the team!!)

So if anyone knows of any wonderful things to do in that particular area please pass the information on

Harley will be sad but well taken care of by our wonderful neighbor.


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