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Messages - Imani's Mom

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Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: Updated Jesse Pictures (August 26)
« on: August 30, 2006, 03:09:14 am »
If he ever grows into his nose, he will be enormous!  He definitely uses it to his advantage- all day long I am getting poked and pushed with that huge beak of his!

Neapolitan Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Laika on the leash
« on: August 28, 2006, 10:33:16 am »
Maybe she wants everybody else to know thats HER big brother?

I have two grooming loops- one single, and one that has double loops, (both for small dogs)- one for under the belly and one for around the neck, both have the foam sleeves and adjustable sliders on them.  If you are interested, PM me.

Book Club & Noteworthy Reads / Canine Genetic Research needs YOUR input
« on: August 27, 2006, 01:03:14 pm »
This link is for the list of breeds they have very few samples from, and they really do need more participation- all you have to do is give them your mailing address, they will send you the DNA kits, you use the swaps to rub on the inside of your dog's cheek, seal the samples, and send back, postage pre-paid.  That is all there is to it- very simple, very painless, and EXTREMELY helpful for the dogs in our future.

You are doing great!  Sounds like you got everybody past the danger zone, and you are on the easy side of the situation now.  I know, I know- still not getting much sleep, but now you don't have to worry about waking up to find you have lost them.  Keep up the great work!

Sometimes holding their lower bellies in some warm water, even having the faucet run right onto the area, and gently massaging the area at the same time will help get them to go, and when you finish with the water, whether it helps them or not, you could put a dab of baby oil, mineral oil, or even vegetable oil in the anus, and use a q-tip to get a dab INSIDE, (but not too far, so you don't hurt them) can make it easier for them to go if they are constipated.   Also, add some light karo syrup to their feedings, as that is supposed to help prevent constipation.

They might have been very hungry when you found them, and are still using every bit of nutrition they are getting so far, which means less/no waste to poop out.  I would stop worrying until/unless they are eating wonderfully and still no poops after 2-3 full days of feedings.  Sometimes it takes a while for them to get enough nutrition.  You would know if they were constipated, as their bellies would be large and firm, and they would be straining to poop, which would make their anus protrude some, and possibly be red.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: House training help needed!
« on: August 27, 2006, 01:04:25 am »
Being that she was raised til you got her in a kennel, she really has no clue where she is supposed to go potty, and her new home isn't a home yet in her mind.   Start out crate training, and make her crate the most awesome place in the world for her- yummy treats hidden inside for her to find, toys, comfy stuff to sleep on, and NOT more room than she can comfortably stand up, turn around, and lay down, or she will use the extra space to potty.  They usually won't potty where they sleep, so that makes her crate her "home" and she won't potty there unless she has no choice.  As she grows, slowly add a bit more room as needed, and extend her "home" to a bit of area outside her crate, then as she "gets it" slowly give her more and more room, and eventually her "home" will extend to your entire house.  RIght now, she just doesn't know better, and puppies her age don't realize they can control when they potty, let alone hold it til they are where they are supposed to be when they potty.

Why is he looking for a new home?

Yay! That is good news!  I think they should be about old enough to start being intro'ed to the litterbox, even though they won't be quite ready to use it on their own, putting them in one, and letting them check it out after each meal will help out a lot in the next few weeks, as they start eliminating on their own- you want them to do it in the right place when they DO go.

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Updated Jesse Pictures (August 26)
« on: August 26, 2006, 11:24:38 am »
Jesse weighed in last night at 116 lbs, which means he has gained 50 lbs in 3 months.  His vet agreed with me on his age, which puts him at 13 months old, the same age as my Frankie.  Here's some new pics.  Enjoy!

We have tried many different things on my monsters over the years.  With the crew I have now, they get muddy so often, we need something we can use frequently without harming them, so we are currently using Johnson's baby shampoo.    They smell awesome, but only for a few days, or until their next mudwrestling "event".  All three were bathed yesterday, as two had vet appointments, and the third had been playing in the mud for hours.  Their coats are so soft, shiny, and just beautiful today!  The vet even commented on how great our rescue, Jesse's coat looked after such a short time since coming to live with us.

We are way out in the sticks, and do not have access to a community water system, so we have always used our well water for everything.  It is naturally icy cold, and tastes like water is supposed to taste- no icky stuff whatsoever, other than being extremely hard water.  On several occasions, we have had foster critters develop diarrhea upon moving to their new homes, and it mostly occurred in those going to municipal water systems, where chlorine and fluoride are added.  Now we send several gallons of water home with anyone moving away from our house, and suggesting that they slowly change them over to bottled water once they have gotten settled, and it does seem to eliminate the issue.  Also, we now know that when we travel at all, we need to take our own water with us, rather than expect our guys to drink treated water.

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: Please tell me it's OK! Small rant
« on: August 25, 2006, 06:44:09 am »
Your post brings back memories!  One in particular that sure seems funny to me now, was several years ago, when a certain carload of religious evangelizers showed up to try to convert me, and I was very busy, but they would not take NO for an answer.  That is, until I finally let them in the house, and Willie, our foster dwarf goat, came flying over the baby gate in the hallway and into the kitchen where they were standing- two seconds later, all six people were in their car, doors still open, while backing franticly out of the driveway.  Good luck- I hope everything gets straightened out for you and your new house very soon.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Breeders
« on: August 24, 2006, 04:25:21 am »
I can't speak for all breeders, or even any of other breeds than what I researched, but I completely understand why good breeders don't have time to talk with every single person who contacts them- they have dogs to care for, puppies to train and raise, and hundreds of emails/phone calls daily from people who might be interested in a pup from them, but also might just be looking for info that can be found easily enough online if the person would just do their research.   Requiring that their questionaire be filled out prior to spending time with that person just weeds out those who were not serious in the first place, and gives the breeder something to look at when considering you as a possible puppy owner.  My breeder tends to have most, if not all, pups from a particular litter placed before the breeding even occurs, which leaves a lot of people on a waiting list that may be a year or more long.  Are these "interested people" going to be willing to wait that long, or are they just looking for the first available puppy they can get their hands on?  From a breeder who breeds for the right reasons, and does all the relevant testing and research on their lines, there will occasionally be an "extra" pup now and then, or even one who had been placed and ends up coming back for whatever reason, and these breeders want to have complete info on other prospective puppy homes so that they can look through their file and see who would be the best possible match for that puppy's personality.  Many times, breeders won't want buyers to PICK their own pup, they will want to know enough about you and your home/family that they can select the "right" puppy for your situation.   BUT- I agree, if the breeder does not want you to come to their facility and see their dogs, run, and run fast, in the opposite direction.   GOOD breeders want people to see their dogs and puppies in person, and they want to see YOU in person as well, if at all possible.

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