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Messages - Kermit

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Mixed Breed Pictures / our new muppet dog
« on: August 19, 2005, 01:57:45 pm »
I am not sure if this guy is a big paw or what, because we don't know what he is or whether he is full grown! He came from the pound with a full shaggy matted tick-infested coat and we had no idea what he looked like underneath it all until he was shaven. Here he is in all his muppet-like glory, and we named him Furley. Really he is supposedly my boyfriend's dog but whatever, I am the one taking care of him all day every day!
Anyhow I wanted to show him to everyone because he is such an oddity. He has adult teeth but they are sparkling clean and new, so he could be anywhere from 6 months to a year. He acts like a puppy, he's very bouncy and he chews up anything he can find. He is taller than Zoot, about 24 or 25 inches, but weighs only 45 lbs.
Here's FURLEY!

Do they have as bad a problem with dog overpopulation overseas?

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Need Newf smells awful!
« on: August 19, 2005, 09:39:04 am »
This is just a shot in the dark, but have you ever had a urinalysis done on her? When I first brought Sunshine Bear home, he had a really foul smell that wasn't affected AT ALL by baths. Turns out he had a urinary/kidney infection and needed antibiotics. It took me while to put the two together, but the smell coming from the dog (the whole dog, not just his weewee area) was like stale strong urine. I think somehow he was emitting that odor through his skin. It was very odd.
So now his infection is cleared up but I still think he's going to need a few more baths before the stench is fully gone. It has really gone down a lot. I used to be able to smell him from across the room, and now I can only smell him if I am kissing his forehead, and it is MUCH better.

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: ladies and gents....i give you....."ugly"
« on: August 18, 2005, 08:34:40 am »
How old is Angus now? I think he is very handsome!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Is this normal?
« on: August 18, 2005, 07:03:12 am »
Sometimes when I put Zoot's backpack on him he gets that same happy proud look, maybe your dog thinks he is wearing the latest fashion? He does look rather hip and stylish, especially with the sunglasses!!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: new apartment pix.....
« on: August 17, 2005, 07:10:54 pm »
Wow that is one nice apartment!!!!

Mixed Breed Pictures / Re: how big will he get?
« on: August 17, 2005, 06:43:51 pm »
God, he's such a mutt!!!

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: Nigel's mommy... a... Saint mix???
« on: August 17, 2005, 06:43:06 pm »
Man all this time I thought my boy had Saint in him... Calamity really does look more boxery and mastiffy. Well, Nigel still looks the same... CUTE!

Oooh, I'd be so scared to get an Irish Wolfhound from a petstore... in fact I'm pretty surprised they are selling one there! That is just a breed prone to some health issues that there is probably no guarantee against in a pet shop pup. It is very sad I know. If they sell one to you they will just go get another one and try to sell that one too.  :(
But WOW what an amazing breed of dog!!!!

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: Nigel's mommy... a... Saint mix???
« on: August 17, 2005, 01:10:22 pm »
Nigel definitely inherited some jowls from somebody! I can see boxer and mastiff too. Maybe I can get more pictures of her...

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Lady face!
« on: August 17, 2005, 11:04:36 am »
Aw man, that's making me want a Rottweiler!!!

Ooh yeah, you won't regret investing in some Nature's Miracle or Simple Solution. Those are the two enzyme cleaners that I use and they are great at getting rid of gnarly smells, and actually have a nice scent that I have become all too familiar with!
Unfortunately, once they think it's ok to poop in their den it can be hard to convince them not to! Maybe if you schedule a time in the night to go ahead and wake up to take him out for a potty break just in case, then you could prevent it. Cleaning up a big mess first thing in the morning is just about the worst way to start the day!!!
Good luck! It is rather ridiculous how cute your puppy is!!!! :D

As for the peepee issue, I would say if it is brown or brownish red, I'd be concerned. (Darker than Budweiser? Or darker than a Guinness!!!) Also if she seems to have difficulty urinating or if it seems painful. And the coughing, could it be she's pulling on the leash?

Nigel usually feels pretty hot to the touch but it is normal for him and he is very healthy.

If her appetite is good, she's alert, and life is going as usual with no symptoms that last more than a few days, things are fine. Like newflvr said, you'll probably sense it if something is really wrong. And you know, a trip to the vet for a general health check might make you feel more at ease. :)

Mixed Breed Discussion / Nigel's mommy... a... Saint mix???
« on: August 17, 2005, 10:45:59 am »
I know everyone here loves playing the guessing game as much as I do when it comes to mixed breed dogs!!! So here's the story: Nigel's mama, Calamity Jane, is supposedly a Saint Bernard mix. When I met her I pretty much thought she resembled a big solid red Saint Bernard. I didn't spend a whole lot of time looking at her because there was a lot going on. I was thinking she weighed about 100 lbs from the look of her, and she had that Saint expression on her face. Well, now I see this picture of her, which doesn't show her white blaze (I guess it's only on the other side of her face). This picture is throwing me off completely!!
Calamity is the one on the left with the dark face.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: What am I thinking? lol
« on: August 17, 2005, 10:08:02 am »
Oh man, 2 dogs is NOTHIN! Oh I reminisce of the days when I only had two dogs to take care of! I suddenly have found myself in a house with 5 MALES! Lucky for me only 3 are over 60 pounds. I have Zoot, Nigel, Sunshine Bear, and my boyfriend's little terrier and his new.. uh... dog... who is the strangest looking creature ever seen and I'm pretty sure he's part muppet. I'll have to take a picture and post it. The great thing is that they all play together and entertain each other, but when those big guys start rough-housing they can knock over a fence. They have done it twice now. Once they knocked the gate loose and then took off for freedom, and just this morning they busted through a section in the back yard. I am beginning to feel slightly overwhelmed with 5! It's the young ones under one year that are doing the damage!! AAHH!!
But the funny thing is I still look on petfinder every day and think about what kind of dog to get next. :D

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