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Messages - specialkdanemom

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Awesome!!  ;D ;D
Now we're officially awaiting pics!!

Great Dane Discussions / Re: 1st night with Polar and Willow
« on: December 11, 2006, 12:34:03 am »
Great that they're enjoying each other!
Shasta was also skin and bones when she got here...very food aggressive w/ other dogs, even when we were preparing their food and ours on the counter top.  We let her know that it was not acceptable at the counter tops, table, etc. and watched all the dogs during feeding.  All three are fed in different areas of the kitchen and can see each other.  She's been here about 6-8 weeks now and she has gotten a lot better... knows that she will eat and not have to fight for her food.  Good luck!  They like each other, so that's an advantage!!  Congrats!!

Doberman Pictures / Re: Boston's Growing So Fast! **PICS**
« on: December 10, 2006, 10:49:11 am »
Handsome!!  Handsome!! Handsome!! red dobie AJ loved it when I told him he was handsome, cuz he knew it!

Holiday Things / Re: Harley's Santa Picture
« on: December 09, 2006, 11:33:50 pm »
Great pic!  Too bad he wasn't allowed to sit "with" Santa... I believe they're never too big!!

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Tomorrow's a BIG day!
« on: December 09, 2006, 11:18:18 pm »
Curious, any luck on a match... or two!?!?!

Bull Terrier Discussions & Pictures / Re: Update on my girl!!!
« on: December 06, 2006, 09:45:19 am »
if you use tub o juice you could call her Jamba for short! (you know Jamba Juice)

I second the Jamba Juice name...  Jamba, it's got a nice ring to it. :) :)

Thank you everyone for all of the nice comments about our big Klondike bear!  Too bad our Christmas cards are made already and out in the mail.  We are going to make a few big 5X7 prints for our collection.

Thanks again!

Anita & the 3 Newfies from NJ

Awesome Pic!!... couldn't have "created" it for anything, and those are always the best!! 
You can make Christmas cards for next year... maybe someone will have an after-christmas sale?!?!?!?

Holiday Things / Re: Holiday Spirits (Drinks)
« on: December 02, 2006, 01:14:53 am »
Yum!!  These are all going on my list!!  Keep'um comming.

Holiday Things / Holiday Spirits (Drinks)
« on: December 02, 2006, 12:06:56 am »
I was just curious if anyone has special Holiday drinks/recipes that they would like to share. :) 
My sister comes in from Colorado at Christmas time and we have our annual "Holiday Drink".  We each find new recipes to share and take home.  It's kinda like a cookie swap.  I won't usually drink these "specialty" drinks, but will occasionally have a Coffeetini or similar "dessert" type drink after dinner at a restaurant.  We enjoy doing this when we get together... it makes "our time" togther that much better.
Here's one of my favorites:

Chocolate Martinis

Chocolate rim
Godiva liqueur
Shaved milk chocolate or semisweet chocolate

8 ounces (1cup) Godiva liquer
4 ounces (1/2 cup) vodka
1/2 cup half-and-half

Dip the edges of 4 martini glasses in liqueur and rim them with chocolate.

In a small saucepan, combine the liqueur, vodka, and half-and-half.  Heat over medium to medium-high heat until warm but not hot.  Pour into the rimmed martini glasses and serve. 

I look forward to seeing other recipes... non-alchol,too please.  I'm always looking for wonderful things for the kids.

Adorable! :D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: had my ultrasound today and its a....
« on: December 01, 2006, 11:11:42 pm »
Congrats!! :)
My girls are 21 yrs and 13 yrs... the years go by soooo fast, so enjoy every minute!!

Holiday Things / Re: Have you guys seen this? Elf Dance!
« on: December 01, 2006, 10:03:37 am »
This is great! I created some with my kids and nieces, then emailed.  The turned out adorable... thanks!

I was sitting on the dog's "window bed", Mika got up with me and proceeded to sit on the back of my head/neck.  She's done this before, but this time my husband got a pic.   :o130 lbs of dog on the back of your head is a lot of weight, but she was comfortable. :D :D

I will know more tomorrow as far as when I can get off of work.  So I will let you know what the plans are

 ;DJust let me know when and where to pick him up or if they want to bring him here or meet... I can do that anytime on Sundays or after 5pm on weekdays.  We feed Solid Gold Holistic here, but if you want to start him on a particular brand and if I can get it around here, I can do that too.  ;D ;D ;D 

Looks like Polar maybe coming home with me!!!!!  Just trying to make final plans.  Looks like so far so good!

Awesome!  Do you still need me to pick up and foster??!
I can take pics for updates, etc.

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