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Messages - Kermit

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yes there is definitely a discount for boredom portraits!!!!

Crap, that email address of mine is not working at all. Don't nobody send anything to it or it will be lost somewhere on the interweb!!! Just send me a message through this website! Thanks! I'm doing the portrait of Lady the rottweiler today! Yay!

AWESOME! I haven't got the email yet, maybe my computer is slow, but that headshot picture of Lady is PERFECT!!! Thank you!!! I just printed it out... I'll post it when I am finished!

oh good, you beat me to that part... let's see...

Got pictures??

Ok, seriously people- I have nothing to do today and I'm driving my dogs crazy! I am begging someone to email me an un-copywrited (if that's a word) photo of a purebred dog, no offense to mutts, that I can do a practice portrait of. Ones I really need in my "repertoire" (don't you love my vocabulary today?) are a newf, a pyrenees, a bernese mtn dog, rhod ridgeback, mastiff, a fawn dane, etc etc. So I can do it the next few days then I'll show you guys, how fun! Right?? My idle hands need something to do! So a nice clear detailed headshot, I am waiting patiently...
send it to  or just post it on here and I can probably print it out.
Someone out there is my awesome friend...

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: introducing myself
« on: June 21, 2005, 07:17:57 am »
Howdy new folks! Let's see a picture of that Bochephus! I've got a pup who's a hound/saint bernard mix but really favors the hound. I had been thinking bloodhound for sure but I was walking him last night and a guy came out and said- "dang! a redbone coonhound!" It was funny but it made me want to see some coonhounds but even better to see how they show up in a mixed breed!

ooh, good ideas! I'd love to do a fila especially! I was just reading about them earlier today, they are so handsome! I am thinking about doing a special deal in my business, like a huge discount on a portrait if I've never done that breed before, because there are so many breeds I've never done. I'd like to be able to show examples of all breeds eventually, which of course is going to take me at least a year to accomplish! Probably longer!

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Personal protection dogs
« on: June 20, 2005, 08:26:59 am »
It seems to me like dogs that love their owners hardly need "special training" to protect their people. Yesterday my 4 month old bloodhound/saint mix, neither of which are aggressive breeds, barked at my creepy neighbor. Until now this pup has only barked while playing, and barked at my neighbor all on his own, with hair standing up and everything. I think he picked up on my fear of the guy. I'm suspicious of the motives of someone who seeks out a "protection dog" unless it is a woman with a scary ex! Seriously, I have known way too many uneducated tough guys who want an attack dog so they can brag about it and be even tougher. Yucky-poo. I suppose it depends on everybody's intentions: the trainers, the breeders, and the prospective dog owners.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Gas pains or Bloat?????????
« on: June 19, 2005, 02:46:32 pm »
Bloat is very scary. My experience with it was with a pony. We came out to my friend's stable and noticed Suzie (the pony) was laying down. We thought, oh how cute. But then we realized she didn't look so good, and she wouldn't stand up. And we realized how FAT her belly looked, unnaturally large to the point that two 13 year-old kids like us even not knowing a thing about bloat could see that there was an emergency before us. We got my friend's mom to call the vet out and meanwhile he said to get her up and keep her moving. He got there pretty fast and down her throat with the tube. But her gut was so twisted he couldn't get the tube down. Poor Suzie was so scared and we were so scared and knew she was in horrible pain. But unfortunately it was too late to save her, and she was in so much pain that the vet had to put her down right there. My friend and I took off running because we were way too young to see that. I am sick to my stomach even thinking about it now. It is a serious and fast problem. We never really knew what caused it for Suzie, but the vet suspected she has been rolling around after drinking some water, and the stomach turned over trapping gases in there, leading her to become completely bloated.
I have deep sympathy for anyone who has had to experience this with any of their animals, it affected me so deeply even though it wasn't my pony that it happened to. I'm glad everyone is sharing information and that website posted by Oreo's dad is something we should all read.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: dog fights ???????????
« on: June 19, 2005, 11:45:46 am »
I agree with everyone about dogs testing each other to see how far they can get. Just yesterday, Zoot (4 years old) bit a hole right through Nigel's (4 months old) ear over a freakin rawhide and there was blood everywhere. An hour later Zoot attacked again over a piece of kibble. Until then they had seemed like best pals, and today they are back to being best pals. My theory is that Zoot realizes Nigel is going to be bigger than him and wants to establish his status as top dog before Nigel gets any bigger. Also they are both males and Zoot is very jealous for my attention. Don't get me wrong, I was in tears after both of those fights, but I don't think it's going to be a recurring problem. I think when there's a new dog or puppy in the household there will be trials of the pecking order. It's a dog thing, I guess.
Good luck with your poochies!

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: help- enlarged lymph node!
« on: June 18, 2005, 01:28:36 pm »
Well, I think I figured out my own problem, but for future reference, here's what I learned: lymph nodes will swell when there is a wound or injury and the body is fighting off an infection. I figured out that the lymph node on my pup's hind leg was swollen because he got one of his toenails (from that same hind leg) caught up on something a week or so ago and was bleeding. Right between pad and nail was torn, and darn near impossible to keep clean, so he must have gotten something in the wound that got it infected. It looks like his little immune system is working things out and the lymph from that area is draining. It all makes sense now and I am no longer afraid that my dog has a tumor. (Whew). I'm going to find out if he needs any antibiotics or anything just to be safe.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: help- enlarged lymph node!
« on: June 17, 2005, 10:41:24 pm »
Well, not to be too disgusting, but to describe the lump, I'd have to say it is pretty soft and squishy, I don't want to squeeze it too hard or anything, but it moves around pretty easily. And the weirdest thing is that there's one in the same place on his other hind leg which is what made me think it could be the lymph node. But the other one is much much smaller and hardly noticable. I just noticed this whole business for the first time today, and it was really pure chance since his fur was wet right there I happened to stroke down the back of his leg. I think the equivalent spot on a human would be the very back of the knee. It seemes like soft tissue, not attached to any bone or anything.
Maybe I should take his temp and find out if he's running a fever, which I think is another sign of infection. I can't believe I didn't think of that earlier. I guess since he seems so healthy (and hyper I might add) it makes it hard to imagine that he could be sick.
Thanks for your help and concern. I'll update as soon as I know more.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / help- enlarged lymph node!
« on: June 17, 2005, 07:49:47 pm »
I was petting my 3 1/2 month old puppy today and noticed what seemed to be a lump in the back of his hind leg. It occured to me that it might be a lymph node, so I did some research and found that there is a lymph node on the back of the "knee" called the popliteal lymph node. On my pup, it is pretty big, like the size of a grape I'd say. Significantly larger than the one on the other leg. Does anyone know what could cause this? All I have been able to find on the internet is that it could be due to an infection in the hind leg. But my pup has no visible injuries and he's feeling great and looks great. I am worried, I don't know how easy it will be to get an appointment with a vet this weekend... any suggestions from anyone???

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