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Messages - specialkdanemom

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Which Portland?  I live just 20 minutes west of Portland, OR and could help with fostering until you pick up... I have deaf danes. ;D
That would be awesome.  I spoke with the owner today.  He is 8 mos old and weighs 112lbs.  he is a big boy.  He is good with kids, dogs, cats etc.  She was the breeder for his litter and had to take him back after the couple started going through a divorce.  He spent to much time in a too small crate and had a bald spot on his back.  He also was given puppy chow and when the breeder got him back his joints were swollen and tender.  The vet told her that she got him back in time andhe didn't think there would be any long term damage to his joints.  He just got neutered. Oh and the breeder is due to have her baby on Dec 9th and would like to have a home for him before then.  She has someone coming to look at him tomorrow - if it doesn't go well then she will call me and we will make arrangements.  I plan on going up in the next couple of weeks to settle some business in Long Beach (it's where my Grandmother's house is).  So if she lets me have him then if you could foster him that would be awesome.

No problem.  Let me know how it goes and we'll PM the arrangements, etc.  ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D

I want him - isn't he cute.  I found him on craigs list he is in Portland.  I actually happen to be going up there in a couple of weeks on family business.  He is a cutie - and deaf

Which Portland?  I live just 20 minutes west of Portland, OR and could help with fostering until you pick up... I have deaf danes. ;D

I also had a couple incidents with Appollos.  He was a lover and he never got upset at anyone except for two times. 
Once was at the vet... a man had come in, talked to the receptionist and sat down.  Appollos watched him and his hackles went up and started growling after the man sat down.
The other time was on a trip to the Grand Canyon.  He did close to the same thing... hackles, growling and then barking.  There were dozens of people walking by with no problem, but he did not like this man for some reason.
Both times, these men appeared to be upset (you could see it in their faces/body ) or was upset prior to us seeing them.  I believe that Appollos (he was deaf) could smell the odor (can't remember the correct word) that these men were putting off when they were angry or ??. 
Just very similar to the kid thing only in regards to my deaf dane and his hightened sense of smell.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: My big Boys
« on: November 19, 2006, 08:29:24 am »
Welcome!  This is a great place.  I am queen to princess Sera (GD) and her clan, Mika (GD) and Shasta (Lab X).  Would like to see some pics soon. 

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Grace Thanksgiving (p)up-date
« on: November 19, 2006, 08:25:21 am »
Wow!  Comparing the pics (your dogs sitting next to each other...she has grown soooo much!  Beautiful, too!!  Happy Thanksgiving. :)

Bullmastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Christmas came early for hubby...
« on: November 19, 2006, 02:41:48 am »
Adorable!  All these puppies... I wish I was able to squeeze in another.

I have had this happen with two other dogs.  When I was in Jr. High, we had a GS that was wonderful.  My neighbor and I always took our dogs (her's a collie X) and played in their orchard and up & down the gravel road (we would take them about a mile up the road and tie them to an old motorcycle w/o and engine and tell them to "go home"... what a ride).  This road passed between our properties and lead to other houses.  One day we were hanging out in the orchard w/ the dogs (they never bothered anyone riding or walking by) and one of our neighbors, about our age, came home from school and had to walk up the gravel road to his house.  When Starsky (GS) saw him, he stopped what he was doing and ran straight for him.  The kid started running, but obviously not fast enough... he had no recall, he was on a mission... he caught up with him and bit him in the back of the leg, near the butt, then he stopped and came back... mission accomplished.  Well, when his parents called we made sure to let him know that we've seen him throw sticks and things at Starsky through the fence (borders the gravel road), when they asked him he admitted it.  He obviously did this quite often and I believe that Starsky saw his chance to get the little creep back and did that and nothing more.
I've had Dobies before and love them to death.  My last one was one that I got from Animal Control about three years ago.  We had him about a year before we sadly gave him up to rescue, because of our neighbor's kids (5&6yrs, that were never supervised, always ran the neighborhood).  Any time he heard their voices he went bezerk.  If they came to the door to get our kids, he wanted to attack.  It got to the point that for his safty and the kids (never bothered any other kids) we sent him to rescue, so they could find him another home away from the 2 monsters.  We couldn't deal with what would happen if he got his revenge.  And yes, we found out that they had a habit of teasing him through the fence when we let the dogs out to potty or run & play.  Our dogs stay in the house 95% of the time and never outside when we're not home. 
Sorry, this is sooo long, but just want to let you know that I would take the side of my dog any day when he decides someone's not worth having around.... there's usually a reason and they haven't been wrong yet.  They are all individuals and deal with it differently, as you described w/Heidi.  Sorry, again for the length.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: There is a dead bird in my freezer
« on: November 08, 2006, 03:14:56 pm »
This thread is morbidly good...  I thought my freezer had some bad things.  Reading this thread + having a beer = spillage from mouth.  Thanks everyone... HAHAHAHA!!

Holiday Things / Re: hate to be dumb but..........
« on: November 05, 2006, 04:34:08 pm »
I've always had a blast w/ it in the past.  Love the Secret Santa... can't find anyone to do it w/ any more. Already getting ideas.  We're getting excited, too!! 

Same here!  I don't receive any notifications that someone has replied to a topic anymore.  I thought it was something I did, cuz they stopped coming to my PM when I changed my pic.  Anyone know the answer??

Oh that would have been such a cool picture.  Is she wearing chaps? 

I love it!

Yes, they're my chaps and coat.  A bit big for her.
...if she only would have worked w/me one more minute, the possiblities.. .hahahahaha!!!!

Great Dane Pictures / This is why we didn't enter the costume contest!
« on: October 30, 2006, 05:56:23 pm »
Just had to share my pathetic attempt.  We tried to enter the costume contest, but Sera was not interested... as you can tell.
Sorry, but it's blurry.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I just bought a house!
« on: October 30, 2006, 07:51:55 am »
Congrats on the house!  Looks lovely and snuggly...I love the comfortable homey feel it has!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Some Really Cool Pumpkins
« on: October 30, 2006, 02:35:03 am »
I'm always amazed at the imagination of pumpkin carvers!  They all look great.

Great Dane Discussions / "I need my Mommy"
« on: October 29, 2006, 05:27:59 pm »
Just wanted to post a couple pics of the dane girls:

1)Mika needed some Mommy time!!

2)Sera loves "her" Princess Pillow... but she still prefers the King bed.

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