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Messages - pndlake

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Jamie, I am very impressed with your knowledge.  Just for everybody to know, Jamie works at a very difficult school in a neighborhood that is known to have very challanged kids, I know because we live in the same area. I am amazed at her patience and insight that she takes along with her.  We need many more good teachers like her.  By the way, Jamie, is your principal a lady who is tall and slender with grey hair?  If so,   she was picked for that murder trial that I ended up not even getting my name called.  No big deal, I never win the lottery either.  Just curious. 

Good luck Gyps, I have paid my dues (kid wise) and they never knew about ADHS in those days.  I am glad to see you are getting such good advice.  We also need more caring parents like you.


Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: Hermes has gone to the Bridge
« on: August 28, 2005, 11:10:20 am »
Most of us know the pain you are going through.  I think it is wonderful that your vet came out.   We had the same problem once and the dog was so old and never knew another place so I did not want her to go to the bridge in a strange place, so our vet came out also.  Very compassionate.  I feel your loss.


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Therapy Dog Test
« on: August 27, 2005, 04:15:57 pm »
Yipee!!!! Niki passed her TDI test with flying colors and was first in her class.  She was perfect and even impressed all the others, of course, she is a BPO Dog so what else could you expect?  Now we need the vet form, a new cape and off to work.  A great new project.

 I would love to get involved with the group that takes problem dogs to prisons for the prisoners to keep and make more adoptable so they do not have to be euthanized.  I don't think it is done in California but would be so cool.  I would like to try for a women's prison.  I know its called prison tails and I will research it.  Anybody know of it?

Also found out that we need three people (not dogs) to start a local chapter, so we will work on it.  Thanks for your support.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Hello Dog People........
« on: August 26, 2005, 09:57:02 pm »
I like the avatar, very clever, I had to study it for a few moments :o



Wow he is a beaut.  He looks very intelligent, you can tell in the eyes.  But he is only 11 months old.  Still a pup and still has a lot to learn.  I believe with time and working hard he will get the order correct.  It will depend on how your wife feels about it and what type of a relationship she desires with Sam as well as your son.  I believe your whole family will work it out.  Good Luck.


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Messed up story
« on: August 26, 2005, 04:54:55 pm »
very much food for thought from all of you. thanks

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Amazing
« on: August 26, 2005, 03:35:25 pm »
I remember those whistles they were selling that supposedly dogs could hear and humans could not.  Has anybody ever tried those?  Did they work?

John, I can truly picture the Clovis Police coming out on that call.  The Sheriff or even Fresno PD would laugh it off - only Clovis would issue a warning ticket.  Oh well guess that makes them feel good.

Anyway neighbor, we live between Sanger and Clovis and are planning a BBQ, hope you can make it.


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Amazing
« on: August 26, 2005, 01:58:46 pm »
The other day, I was relaxing on my patio (I do that a lot lately) and I heard lots of neighborhood dogs howling slowly.  I knew instinctively that there must be a fire or police siren nearby but I could not hear it at all.  Now, I live in the country so here when a siren comes along we all look around at the scenery to check out whats going on.  We have even been known to chase a fire truck or two to find out who's house is on fire.  Well, I waited and waited but no siren.  It was what seemed a huge amount of time before I finally heard the siren and the dogs had howled almost five minutes before this lowly human heard it.  Amazing how much their senses are superior to ours.  No wonder they are our best friends.  Anybody else notice this?


Don't know who these California friends are.  Californian's are weird except for me, Jabear and Nickers and any other BPO here in the "golden state".  We get the name "golden state" because of our brown dry grass all over the hills this time of year.  Anyway, I am sure they live in grass houses so they better watch where they throw fireballs.  Just let them put a notch in their gun because their day is comming, guaranteed.


Treatment & Preventative Meds / Re: ? About Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas
« on: August 26, 2005, 12:17:30 pm »
Isn't that made from volcanic ash?  Just curious.


Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Nice Rottweiler gone bad! Help!
« on: August 24, 2005, 12:41:41 am »
Yup, I have had the same problem with my rotweiller mix dog.  She never has shown any aggression problem and with small children, other dogs and everything - no problem ever.  I agree with mixedupup there is a hunting instinct that shows its viscious face.  When our dog was younger, I taught her that she was not to kill chickens, ducks, or any livestock at all.  She understood that after a few mistakes and for many years we had no problem.  The mistake we made was we let her chase squirells and rabbits in the field while we were there and watching her.   Once in the country, a neighbor had her very little chawawa without a leash running in the field and our dog went for the kill. She thought it was a squirrel.

 The thing is that if you teach a dog to protect your home then watch out for the UPS man or you might get sued.  We were not sued but we paid for the damages to the chawawa who survived.  Even though the dog was not leashed, we felt an obligation.

But I have seen the change in a regularly docile dog, never a problem, always the perfect pet, smiles, licks and all then turn into this monster.  Scarey but way down deep there is this natural hunting instinct that needs to be addressed.  My husband feels I turn them into whooses but I feel it needs to be done for them to survive in our society.  hmm


Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Mastiff newbie intro
« on: August 23, 2005, 11:40:41 pm »
Welcome, new rule on BPO, anything with fur must have a photo posted.  Just kidding, can't wait to see the photos.


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Tied up, I think
« on: August 23, 2005, 11:23:00 pm »
It is not that I really want to get out of it because I know that I can be fair and would do the best I can.  The problem is that this can be so emotional and I know the people on BPO have very strong feelings or they would not be dog lovers like we all are. so you understand how I feel, I think.  What I mean is, how can you make decisions like that and learn to live with it no matter what.  Hard to explain but I know my friends on this board can understand.  We want to hang people like that but we want to be fair too.  No wonder we like dogs better. whew it is easier.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Tied up, I think
« on: August 23, 2005, 10:26:53 pm »
Well, I had jury duty today and did not think much about it.  I got called with a group to wait for a trial and I thought it was gang bangers with robbery or something.  Then they announced it was murder charges.  My heart fell.  Haven't been picked but have to return tomorrow and I might end up on the jury so I'll be out of touch for awhile. I will make Niki's therapy dog test Saturday come h*ll or high water but I might be a little out of touch.  No big deal but I will let you know how it comes out.


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