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Messages - Kelly89084

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Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Any suggestions?
« on: March 02, 2006, 03:56:16 pm »
Thanks for the replies.  You're right about the whole alpha thing.  I've been letting her get away with far too much because I've felt so bad for her being thrown away repeatedly and having fear issues.  She's so quiet and sneaky about it though! ;)  We did work on her yesterday and she did much better last night.  She's improved greatly on her down stay too.  Even hubby has noticed a huge difference and is now willing to consider another doggy addition. :D

Training on hubby is coming along nicely too. :D

Why do they always have to be so far away?   :'(

Meet & Greet BPOers / Is anyone in Las Vegas?
« on: March 02, 2006, 03:48:57 pm »
We would really like to meet other BPOers in the NLV area.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Who is Alpha
« on: March 02, 2006, 03:47:28 pm »
Me!  I just went through a round of "remember your place" with Holly yesterday and she got the idea pretty quick.  She's also much better on the down stay now.   ;)  Even hubby has noticed the diference.  She's not stupid, but she sure is stubborn!

Any updates?

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Any suggestions?
« on: March 01, 2006, 01:53:10 pm »
My dog will not stop stealing food!  She even tries to steal it when we're eating it!  Hubby is losing his patience with this dog and honest6ly so am I.  I can handle most issues but stealing food from my kids is not one of them!my kids have to sit pratically in my lap so they are close enough for me to protect them from the food stealing dog.  We've decided to put her out during dinner time but I can't leave her out all the time so I'd really like to fix this.  I haven't got the first clue how.  She has plenty of food but only seems to like people food, not dog food.  I even switched her to raw meat and while it helped, it didn't completely solve it.  She's the worst when we bring something home.  Does anyone have any ideas of how to fix this so we won't have to lock her out anytime there's food within reach (she'll steal from counters too!)

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: I have dog sickness :(
« on: March 01, 2006, 12:53:16 pm »
I couldn't get to the pound last night but it works out anyway since he's not up for adoption yet.  When I got back home they had updated and said he had to be fixed first.  Works for me!  I've decided that since hubby will know anyway, I'm going to TELL him I'm getting the dog.  It will make everyone's life more easy and something has to be done because HIS dog is driving me nuts with her hyperness (in the house) and pushy clingy need for attention.  Besides, she needs someone to be locked outside with during dinner since I'm no longer willing to pay for HER to eat out.  She ate almost an entire pizza last night.   >:(

Back to the subject.......

It will do all of us some good and perhaps she'd play with someone at the dog park even if it is her own brother or sister.  She needs to be worn out!

Chow Discussions & Pictures / Re: Happy Birthday Tsu!
« on: March 01, 2006, 12:39:04 pm »
Happy Birthday Tsu!!!
[/glow] [/b] [/i] [/size]

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / This makes me so sad and angry!
« on: February 28, 2006, 11:53:41 pm »
I can't believe people like this one!  If she didn't want  them to breed why didn't she get them fixed?!  Now we're going to be killing more good dogs to make room for her "oops!" as they clog up an already overworked animal shelter!   >:(

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: I have dog sickness :(
« on: February 28, 2006, 07:05:24 pm »
PS--I am forever finding another dog to add into our mix, but Dale's moniker is Enuffpaws for a reason, LOL.

That's too funny!  I was thining of changing mine to NeverEnough  lol ;D

Also, i'm thinking of taking a page from the BPO group book and getting it and saying Surprise! to my hubby when he comes home.  After all, he can't say no if it's already done right? :D  Ssshhhh!!!!!!  Don't tell him but I plan to visit there after picking up my son from school to see if he (the GSD) is up for adoption yet.  Assuming my oldest son hasn't been overloaded with homework.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: I have dog sickness :(
« on: February 28, 2006, 05:59:23 pm »
We have this car/dog problem too.  I have a toyota echo and two newfies!  At the moment we all fit in the car (my hubby, two newfies and me) but as Bella grows, uh oh! ::)

HEHEHEHE  Now just add kids.  ;)  We've been waiting for a RAV4 6 cyl with the 3rd row seat for what seems like forever!  Everytime I go to a dealership I get a different answer about when they are coming and it keeps getting pushed back.  If they don't hurry up I'm going to get a pathfinder instead!  gggrrrr.

Sorry, it got away from me.  :-[  Part of hubbies issue with having another dog is that we don't have an suv yet but I'm losing patience with getting one.  Besides, i'm forced to drive my hubby's crappy work car to the dog park because he doesn't want the dog in mine.  It stinks and has no ac.  :P

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: I have dog sickness :(
« on: February 28, 2006, 05:47:47 pm »
Oh, he's beautiful!  I hope he finds a home soon (maybe yours?  :o )  It's so hard not to bring them all home...

I would love to but I'm still trying to find out how to get him home.  I can fit both kids and ONE dog in my car, but not two. :S  If I don't take my Holly I have no way of allowing them to meet on neutral grounds to make sure they get along.  However!  If I take Holly I have to kick one of my kids out of the car.  I don't think either of them would thank me for that.  lol

I love my Holly and don't want her to havge issues with our new dog.  She has a great personality with other dogs but they aren't in her home/yard and I don't want to push my luck.  What to do........ what to do?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: I have dog sickness :(
« on: February 28, 2006, 05:05:36 pm »
Here's a pic of one of the furries I want to take home.

Don't you just want to hug him for hours?!  Plus GSD is one of my alltime FAV breeds!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: I have dog sickness :(
« on: February 28, 2006, 04:38:24 pm »
LOL!!  That is great!  I have always wanted a Newfie (for at least a decade) and now we are getting an AM in April.  I am starting to think that once we bought a house as opposed to renting...what would be the harm in an AM, chow AND Newfie.  Now hubby isn't aware of this until he reads this post...but since you brought up that line of thinking it sounds like a plan to me too! 

I just LOVE looking at your furbaby!  I've never seen one that color before.  So cute!  As for the additions, I say go for it!  I'll live through the rest of you if I can't have more of my own.  lol

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: I have dog sickness :(
« on: February 28, 2006, 04:35:46 pm »
Hi Kelly,

There is nothing wrong with you at all, rest assured that as a member of BPO you are certifiably Sane, In fact I have just mentioned your case to Bell and Hovis, Bell advises me that as a human you should give in to your desires immediately. She reccomends a theraputic course of internet shopping for Couches and dog treats to help alleviate the "No Dog Stress", you are feeling at present. Followed by some serious dog aquisition. Hovis, when I managed to get her away from her dinner readily agreed with Bells diagnosis and treatment but did point out your Avatar and felt slighted and upset that you couldn't be a proper dog lover because you didn't have a Newf. Hovis also mentioned something about "Give him h*ll till you get your way" something both Bell and Hovis are very good at. I hope this helps.


Andy, Bell & Hovis

Nothing personal Hovis, I love the big furries best (don't tell my nearly hairless dog though :D).  However, I'm not allowed to have a hairy dog.  Hubby said because of the heat here (we live in las vegas) that it's not fair to them to have any.  Plus he's not a fan of hairy dogs.  lol  Maybe if I can convince him to move sometime in the next few years we'll add a furball to the family. :)

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