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Messages - pndlake

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16] 17 18 ... 33
Medical Conditions & Diseases / Cloning
« on: August 03, 2005, 07:21:28 pm »
Oh no now they are cloning dogs.  In the news today.   :o

We are trying to help these big guys get placed and they will be cloning them faster than we can neuter or spay them.  This is a crazy world, is it not?  :-\

nanny nanny woo woo, I'm a senior.  Oh that is not something to be proud of is it? Must be a senior moment - no more pms.

Hi girls, I am back from work now.  I can make some of these calls, let me know what needs to be done.


Well, Valley Animal Center does cats only.  I told her about the Dane and she referred me to Gentle Giants - OMG - in southern Calif.  When I inquired on their reputability she just said, well no charges have been filed yet.  The other number is ARF and they state they are full.  I have to go to work soon so will check back probably after 5pm.


I just called ARF of Fresno and no luck, they are full.  Will try the other numbers now.


Oh, now I see he is only 60 lbs.  That is not too bad.

I can help transport.  I would be happy to foster but we are going on vacation on Aug. 16th and again in October.  After our October trip, I will be looking for a pup, maybe rescue.  I have the room (acreage) to foster but I am not sure my fencing is good enough for such a large dog.  Actually once our vacations are over, I would love to foster. hmmm  Let me know what I can do.


I'm about 2 hrs away, can I help?


Well, they agreed to let a 200 lb. pig on an airplane just because the passenger said it was a helper pig. (big calamity ensued) So if you trained your dog to help and you are courteous and have him on a leash - then whats the difference?  Some laws were made to be broken.  No dogs on beach between 9 and 5.  Service dogs ok.  Guess they don't poop if they are a service dog.  ;)


Great Dane Pictures / Re: Introducing Lucy.........................
« on: August 01, 2005, 10:35:52 pm »
Thanks everybody for sharing the stories.  And welcome Lucy and dad, great shots.  Makes my day a little brighter reading about all this.


Great Dane Pictures / Re: ok I'm trying to post pics..
« on: August 01, 2005, 10:24:04 pm »
What a great bunch of big boys, you must be very proud, you should be.


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Nicki is moving to Fresno!
« on: August 01, 2005, 09:14:53 pm »
Yeh nicki it is hot here in Fresno.  Just got back from the coast at Half Moon Bay, was there all weekend and it was 70 degrees and sunny at the beach.  Don't despair weather say it will rain Wednesday and be 101. Oh well, it will break soon.  Welcome to Fresno.


Some, like Czar, just amaze me.  What a friend indeed he is.  Big Hug.


When Niki worked in our video stores delivering movies we were breaking all the rules because in California you are not supposed to have an animal in a store if you sell food.  Even though all of our food was pre-packaged we still were not supposed to do it.  Nobody said anything.  I snuck her into a mal and she was entertaining kids by cleaning up trash and a big fat security guard said "Is she one of those dogs, where is her cape?"  I said "yes but I left the cape at home".  She really has a cape that says Niki, Customer Service, so I am going to put it on her and walk all over mals for fun.  Can't Wait.  I LOVE skirting laws.  Help me with more law-breaking ideas. 


Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: omg...
« on: July 30, 2005, 02:11:08 pm »
Hah - we ALL knew he would come around.  Two steps forward and one step back.  :D


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